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Everything posted by GRIFT

  2. I can't believe more people haven't heard this. I had it on a play list at work tonight, and all the customers loved it. When I told them how long he had been doing it they didn't believe me.
  3. A couple of Beatles songs that might be good: *When I am Sixty Four *Yellow Submarine Some other tunes: *Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash (bonus points for using Social Distortion's version) *Alison by Elvis Costello *Santeria by Sublime *Siberian Kiss by Glassjaw
  4. If you are a college student you can go to Ruckus.com and download all the music that you want. All you need is a college email address and it is totally legal. The downer is that the files can only be listened to in the ruckus player on your computer... so no importing to Itunes, or onto an Ipod. Still, it is free music and a good way to get a first listen of a band before jumping into the record store (or Itunes) to buy their stuff.
  5. GRIFT

    Fun Songs

    More More More by Andrea True, and Copa Cabana by The Manilow~! THAT THERE IS SOME STRUTTIN' MUSIC.
  6. If we are talking Acoustic, I have to mention Stream by Tim Reynolds or Keith Don't Go by Nils Lofgren. Electric leads me back to Lofgren... maybe Message for the harder stuff, and Putting Out Fires for pure funk... Black Books is big for me on the ballad side of things. Too bad nobody really knows who the fuck Nils is, or what he is capable of outside of very veracious Crazy Horse and E street fans.
  7. More More More - Andrea True... I shit you not.
  8. 'Siberian Kiss' or 'Love Bites and Razor Lines' by Glassjaw... Oh, and Dead Wrong by Biggie Smalls... the remix.
  9. GRIFT

    RIP James Brown

    As saddened by this as I am, I do have to admit I am shocked he made it to 73.
  10. Has anyone heard Live's rock cover of Walk the Line? It is pretty fucking stellar.
  11. If you check out Guy Clark I recommend Dublin Blues... for my money, it is his best album start to finish. Oh, as far as Kris Kristofferson goes I have to say his version of Sunday Morning Coming Down (which he wrote while living in a run-down tenement in Nashville when he was working as a janitor for Columbia Records. He was told if he was caught pitching songs to any artists he would be fired. He delivered this song personally to Johnny Cash after landing his National Guard helicopter in Cash's front yard. This song was #1 on the Country charts for 2 weeks in September 1970)
  12. I cannot stress this enough, LISTEN to Townes Van Zandt.
  13. Alright essentially, let me know what is setting your entertainment world on fire right now? I've laid down 4 categories... and yeah, the last one is questionable but damnit that is how I entertain myself. The things that are rocking my world ... Music: The new Tom Waits album is amazing and offers a unique cross section of the diverse artists styles. There are few musicians working today who could release a 3 disc album with a total of 56 songs, 30 of which are all new material, but even fewer could do so without any 'filler' songs. The album, Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards, is aptly named as it will knock you on your ass, play to your sorrows, and pull at your bitter heart. TV: We just got digital-cable at the apartment, but I find myself spending more time downloading My Name is Earl episodes from allfg.org than I do riding couch and flipping through channels. I've always loved Jason Lee, and he is hitting the ball out of the park as the lovable Earl. Books: Sadly I haven't much time to read lately, but when I have a moment alone I've been giving The Paper Men by William Golding another look. I will admit that I have a major literary chubby for Golding's work but his skill in this novel is undeniable. The two main characters in this book are each so very detestable that I often find myself begging for terrible things to happen to all of them. Read it people. Read it. It might have the greatest last line of all time. Booze: Whiskey and Moxie. Don't doubt it, just try it. The initial bit of whiskey is hidden by the Moxie and the after-bite of Moxie (which I love) is hidden by the whiskey. The result is fucking undeniable.
  14. Someday ROC should compile all of the top 50's, taking each woman's average for how she appears on the list to create an overall standing.
  15. William Golding. All of his work is brilliant.
  16. Downey is really the perfect pick here, and I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it prior to it being announced. What also excites me is John Favereau in the director's chair... I like that Marvel is really pulling all the stops for there first independantly produced film.
  17. Ben Folds Brand New Deftones Nirvana Pearl Jam Alice In Chains Coheed And Cambria Bruce Springsteen Townes Van Zandt Bob Dylan Black Flagg Bad Religion Johnny Cash Notorious BIG Say Anything Smashiing Pumpkins Sublime Thursday Any list that has Biggie following up Cash > You
  18. Only on EWB could the Foo Fighters be considered a better band than Nirvana.
  19. Flying Shoes by Townes Van Zandt. Period.
  20. I've been youtubing the hell out of that show for the past few days, and I just want to say how much ass it kicks. It manages to cram in so much character development, and gritty action into a twenty minute time span. It is amazingly close to the comics on most of the origins, and manages complex story arcs brilliantly. I loved the show when I was a kid, and I am appreciate it all the much more now. Between the heartpulling episode about Mr. Freeze, the brilliant decline of Harvey Dent into Two Face, and the sheer badass that is Killer Crock throwing rocks is deserves a thread of praise.
  21. Every so often an album will come along at just the right time in your life to knock you flat on your ass, and make you do a complete 180. I remember the first time I heard Tool and thinking to myself, 'If my mother caught me listening to this she'd kill me.' I remember the first time I heard Pearl Jam's Ten, Bob Dylan's Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, and Townes Van Zandt's Flying Shoes like it was just yesterday. They excited my mind and motivated me to ask questions, and not to take things through the rose colored glasses that many people attempt to lull our youth with. But what albums had a big impact on you EWB?
  22. The Hoff should be a motivational speaker.
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