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Everything posted by GRIFT

  1. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't think he was already long gone, but he was one hell of a performer.
  2. Ebolarama is one of the coolest song names of all time.
  3. Why does everyone have a torture rack?
  4. GRIFT

    Sadly someone removed my avatar... but hey, that leaves room for more Townes Van Love.

  5. Anything by or featuring Fiest.
  6. George Harrison is my number one. I listen to side one of my vinyl copy of All Things Must Pass in its entirety at least twice a week. The whole album is a knock out and by far Harrison's best work. Even statistically it is the most successful post-Beatles, as it went 6x Platinum making it the best selling album by a solo Beatle.
  7. I just got caught up on this season last night and I've been loving it. I'm glad that we are seeing more U-Turn and Marvin, but moreover Mathew Modine in something that doesn't have Hallmark in the title.
  8. All My Friends by OLP... The Hole by Townes Van Zandt...
  9. So many good ones have already been named, but one of my all time quotable movies has been totally looked over. The whole damn movie is gold. Tombstone: Wyatt Earp: You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed? Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does? Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it. Wyatt Earp: What does he want? Doc Holliday: Revenge. Wyatt Earp: For what? Doc Holliday: Bein' born. Doc Holliday: Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself. Doc Holliday: It's true, you are a good woman. Then again, you may be the antichrist. Kate: I've been good to you, I've taken care of you. If you die, where does that leave me? Doc Holliday: Without a meal ticket I suppose. [Doc rides horse out of barn into stable area, Kate runs out after him punching him in anger] Kate: You bastard! Doc Holliday: Why Kate, have you no kind words for me as I ride away? [pause] Doc Holliday: I calculate not. [rides off] Wyatt Earp: From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me! Turkey Creek Jack Johnson: Nobody move! Doc Holliday: Nonsense. By all means, move. [while watching a play in which Faust sells his soul to the Devil] Curly Bill: You know what I'd do? I'd take that deal 'n' crawfish, then drill that ol' Devil in the ass. What about you Johnny, what would you do? Johnny Ringo: I already did it. Doc Holliday: [after killing Johnny Ringo] It would appear that the strain was more than he could bear. Doc Holliday: [to Johnny Ringo, after shooting him in a duel] You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all. Poor soul, you were just too high strung. Sherman McMasters: Why you doin' this, Doc? Doc Holliday: Because Wyatt Earp is my friend. Sherman McMasters: Friend? Hell, I got lots of friends. Doc Holliday: ...I don't. Doc Holliday: You must be Ringo. [to Big Nose Kate] Doc Holliday: Look, darlin', it's Johnny Ringo. Deadliest pistolier since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darlin', should I hate him? Billy Clanton: Why, it's the drunk piano player. You're so drunk, you can't hit nothin'. In fact, you're probably seeing double. [billy Clanton draws a knife] Doc Holliday: [takes out a second gun] I have two guns, one for each of ya.
  10. GRIFT

    Bad Covers...

    Red Hot Chili Peppers murdered Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues.
  11. GRIFT

    New Coheed song.

    This seems like it could be the single for the album, and with Coheed the first single is almost always total shite. This isn't totally bad, but I expect the rest of the album to be leaps and bounds better. Coheed has had one of the best maturation rates of any band in recent memory and even with the loss of key band members I can't see that slowing down.
  12. The River by Bruce Springsteen- 'Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?' Marie by Townes Van Zandt We'll Meet Again by Johnny Cash - His rendition, especially so close to his death was heart wrenching. You Can Never Hold Back Spring by Tom Waits... there is just something about this song that really tugs at me.
  13. Immortal Technique, particularly off Revolutionary Volume 2...
  14. Weeds is excellent, and proves once and for all that if you let Kevin Nealon be Kevin Nealon hilarity is bound to ensue. His dynamic with Andy alone is worth the price of admission. I've also been watching alot of Curb Your Enthusiasm lately. I watched all of season two while sick in bed Monday. Warning: Watching that much Curb will make you more like Larry David, and therefore a shittier human being. I also have the first season of Rescue Me coming in my next delivery from Netflix.
  15. The Emperor's New Groove was largely watchable. Actually it was just about the funniest thing David Spade has done since Chris Farley died. Even though they weren't Disney, but they were much to the same tune the Americal Tail movies were great. Fievel> All.
  16. My girlfriend's dad is paying for me to go to Tool with her little brother in July. Free Tickets to Tool>* I am also going to see Ween on June 10th whilst using copious amounts of mind altering drugs.
  17. 9/10 Without a doubt the best unsigned and largely unknown performer out there today. The album can be listened to start to finish over and over again. Moses draws deeply on the roots of american music and, in doing so, weaves tales of love, death, and murder with stunning lyricism and melodic fingerstyle guitar playing. If you like Townes Van Zandt, Tom Waits, David Van Ronk, or early Bob Dylan... Check this out.
  18. 1. Motorhead 2. Rob Zombie 3. Pantera... Metallica had a place on this list for years, but there latter day sins have really blown them off the chart.
  19. Sir you are a heathen. That's a good cover.
  20. Red Hot Chili Peppers covering Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues is the worst song in the history of music.
  21. Check out the whole I am Sam soundtrack... alot of the songs suggested so far a from that. Our Lady Peace does a great version of Dear Prudence and an even better version of Tomorrow Never Knows... I don't know if it counts, but they also do a good cover of Lennon's Imagine.
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