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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. I've tried to find Heavy Rain on multiple occasions, but no where close to me has new or used copies of the game. I'll probably order it online one of these days.
  2. Is the story really good? I don't want to get into another Fallout 3 case where the story was such a huge let down.
  3. Great albums Grimes - Vision John Talabot - ƒin Perfume Genius - Put Ur Back In 2 It The 2 Bears - Be Strong Good albums Blondes - Blondes Ital - Hive Mind Scuba - Personality OK albums Lazerhawk - Visions Lindstrøm - Six Cups of Rebel Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror Have yet to hear anything that's really horrendous so far. General, is the Pepe Deluxe worth downloading? Saw a few great reviews of it, and was meaning to check it out. Also, the Mars Volta are still around?
  4. I tried Uncharted 1 a while back and didn't love it. I'll probably play it again eventually, it just never hooked me. Red Dead Redemption is a safe bet. Any negatives about the game?
  5. Need advice on new games. I just finished Fallout 3 and was not impressed. The open world was great, however, the story was absolute shit and the ending was bad. Previous games played include Borderland (loved), Resident Evil 5 (disliked), Grand Theft Auto 4 (good), Dead Rising 2 (good). Open minded on games, but I'm looking for something with a great story. Fallout 3 really left a lot to be desired in that department. Recommendations?
  6. The interviews with Matt give some insight Colton was aligned with the young guys, but when he found the idol, decided to side with the misfits. Matt actually had very high praise for Colton and described him as "underrated" and the biggest threat out there. Matt was basically targeted from day #1 and there was never a chance that Bill was going home, but Matt was working with Troyzan and Jonas in the days leading up to his tribal to get rid of Bill instead of him. Leif and Tarzan are "wishy-washy" and Jonas and Troy are very close and seem to be holding a lot of the cards in their tribe. Bill he described as a floater and unreliable and was the fourth person in the young dude's alliance. Was pretty quiet on Mike and Jay. Kim, Sabrina and Chelsea are the clearly decision makers on the woman's tribe, with Kat and Alicia as secondary in the alliance. So basically, the men's tribe is Jonas and Troyzan seem to be at the top, Leif/Tarzan are aligned with them but seen as wishy-washy, Colton is working all sides, seems to be leaning towards the misfits but he wants to make big moves, Jay and Mike are aligned but seem to have no allies other than Bill, who is a floater and seems to be off by himself. I think the next few episodes could be interesting, especially with prospects of swap. My guess is that Bill is probably next on the chopping block. EDIT: Hypothetical hierarchy of people with power on both tribes: Jonas & Troyzan at the top. (closely aligned, young guys trying to work with) Colton beneath them (immunity idol, in with misfits, great relations with the girls) Tarzan & Lief (in with misfits, but seen as wishy washy) Jay (higher than Mike because of his involvement in the strategy discussion down at the beach probably makes him closer to the misfits) Mike (aligned with Jay and vaguely aligned with Bill, but has had no interaction with the misfits really) Bill (was a target and seen as a floater) Sabrina (the leader and clearly part of the power structure) Kim and Chelsea (part of power structure, but not designated as tribe leaders... Sabrina was) Alicia (in with power structure) Kat (in with power structure, but seen as a challenge liability) Monica (not much developed on her, just know she is not with the young chicks) Christina (in a horrible position - not in with the majority and disliked by members, particularly Alicia. A positive is that she seems to have a good working relationship with the men)
  7. It's kinda sad that Survivor has become a bit of a revolving door and that it can become a career for people. Russell, Jane, Cochran are three people who come to mind that came across like they were playing for a 2nd season, rather than the season they were on.
  8. What a shit show of a third episode. Glad the women are rebounding. I generally seem to like all the women left so far, while I'm hoping a few of the men get sent home soon. Colton is stupid for getting too friendly to the women. But you know what is also really stupid? Alienating the women and treating them like shit. This whole being petty over embers and canoes is dumb. They really should work together, because Lord knows a swap is coming soon and they are going to merge at some point. Why was Bill the puzzle solver? Bill has come across like a frat dude. Why not Matt or Michael, who seem to have a better head on their shoulder? Nevertheless, stupid move, in my opinion. The mens tribe is full of irritating people. I completely understand why Colton wants Bill gone - he's annoying as all fuck. Him seeming to push Colton and get in his face next week just makes me dislike him more - it's a game, get over it and don't try and use physicality to threaten somebody. I like Jay - he seems to be smart, adaptable and seems to have the best connection with the older guys. I think he'll last the longest out of the frat boy alliance. Michael has faded into the background, but he was an idiot the first few episodes so I don't think he's magically become very intelligent. Tarzan seems to be in a power position, but I don't really know how much power he holds. Jonas... meh. I actually like Troyzan; we've seen a lot of interaction he has had with everybody and it's all been genuinely good interaction. Out of the men's tribe, I'm enjoying Jay, Troyzan and Colton. Colton is clearly playing for a role on a returning season and to be a memorable character, rather than a winner. Matt was clearly the right person to go home.
  9. That Grimes album is amazing.
  10. maybe there is a huge difference between the UK and north america, but the majority of those artists are very far from current.
  11. because nothing says current like snoop dogg, avril lavigne, britney spears, 50 cent, ms. dynamite, sean paul, black eyed peas, gym class heroes, akon, christina aguilera... etc, so forth...
  12. Well, look at the last three years and see what probably got have cut if it wasn't for the added 5 pictures. 2009: Up, A Serious Man, District 9, An Education are probably the safest bets to be excluded. I'd also probably think the Blind Side would be excluded. 2010: Toy Story 3, Winter's Bone, 127 Hours, The Kid's Are Alright probably would not have been nominated; I think those are probably the safer bets. My guess is that Inception probably would have been the other film left off, but it's arguable. 2011: War Horse, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Tree of Life, Midnight in Paris, I would say would be good bets to knock off. War Horse received a ton of noms in the technical categories, but I doubt it would get nominated for best picture. I think that generally, opening up to 5 more pictures lets more lesser seen movies in, like a Serious Man, An Education, Winter's Bone, Tree of Life... but I think it also probably led to animated movies (Up and Toy Story) and bigger budget films to sneak in (Inception, War Horse).
  13. Madonna, Azealia Banks, Gwen Stefani, Shakira, Kelis, Annie, Lily Allen... What tier? (we could be here all day) EDIT: Also, Bearforce1:
  14. And bummers know pop. I was going to initially reply "this is what happens when you have a straight person rank pop music" but I thought I'd leave the door open for someone else to make the joke.
  15. you are missing beyonce. what tier?
  16. Adele overrated? I don't agree. Overexposed, over purchased and overplayed, yeah. But barely any publications, besides the ones now filled with out-of-touch 50 year old white dudes (Grammys, Rolling Stone), are over-praising Adele albums. If we're talking live performances, I think that boils down to the fact Adele is focusing on the live music (which the music press loves) and everybody else is throwing on crazy costumes and coming up with elaborate visual stories for their performances (which is SOOOOOOOOOOO 2008, guys! )
  17. Dirty Love was the Jenny McCarthy movie that, I believe, had her bathing in a pool of her menstrual blood.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Raspberry_Award_for_Worst_Picture The last twenty years have purely been about choosing movies with wide releases that received a lot of attention in the press. A lot of those movies are bad, but they are not the worst movies that have been released in those years.
  19. The Razzies have always been similar to the Oscars in that it's not choosing the best/worst movie of the year, but the worst movies that got wide release and a lot of press attention. There are lots of worst movies out there than Transformers obviously, but none got the press and attention that Transformers gets.
  20. yeah, i'm with metalman. i think it's a good second disc. i wish they had cooled back the production values a bit and turned the volume up, but otherwise i enjoy it.
  21. http://blogs.1077theend.com/endmusicdiscovery/2012/02/23/end-music-discovery-gorillaz-james-murphy-andre-3000-do-ya-thing-13-minute-version/ Apparently the 4 minute version released earlier this week was just a tease for a full 13 minute version, which has about 7 minutes of Andre 3000 bragging about how he is the shit.
  22. I don't really buy the Colton would go out first and because he had no allies edit from the last two shows. As he said to Jonas and Troyzan at the fire, he was going to have to play it up to the young guys that he was still with them. Still indicating that he was already in an alliance with the young dudes prior to the revelation of the idol at the camp fire. We didn't see it during the show, but I'm assuming there is a lot to the men than 4 young, 4 old and 1 girly boy who was obviously going to go home. Its just hard to know the power structure/dynamic of the men tribe because we are too focused on the girls, who had to go twice in a row. Using the idol serves to rally the old geezers to take out the young, because to an extent, it means he gets to call the shots.
  23. I'm really digging that Gorillaz/Andre 3000/Murphy track. Just flat out fun, energetic and all the styles come together. It's not "ohmygodepic", but it's fun and a bit understated.
  24. Good second episode. A lot of focus on Colton and the women's tribe falling apart. Two things stood out 1) Colton's edit is a bit ... strange. They made a big show about him always being on the woman's camp and alienating himself from the men, but at the camp fire he said "I've got to make the younger guys think I'm still with them". What? He's made an alliance with the younger dudes? I don't think they've showed any strategic going-ons with the men outside the four hunks saying they are running the show. It seems like Colton is just trying to put himself into as many alliances as possible at this point, which is probably good for the next 3-4 votes but I think he's in jeopardy of being knocked out around the merge. He's gotta commit to one group and than venture outwards, not commit to every group and than pick which one he wants to stick with. 2) The women made a horrible decision. Even if the 5 want to stay strong, it's a stupid move to take out Nina who hasn't done anything reprehensible. Christina did screw up in balance beam challenge, clearly crossed Alicia and seems overly eager to get in with the guys. If I were the 5 girls, I would have taken her out first. Sabrina, Kim and Chelsea actually seem to be very smart, rational women; I'm actually really confused as to how they became aligned with Kat and Alicia, who seem to be functionally brain dead. I'm enjoying the season. The women need to get their shit in order ASAP. I still think Kim (and I guess now Chelsea, as they are aligned) are in a really good position. They are young, smart and attractive women - in women vs. men seasons, the young and attractive women seem to have a much easier time persuading the men to make very bad decisions.
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