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Everything posted by OGpistolpete

  1. In the PS2 version of 2K10, Kevin Durant is 17 years old. This is fucking awesome.
  2. Wait, Quinn isn't good because it was against the Lions defense, but Stafford is amazing even though he played the Browns defense?
  3. I played this game for the first time yesterday at this chick's apartment. We smoked a lot of weed mind you, but I really think this game is pretty fucked up. I'm not talking about the gameplay, but just how all these little kids are playing as soldiers that seem like they on fucking speed all the time, sprinting their asses around the map and just blowing everyone's head off as fast as they can, showing no fear of death because, don't worry, they'll just respawn. It's like they are just training everyone how to become the ultimate soldier. But then again, maybe I was paranoid as shit. As for the gameplay, I didn't like the way the maps are so contrasted in color. I think it's harder to see enemies, but perhaps it was just the girl's settings on the XBOX.
  4. Well I haven't played my PSP for years because I think it was the biggest waste of money I have ever spent, but I would definitely suggest skipping Dynasty Warriors. It was the first game I bought and was way to repetitive to enjoy the game for more than a couple of days. The process is selecting a battle, button-mashing, selecting another battle, more button-mashing. Really no skill involved and only kept my entertained for a bit. It's also not worth the 13.99 it's priced at.
  5. Is Randy Moss a top 10 receiver of all-time?
  6. Apparently this is like the greatest game ever.
  7. This is probably the biggest video game release ever. Too bad I'm not going to get it. My XBOX is broken and I don't want the game to take over my social life. I will wreck anyone at it though because I am amazing at video games.
  8. Well I missed the live draft cause I was out last night, but I'm pretty satisfied with my team Jason Kidd Vince Carter Danny Granger Pau Gasol Gilbert Arenas Kevin Garnett Michael Redd Bench is pretty weak though and I got stuck with Emeka Okafor, Stephen Jackson, and Eric Gordon.
  9. The Browns are definitely the worst, although their schedule is one of the toughest in the NFL minus the final three games of the season (which they won't win one of.) Honestly, I don't understand how it could have gotten this bad. Maybe because they flip-flopped around with the stupid quarterback and then traded away all of their offensive weapons and prefer trading down their picks instead of drafting valuable young defensive players. Honestly, the whole organization needs a facelift. What is their offensive strategy coming into each game? I couldn't tell you. It's basically give it to Jamal Lewis the first two downs, and then hope to get a lucky seven or eight-yard gain on third down for a new set of down.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=albfUKWLfI8 That play pretty much sums up the Raiders
  11. OGpistolpete


    So one of my co-workers is really big on movies, and gave me his copy of a DVD called "Kids". I had never heard of the movie, but he said it was amazing, and boy was he right. It was funny, because I was with one of my friends, and right before I put it in, he was freaking out, talking about how good of a movie it was but no one had seen it. I was pretty much blown away. The camera angles and style was so original, as if I were actually watching these kids live their lives but without being in the way. Some of the scenes were difficult to watch, specifically the kids finishing off the black guy they beat up at the park with the skateboard to the face, and the end of the movie, which itself warrants the movie its previous NC-17 rating. Overall I loved it, as it was pretty eye-opening. I knew life was like this in the inner-city, but to the extent to which it was portrayed was really gritty, but well done. It also makes me realize how lucky I am to have grown-up in the suburbs where activity like in the movie is almost unheard of. The ending was a little fucked up though. Opinions? By the way, if you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the wiki page.
  12. Tonight's episode is called Whale Whores, and looks to be about Stan trying to save dolphins after he visits an aquarium and a bunch of animals are slaughtered on his birthday. I'll be satisfied if they don't have another random character trying to rape other guys... It's really getting old.
  13. I will probably not see the movie, even though I really like Jackson. Is it just clips of him preparing for his comeback show (which was going to be amazing)? Or does it feature interviews with people talking about the late great singer?
  14. And we are all in our 40's and 50's, what kind of music will we be listening to? I'm not talking about what the younger generation will be listening to 30 years from now, I'm talking about the music you will listen to when you are older. Our parents grew up in an age where rock and roll was in its prime, emerging as the sound of a generation. Now you can find your parents listening to the same classic rock songs they did as a kid, and it seems to match their age and generation. But when we are older, those who grew up where the number one hits were club songs such as Usher and Lil John, along with artists such as Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, Rihanna, Kanye West, and so many others, will we be listening to the same music in the way that our parents listen to classic rock? Seriously, when older peoples listen to classic rock, it doesn't sound weird; but when you here a 40-year old guy in his car with Soulja Boy blasting, it really looks odd. But will it look odd in 30 years when we are listening to the same type of songs, only because we grew up on them? Or will our taste in music change as we get older and we become more accustomed to the same sort of slow, classic rock our parents listen to?
  15. This is mega awesome. Give us some information on what you buy and beat, because I too have never beat this game, and really want to.
  16. This is embarrassing, but the problem was I put in the special features disc and not the actual movie disc.... Fuck you guys, I had a 101.7 fever.
  17. I noticed this too while watching part of the Yankees/Angels game last night. Honestly, I don't see how they look comfortable to wear considering, like as you said, how chunky and plasticy they look. I too wonder why some would wear it, but I know Joba Chamberlin does probably because he is sponsored by the company that makes them (you know, the commercial where he throws the ball through the brick wall?)
  18. I think the episode would have been much better if they made fun of how stupid and dangerous backyard wrestling can be, such as having the kids take serious bumps, instead of turning them into actors.
  19. I don't know what that means. I think think it's weird because I've watched all four before, but that was on my XBOX. Is it a difference in what I'm using to watch it?
  20. And this is gonna be a problem. I'm using my PS2 as the DVD player in my basement, but when I put in Die Hard 2, it won't play. It will only go to the Special Features menu and will not leave. This is also true for my Die Hard 3 disc, and I'm assuming it is true for my Die Hard and Die Hard 4 discs. I also tried it on my computer, but it did the same thing. Anyone know how to get it to work?
  21. Yeah, we need more Cartman.
  22. Crossfire is okay but my all time favorite is Americas Army.
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