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Everything posted by OGpistolpete

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Josh


      What a charmer.

    3. Gazz


      Bye Ska, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    4. TEOL


      Weird how long some people coast in the background for, isn't it?

  1. i wish you heard pops like this still
  2. "AND HARD TIMES! ARE WHEN A MAN, HAS WORKED AT A JOB, THIRTY YEARS! THIRTY YEARS! THEY GIVE 'EM A WATCH, KICK 'EM IN THE BUTT, AND SAY..."HEY! A COMPUTER TOOK YOUR PLACE, DADDY!" THAT'S HARD TIMES!... THAT'S HARD TIMES!..." It's been hard times with these historical updates...let's create an American Dream of historical data... Okay, so making scenarios for TEW is a shit ton of work, while making scenarios for EWR is fuckin' easy. The historical updates avaliable for the game are complete shit, where the stats are fucked up with no understanding of how they work, every age is pretty much off-line, finishers are wrong, names aren't correct, rosters aren't complete. The historical updates we've been forced to work with for years are just shit, honestly. That's why there needs to be an effort made to come up with some serious historical stat updates. So I'm taking the initiative, and need your help! We'll start with perhaps the most important turning point in modern professional wrestling history, the formation of the New World Order... June 7th, 1996 marked the beginning of the Monday Night Wars. Bash at the Beach 1996 would change the game forever, as Hulk Hogan would come down to the ring, supposedly to save Team WCW from the mischievous and destructive "Outsiders", only to leg drop a destroyed Randy Savage multiple times, turning his back on the promotion, the fans, and millions watching at home, instantly creating the hottest sensation professional wrestling has ever seen, perhaps only second to Hulkamania itself. And what a perfect time to place a stat update? Fuck starting things on January 1st, and calling it a yearly stat-update. Yeah, it's yearly, but it's fucking at such a random point of time. Scenarios are meant and should be placed at pivitol points in wrestling history, where a user would want to begin history and do things his/her own way. This scenario will give you the opportunity to take over the nWo right from the beginning. Just Hogan, Nash, and Hall. No Bischoff yet, no Giant, no "Crow" Sting, no injured Flair. Just a clean slate for your mind to put its imagination to work. So what do ya say? You want in? Good! I'm glad! The more people helping this project, the more complete, perfected, consistent, and satisfactory it will be! VERSION 2.0 SHAREBEAST DOWNLOAD
  3. GREATEST RIC FLAIR PROMO OF ALL TIME ------>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meus293Umso&feature=related

    1. JasonM


      Something Something *blades* Something Something WOOOOO~!

    2. Noah


      I read that as greatest Ric Flair porno ever.

      Now I'm just disappointed.

    3. JasonM


      He would even blade in a porno.

  4. I love when announcers yell "WE GOTTA KEEP IT LIVE!" after a big spot and the crowd goes nuts. As if what just happened was so amazing , it could potentially kill the broadcast feed

  5. honestly, all these fags that remix this shit and make little internet jokes all day with it are fucking losers
  6. So that link works? Was gonna check to see if I still have it. It's not worth having been released.
  7. the cereberal assassin hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. IDOL


      Link me to your 2002 TEW Data good sir

    2. Quoth the Raven
  8. tim howard is the man

  9. What level were you guys when you began the main quests with your first character? Right now I'm level 15 and want to think of a good time to start the main quests to finish up my fun with my character and switch from a one-handed war axe wielding bad ass Nord to a sneaky, daedric, stealing Khajit or Dark Elf.
  10. Two great games you guys should check out. The first is Sea Stars, an addicting helicopter-esque game that I got for free in some daily deal while it probably costs a dollar in the app stores. Definitely worth the price, as the more you unlock, the more fun it gets, although I know I may hit the peak in funness at some point when I get sick of playing it over and over again. Blood and Glory is another great, action packed game where you fight as a gladiator in ancient Rome, buying new equipment as you earn money and try to win every tournament against some pretty tough opponents as the game really goes on. The best part is, it's FREE! Probably one of the best free games avaliable right now, I'd suggest you guys get it if you like a look of finger-swiping, sword-slashing, blood-splashing action.
  11. Arn & Ole Anderson + Ric Flair If you were going for absolute realism, Flair wouldn't be a viable option due to his recent financial trouble due to his divorce and other problems. Something along the lines of Ole Anderson having invested some money into the stock market or other capitalist tools, and immersing any extra $50,000-$100,000 dollars into the company. Arn could also perhaps support a little more, perhaps an unknown factor of $20,000-$40,000. But since I really enjoy playing games for the sake of fun, while also playing games where I keep it extremely realistic.
  12. Michigan and VT getting a major bowl bid is proof enough lobbyists have an extreme say on who is chosen.
  13. You guys, I need help picking a Premier team to root for. I've only recently started watching soccer and only have gotten into the sport because me and my friends have been playing the new FIFA like crazy and will be playing FIFA together for the next two years, plus watching soccer is pretty entertaining, but I can't handle American soccer because the players suck. But I'm having a tough time picking a team, because I have literally no relations with England, have no idea where anything is, and have no real reason to root for any team. So here is a little background of my American sports background. - Born in Cleveland, so I root for the Cleveland Browns, who haven't won a championship since like, 1964, and are constantly the source of scrutiny and jokes. Therefore I can handle losing, and understand the level of payoff I'm putting forward for when my team wins a championship. I'm also a Cavaliers fan, even though LeBron James left, and have had my heartbroken recently with his move and his failure in the playoffs the past four years. - I don't want to get stuck with a loser though, it's no fun trying to follow a team that won't show improvement for the next couple of years, and I just get bored of the whole thing, not really wanting to put in the time and effort to see what's going on only to see the same thing happen every time, a loss. - I like dynamic players to get behind. While solid teams are, well, solid; I like being dazzled by someone special as well as getting behind a leader of a team. - Tradition is very fancy, but it's hard to get behind a tradition and act like you're apart of it, when you have no idea what is going on and wasn't there for when these traditions and classic moments were established. - I'd like a team on the road to victory, no owner who is disconnected from what's going on and the team's fans, but not a team with an owner who just shills out money left and right like the Yankees. - Bad ass kits are a plus++++ Help me out!
  14. You need to make a logo pack with logos just like that, even though it would be a lot harder to get pictures of stages or rings of minor promotions.
  15. You're going to have to explain that one. And GoGo ... you guys already have your shiny new striker, his name is O'Brian White For example I was watching Liverpool vs. Chelsea on Sunday after some football game on FOX and I could actually get into what was going on because everything was in HQ and it was as if the camera was literally on the field, in between the two benches, as opposed to MLS games where the camera is all the way up at heights where the camera would be for an American Football game, getting a huge birds-eye view that's unnecessary as compared to the lowered, more panned out view of EPL games on FOX. Obviously this is just a weird complaint of mine, but is definitely a major factor for me watching games. Plus EPL actually has stars and MLS doesn't, but that's a completely different story.
  16. How do you guys stand watching MLS? I love the fact that it's American teams (maybe it's different since Cleveland doesn't have a team), but I can't stand watching it compared to EPL, including the way the games are broadcast (you can hardly see who anyone is!)
  17. Agreed, WCW is certainly sports entertainment at this point, and in no way traditional when Bischoff had it in his mind in January of 97 that WCW was going to split up into two "promotions". While you could say what they were doing booking wise was cutting edge at this time, in no way does that "style" describe WCW at all, especially technically because CE is, as previously mentioned, a 90/10 M/A ratio.
  18. Don't change ECW to Cutting Edge. It's a hardcore promotion with 80% matches, 20% angles, not a bunch of fans who want to see ONLY wrestling at a 90%/10% ratio.
  19. black people always pissed and fighting each other #myniggash

  20. According to Flair, Herd also wanted him to drop his entire "Nature Boy" persona, shave his head (even though Flair's bleach blonde hair was one of his most recognizable trademarks) and adopt a Rome gladiator gimmick by the name of Spartacus in order to "change with the times". This didn't sit too well with Flair....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TEOL


      Wow. Never heard that one before.

    3. OGpistolpete


      thankfully Flair was level-headed and decided to go through with it

    4. TEOL
  21. http://stores.ebay.com/luckyteez/_i.html?_fsub=2184078017 ::::: This guys has some of the most bad ass wrestling shirts you can find, check 'em out!
    1. Thrilla


      I may have to get one of the Powers of Pain t-shirts on payday.

  22. joker sting is pretty good shit, too bad everything/one else on impact makes everything suck

    1. Quom


      Lies, filthy dirty lies.

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