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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Currently the XBox. Mainly because of Brothers In Arms, Top Spin, PES4 and GTA: San Andreas. BIA, GTA and PES are way better on XBox than PS2.
  2. I ordered myself a copy for £11 from eBay. It says it doesn't have the data wipe, I am in luck. How many CAW's can you put in again? It is loads isn't it? And also, do you have CAW costumes to unlock? I can't remember. Going to spend me a lot of time editing I think.
  3. Gerrard, Liverpool through and through? My fucking arse. He is going to Chelsea and that's that. Greedy cunt.
  4. FLiam

    Saddest TV Moment

    Only a few for me. 24 - The end of series 1 when Jack finds Teri dead. And also in the second series when Jack called Kim telling her he is on the plane and is going to die. Friends - The last scene. Those are probably the only times I have really cried I think. Oh yeh, I forgot, Band of Brothers is TV. The scene when they find that concentration camp is really sad and also the very end when Dick Winter's reads the end of that letter that someone wrote him, that gets me everytime. So sad.
  5. 1. Family Guy 2. 24 3. The Simpsons 4. Friends 5. Father Ted 6. Only Fools and Horses 7. That 70's Show 8. WWE 9. The O.C. 10. Takeshi's Castle It is great that so many FG and 24 lovers are on the board.
  6. Bastards, we were supposed to get Hobbs, then we started being pricks in negotiations. He is supposed to be really good.
  7. Didn't José get like 7 minutes at the end of the Champion's League semi against Liverpool?
  8. Kraig, Dean Ashton is quality. I wouldn't mind Arsenal signing him tbh. He is a good player.
  9. Federer won is match in straight sets, played pretty well. Doesn anyone know what his girlfriends name is? She's hot. I think she used to be a player didn't she?
  10. I hate Tim Westwood with a vengeance. He looks about 75 years old and talks like he is from Harlem or something, it just annoys me, his voice is so fucking fake. Yeh, an English guy talks that way, sure. I just can't stand him.
  11. Looks as though Maxwell and Saskia finally got into it.
  12. That is because Kiefer Sutherland is a fucking legend, even if he does have an unusually large name. And how could I forget Johnny Depp and Dennis Hopper. Adam Sandler might be one as well.
  13. Kiefer Sutherland: Phone Booth, To End All Wars, Dark City, Young Guns 1 & 2, A Few Good Men, The Lost Boys, Stand By Me and 24 but that doesn't count. Tom Hanks: Terminal, Cast Away, Green Mile, Toy Story, Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Philidelphia, Big, Sleepless In Seattle. The man is a fucking legend. Jim Carrey: Bruce Almighty, Me, Myself and Irene, Man On The Moon, Truman Show, Liar Liar, Cable Guy, Ace Ventura 1 & 2, Batman Forever, The Mask. My 2nd favourite actor of all time. Can't think of any more at the moment.
  14. I think it is in all Virgin's across the UK, not just London.
  15. We still need another striker imo. Then a keeper and center back and we are sorted.
  16. Get in. He will be a great player for us. Let's just hope Baptista follows him. Also, Stuart Taylor has jonied Villa, best of luck to him.
  17. Tell me why you think they are cool. Please.
  18. Fucking hell that is a shock.
  19. Jose Mourinho never ceases (sp?) to amaze me, now he is moaning about fixtures again saying they are biased toward us. He can fuck off, next he will moan that he doesn't have enough money to fucking spend then he will moan that we have Wigan on the last day won't he.
  20. I think this Robinho stuff could be a smoke screen if you like. There have also been rumours of Baptista, Pat Rice was seen in Seville, Baptista isn't signing a new deal and Sevilla won't sell to another Spanish side. I might prefer Baptista over Robinho, as Baptista would offer us something different, Robinho would offer us what Reyes does really. Plus I am a little worried about his size. But it looks as though Hleb is definatley on his way for £6m which is a fucking steal. I cannot wait to see who are 2nd signing will be.
  21. I hate the papers/press etc. They are sayings things like "Brave, brave Murray ends dream Wimbledon run" and "He was so unlucky". Yes, it is a shame that he lost but if it was Henman doing that, they would be shitting all over him. For fuck sake, I really really hate the press, they suck.
  22. Coria has to play Roddick. Fuck. I for one can't wait for Davenport/Clijsters, should be great. And Sharapova's grunting is now ridiculous, it is so fucking noisy it is a joke. She didn't do it last year hardly ever that loud, now she does it every shot. I'd love it if Dent beat Hewitt.
  23. Apparently one is a loser bloke who has zero mates. Could be funny.
  24. I have never seen that Emmanuel guy, hope he is good. Fuck yes if this is true. £6m is a bloody bargain! WTF?
  25. FLiam


    You don't have to talk to everyone Keith. Once you get into it, Zelda is just class. Still one of my favourite games of all time. Even though it can be quite hard. I started again the other day and it took me two go's to defeat the first boss, I couldn't remember how to do it. Why didn't I see it back then though? N64 > Playstation, clearly.
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