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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. In a handicap match? Seems unfair on AJ, but the big stumbling block would be whether or not Wilder and Fury could co-exist.
  2. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K19

    This game has now gone from a definite pass to a possible purchase somewhere down the line. I'll probably only have time for Red Dead Redemption 2 around the time of this game's release, so it was never a day one buy, but I'll now be keeping a keen eye out. If Career and Universe really are as improved as the videos suggest, I'll be a happy camper.
  3. I still haven't tried GTA Online. I don't have anyone to play it with, and I have no wish to jump in with strangers. EDIT: Oh, RDR 2 has first-person mode. I was expecting them to hold that off for the inevitable next-gen re-release, so that's a pleasant surprise.
  4. GTA V didn't launch with GTA Online either. I think the delay helped keep the game in the news and ended up resulting in many sites giving separate reviews for the two modes. It's not as if Rockstar needs extra press to succeed, but it all helps.
  5. The only way I could see this tempting me is if they include some obscure hidden gems. Versions of Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Castlevania and Silent Hill are all well and good, but they're easily available on other Sony platforms and often go on sale below a fiver. Then you've got the recently remastered versions of Crash and soon Spyro, the originals of which are also available for peanuts.
  6. I'm not keen on Nintendo's marketing right now. They're touting the ability to play anyone anywhere in the world, including in co-op activities, as a smashing feature worth the admission fee when we could do that for free last week. OK, I know they've got a product to sell, but it still feels cheeky. At the moment, I'm looking at either not paying and losing the ability to play Splatoon 2 online or paying and being able to play Splatoon 2 with a significantly depleted player base.
  7. Tekken 3's a bit of a nice surprise, given that it was never available on PSN, apparently because of the Gon licence. Final Fantasy 7 isn't much of a draw because it's going to be available on all current consoles soon. Honestly, I don't see this having the same appeal as Nintendo's offerings. It's more expensive for starters, and I can't really think of many games they could offer that haven't already been available digitally for a few years. I know that the PS4 doesn't have backwards compatibility so that Sony can sell the games to you again later, but I'm sure plenty of people have kept their PS3/PSP/Vita, and they're all perfectly fine homes for PS1 games. The possible nostalgia hook of the PS1 controllers isn't even even much of a factor either, seeing as the controllers on all Sony's consoles have been so similar.
  8. EA seems to be wanting to get its "Worst Company in America" spot back. It's actually going to willingly break Belgian law to try to keep Ultimate Team in FIFA. Also, 2K has asked its Belgian fans to badger their government to keep its bloody in-game currency.
  9. I think the only historical accuracy from the film was that ZZ Top was around in the 19th century.
  10. She went on to do the same thing with Howard The Duck, so I think that cancels it out.
  11. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K19

    Stop talking sense.
  12. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K19

    Back to knowing none of the songs this year, then.
  13. I am looking forward to Mario Party. They're not particularly good games mechanically, but they're fun for messarounds with people who aren't too competitive. It looks as though they've finally gone back to the classic board game formula too, which should make a big difference.
  14. It's complete bollocks that The Stick of Truth was free to owners of its sequel on every other system, yet Switch owners are expected to fork out so much. It's good that Nintendo is getting more third-party support this generation, but the price differences are shocking.
  15. I've just always found the characters unappealing. The idea of swinging around a city sounds good, but I can't imagine I'd be interested in the story.
  16. Has anyone here who doesn't like Spiderman played it? I'm interested to see if it's worth a look to someone who isn't interested in the source material.
  17. Canelo and Golovkin is tonight. Should be a good listen.
  18. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K18

    I agree. The only times commentary in WWE games has added anything for me were when it was hilariously bad.
  19. Poor Final Fantasy VIII. Let's not forget that Luigi's Mansion 3 was also announced, along with a remastered Katamari Damacy and a port of Cities: Skylines.
  20. Now that the next run of episodes is coming this week, I thought I'd weigh in with my thoughts. I put off watching this show for a long time. I'd heard good things, but all the trailers made it look like base-level rubbish hiding behind a gimmick. "HAHA HE'S A DRUNK ACTOR OH AND ALSO HE'S A HORSE HAHA." I wasn't completely convinced during the first few episodes, but it definitely seemed to have more to it than any of the preview material let on. Now caught up fully, I'm absolutely on board. This series is as good a comedy-drama as I've ever seen. Truly, some of the episodes have straddled between silly humour and gut-punching lows without ever feeling unnatural. What I also appreciate is that, through all the tragedy and self-destruction of Bojack's life, there are occasional victories. I'm no expert on The Walking Dead, but I know that common criticism is laid on it because it's a constant stream of loss. Eventually, it's hard to remain invested because you realise everything will just get worse and worse. In Bojack's case, he'll have a brief run of success before relapsing and falling back down, but there's always a strand of progress that's been garnered throughout the journey. He's undoubtedly a highly flawed character who does more bad than good, but it's the moments of heart, the times he finds a glimmer of hope, that maintain a relatable balance between a struggle and utter, unrelenting misery. Depression, addiction and all the other demons he battles with are matters of tug-of-war, and anyone who's encountered them will know that it's a long path of peaks and troughs to overcome them. I like the fact that a programme, and a comedy at that, can represent this up-down dynamic.
  21. Spain are battering Croatia right now. That's good for England's goal difference situation, if nothing else.
  22. Bobfoc

    WWE 2K19

    Gameplay? That was just cutscenes.
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