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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. And so we trace David Cameron's ancestry back to the Old West.
  2. How the Hell did Leeds' goal stand? That was a handball.
  3. There are plenty of articles and videos online to fill you in on the story anyway.
  4. I'm similar. I didn't play shooters on consoles, so the Goldeneye factor doesn't apply to me. The only time I can remember having to use inverted controls was on the N. Gin boss battle on Crash Bandicoot 3.
  5. Really, with the game being so long, I can see myself dropping out and drifting back in multiple times over a long period of time. That's what I've been doing with The Witcher 3, which I still haven't finished. I don't think any game can keep my uninterrupted attention for the sixty hours that's being suggested here.
  6. My impression is that there's lots of fun interspersed with sections of tedium. That's how I ended up feeling about Breath of the Wild, so I'm expecting something similar.
  7. They are praising it, but there are little statements here and there that point to unnecessary tedium. In and of itself, that's unremarkable, but games with this kind of hype behind them often get put on a higher pedestal than some might feel they deserve by reviewers. It's been the same with almost every massive recent release, including GTA IV and V, Breath of the Wild, Bioshock: Infinite and Metal Gear Solid V, all of which were games I enjoyed, but whose flaws seemed to be glossed over in a sentence or two by major reviewers. Since I posted my initial comment, I've watched Jim Sterling's video review, and it backs up some of my concerns. He says that the open world is great and the missions are well put together, but there are irritations that built up in between. For example, you have to sit through a long animation every time you skin an animal, and the hunting process is a slow and laboured one. You also can't whistle for your horse unless you're within a few metres of it, and you can't change outfits when you're travelling quickly on a horse. These are "realism" mechanics that probably make the game more frustrating to play. Do they sound like dealbreakers? Absolutely not. The game still sounds fine. They are, however, reasons to remember that this is a creative endeavour made by humans trying out various ideas, some of which will work and some of which won't. Everything suggests that Red Dead Redemption is a very good video game, but not something that will fill the void in our souls and make our lives immeasurably better.
  8. I've read a few of these reviews. I really don't want to be Mr. Negative here, but I'm getting a few GTA IV vibes. Something I've noticed a lot is mention of the controls being not particularly great, and there's also a lot of talk of large sections of the game not being much fun to play through. Not only that, but more than one review has said that the story drags signficantly. The consensus seems to be that it's a technically stunning game with a well crafted open world, but I'm not seeing many references to fun. If that's the case, I'm wondering if this is a game that will see a backlash once people grow used to all the technical wizardry. I know I seem downbeat, and I don't mean to be. I'm comparing it with GTA IV, which is a game I still liked, despite its flaws. I'll be intrigued to see the difference between people's initial reactions and their subsequent opinions in a few weeks' time.
  9. Trend followers. Metal Gear Solid V did it first.
  10. Just for clarification, the game won't require disc swapping while you're playing. One is an installation disc and the other is the one you use to play the game.
  11. Barnsley away means no cup run this year.
  12. Pleased for Kimi. He won't get many more opportunities to win a race.
  13. That's the point I was making earlier. This is the first time I can think of that a Blu-Ray-based game will come on more than one disc.
  14. What message settings do you all use to keep up with all the goings-on with other characters?
  15. Mass Effect 2 and 3 were on two discs each on Xbox 360. LA Noire spread to three discs.
  16. On Xbox 360, yes, but not PS3. This is the first time I can think of a game being spread across two Blu-Ray discs.
  17. The game will come with two discs. One will be responsible for installing the data and the other will be used for playing the game. It sounds like a good move because the game is over 100GB in size, which would otherwise make for a long download.
  18. I'd be well up for that. I don't think many would disagree that Skyrim's the technically superior game, but I had more fun with Oblivion. I enjoyed the guilds more and found the environments to be more colourful and attractive. I'm not knocking Skyrim because it's a good game, but I did get tired of seeing so much snow.
  19. Return of the Obra Dinn, the new game from Papers, Please creator Lucas Pope, is out today. Every review I've read states that it's tremendous.
  20. It's usually a case of cornering well and using corners as opportunities to overtake. Once they're behind you, it's plain sailing.
  21. I don't know if I like the sound of a 60-hour campaign. I found that the original dragged at times, and that was considerably shorter. The quality will need to be high throughout for me to keep going for that long.
  22. I've been reading good things about Astro Bot Rescue Mission. Some are saying it's the best VR game so far.
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