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Status Updates posted by Josh

  1. Get your votes in for Eurovision: Champion of Champions 2012! You have until tomorrow night! Presumably at midnight, GMT.

  2. Would anyone be interested in a new game of You Pick Mafia?

  3. I'm heading back to the Judo Range.

    1. TEOL


      Shoot some judos for me bro.

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Ok, but will you meet me at the Karate Rink later? I gotta go practice my Skeet Kendo first.

  4. Night traaaaiiin to Mundo Fineeee . . . .

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Niiight traiiiiiin to the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeend...

    2. Hobo


      Mr. Carradine's finest vocal performance!

  5. As far as high school bands go, this one's the best ever. You can and and tell dat.

  6. Cannot figure out Instasynch.

    1. C-MIL


      I figured it out. It can't be that hard. :P What's the hang-up?

    2. Josh


      The video playlist is locked. Can't figure out how to unlock it.

  7. Adam West must be rolling in his grave!

    1. Sousa


      Adam Graves must be rolling to the west.

    2. Josh


      These are terrible jokes.

      Cesar Romero will not be pleased when he hears about this.

  8. Guaranteed way to make me your Valentine on the 14th: give me a hammer with the word "Greg" on it. Add the phrase "I Broke Wahoo's Heart" and you'll have an all-access pass to whatever the hell you want from me.

  9. If you've ever participated in an EWB Eurovision contest, go to this thread and submit your votes for the Champion of Champions edition! http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=90449

    1. Josh


      Voting is still open, but for less than 4 hours, I believe! Go!

    2. brenchill
  10. Everything's coming up Milhouse!

    1. New Damage

      New Damage


  11. People should sign up for TEOL's CWC thing! 


    1. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      I heard I'm in it. That's worth at least 10 sign ups! :w00t:

  12. Anyone know how I can watch at least the second half of this week's Raw, other than scattered YouTube videos? My DVR cut off at the mid-point for some reason. :(

    1. Josh


      Never mind. Just went with the YouTube videos.

  13. Roughly two more hours to vote in The Final Four round of the Tv Tournament: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=87880&view=findpost&p=2588950

    1. Noah


      Is that the tournament where Mash couldnt even make the competition proper? A pox be on you and your tournament!

  14. The redhead's known to shred the cello.

    1. Hickey


      And I'm jello baby.

  15. Buy me anything in there with Larry Csonka on it. I'll PAY for it!

    1. Hobo


      Say hello to Jim Kick for me.

  16. On My mind: a shake for lunch, buy a lottery ticket, eat a sensible dinner, BUY LOTTERY TICKETS, act a fool while renting a car, BUY MOAR LOTTERY TICKETS!

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      James Storm's next tag team's catchphrase: SCRATCH! CARDS!

  17. I'm officially cashing in my newly won MITB title shot at Capital Combat. Look out Flair! I'm comin' and I'm bringin' Robocop with me!

  18. I sometimes wonder if we're distantly related. Then again, most people I'm related to aren't as much like me as you are.

  19. Another weekly WWE Power Rankings column! This week's theme is that I had very little time to write! http://rankingsprofessor.com/?p=597

  20. My weekly WWE Power Rankings column is up! Feedback is welcome! http://rankingsprofessor.com/?p=648

  21. Homestar Runner Mafia sign-ups are now open! 


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