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Redefine Sick

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Everything posted by Redefine Sick

  1. "And would you like fries with that, Mr. Bryan?" "YES! YES! YES!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dingle


      Ouch. School'd.

    3. GA!


      McDonald's fries are cooked in beef flavoured oil. YES! YES! YES!

    4. KONGO


      Bryan is a vegan for health issues, not because he is opposed to meat. If his body could handle the oil they cook the fries in there's really no reason he wouldn't eat it, other than living the gimmick.

  2. Why can't there be an awesome metal festival over here? FUCK.
  3. I'll add you when I get home, Apsham. We'll get some duo queue going.
  4. ?? Yeah, it isn't exactly death/black metal, but it is that same kinda metal that they have been playing for ages. The biggest problem with that song is that it is a bit of a mess really. I've not listened to them before, admittedly, but it really sounds like they're trying to put a pop sound into a metal track.
  5. Still a really fun movie, though.
  6. I remember once in my Theme Park game, a kid went into the port-a-potty, and a janitor followed him in. Kid came out with a giant frown. Janitor came out happy as hell.
  7. Cannot upvote this enough. After the first time I saw Battle Royale, I screamed it whenever anything tragic happened in a movie or a video game. Almost got punched in the face when I screamed it during Aeris' death.
  8. I listened to about four hours of Vader earlier on Youtube. My only regret is that it was only four hours. I'm so glad I remembered randomly hearing them on that metal cover mixtape forever ago.
  9. Put on my boilin' shoes and I, boiled a plane. Touched down where the skies were blue, in the middle of the boilin' rain.

  10. Listening to the new Buckethead. Homing Beacon, the tribute to Michael Jackson, is pretty damned awesome.
  11. Nice reviews so far. I'd like to request Dax Riggs' "Say Goodnight To The World" if you get a chance.
  12. New Sepultura is coming out next month apparently. Haven't been a fan since Max left, but I'll still check it out.
  13. I had some of their tracks from this random metal torrent forever ago, it had a few Slayer covers they've done. I'll pick up Litany when I get a chance. I found this on youtube, though. Fucking badass.
  14. Sounds like you had some bad Wiiception.
  15. Benji, show us on the doll where the Wii touched you.
  16. I've never been really big on black metal (except Moonblood, god, I fucking love them), but I'll check it out. On the extremely opposite side of the spectrum, does anyone have any opinions on Vader?
  17. Also, I know it's been mentioned, but if anyone here DOESN'T have Alchemy, they should stop what they are doing and go get it. The most addicting smart phone game I've ever played.
  18. I don't know if it's been released yet, but Cthulhu Saves The World is being ported to Android. Incredibly amusing (and surprisingly in-depth) RPG. I paid for it on steam (It's a dollar), and it's easily worth at least 5-10. More Dragon Quest than Final Fantasy in the battle system, though.
  19. I watched the Ricky Steamboat documentary earlier today. I think I'm trying to watch atleast one wrestling documentary a day on Netflix. So far this week I've gone through Big Show, Jericho, and Steamboat. I'm thinking Savage will be next. Watching this as soon as I get home from work. Randy can wait a little longer when there's hunting of trolls to be had.
  20. Nobuo Uematsu's on board. So am I. So glad I just bought a Wii.
  21. So you missed how they use "retro" graphics as an excuse for being lazy, stealing game mods from lone programmers and incorporating them into the real game with no credit, released an unfinished game to market, and pointed out how much of an extreme cunt Notch is?
  22. Yeah, fuck those charities. Oh yeah and Minecraft sucks because they (didn't change/changed) the thing that I (liked/didn't like). Pretty much sums up my feelings on Minecraft.
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