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Everything posted by TheRyno

  1. I spent an hour or so on Marilyn Manson's wiki so I'm kinda in the mood to read his biography. I haven't read them in a while but here are some of my non-wrestling favorites: "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions Of A B-Movie Actor" by Bruce Campbell "All I Need To Know About Filmmaking I Learned From The Toxic Avenger" by Lloyd Kaufman
  2. Actually, my hometown GameStop had a decent amount of used Japanese movies, which is strange because my hometown is as small, midwestern and whitebread as you can get. Unfortunately, most of the print was in Japanese so I couldn't tell if they'd be playable on a Region 1 player. I was so close to picking up a copy of Battlefield Baseball once.
  3. I've just heard that SvR07, the PS2 version in particular, is glitchy as all hell.
  4. So my roommate was nice enough to get me a $25 gift card to GameStop for my birthday. But the thing is, I don't know what to get with it. As much as I love video games, I don't play that many. I only have a PS2 and a Game Boy Micro (I have other older systems back at my parents' house). I'd like to get a DS Lite but I'm kinda jobless at the moment. My tastes don't vary that well. Mainly, all I really play are the GTA, Tony Hawk and Smackdown series with a few random action, racing and fighting games thrown in. Unlike almost all of my friends, I dislike RPGs as they seem repetitious and time-consuming to me. And I suck at sports games. I haven't been good at a sports game since NBA Jam or Ken Griffey Jr with computer fielding. So, considering that criteria, what should I get? Game Boy Micro/Advance games are seemingly out of the question as wherever I go, all I can find are games for cartoon/toy/movie tie-ins. I actually went to GameStop yesterday with one of my friends and the few GBA games that I did want were still for about $25...used. So that pretty much leaves PS2 games. For a while, I've been wanting to get either SvR07, Tony Hawk Project 8 and/or Yakuza when they dropped in price enough. Thing is I hear so much stuff about the changed control schemes in SvR so that's steered me away toward it. Plus they're practically done with Yakuza 2 in Japan already so, with my luck, it'll come out stateside the moment I decide to buy the first one. So that leaves me with Project 8. Does anyone else have any other ideas? By the way, when I went to GameStop yesterday, I found a sweet game I've only read about in a game magazine a while back called Castle Shikigami 2. From what I read before, it was basically your standard top-down space shooter but with cut-scenes that were not only written with horrible Engrish (meaning bad Japanese-to-English translation for those not in the know) but it was voiced as well. Badly, might I add. When I started playing it, I realized that it was so much more than your average top-down space shooter. You don't fight in a spaceship or plane or anything. Instead, your character's body flies around the screen as millions of enemies, bullets (or "shot" as in "Press Square To Shot" as it says in the "Option") and whatever the hell your special attack is. I can't really describe it beyond that. But like the article said, it's pretty much only found in GameStop bargain bins so, lo and behold, yesterday I found two used copies for $8. And as I've been looking up stuff online for it, everyone says its only $10 new. So either way, its a bargain.
  5. TheRyno

    So offensive

    Whoaaaa-ohhhh-OH! ERECTION! By the way, that video really makes me wanna watch FMW's Anus Explosion Match.
  6. I thought A Bay Bay was pretty hardcore.
  7. Ahhhh Chelsea Lately, proving the old adage that women aren't funny.
  8. Sell it then buy another Wii. It's that awesome.
  9. I'm a huge HIM fan so here are the tracks I'd recommend: Pretty much the whole Razorblade Romance album Heartache Every Moment In Joy And Sorrow (Particularly the string version on Uneasy Listening Vol. 1) Wings Of A Butterfly Play Dead The Cage (only on limited edition copies of Dark Light so go download it) Passion's Killing Floor (from their new unreleased album but it's on the Transformers soundtrack) I'm sure there's more because it's hard to narrow down. Also, another band I've been digging a lot of recently is Dir en grey, a Japanese metal band. They only have two albums released in the States: "Withering To Death" and "The Marrow of a Bone". You really can't go wrong with buying the first one but some notable tracks are Saku, C, The Final, Merciless Cult and Kodou. I didn't enjoy "Marrow" quite as much but it's still good, just not as great as "Withering". Their earlier stuff is pretty good as well but I can only really wholeheartedly recommend "Vulgar", their album right before "Withering".
  10. I'm glad none of you are talking shit on Cooking Mama. I'd have to mess you up if you did.
  11. I caught some Along Came Polly on TV. Or as I like to call it "The Zany Madcap Misadventures of The Same Character Ben Stiller Has Been Playing For The Last Eleventy Movies: Part Eleventy-Twelve."
  12. Oddly enough, I just watched Along Came Polly on USA at like 3 PM and I heard "goddamn" uncensored 3 times. We've come so far from the days where they played Howard Stern's Private Parts at midnight and bleeped "Jesus Christ" even when they didn't use it as a derogatory term. If anyone has ever seen the edited version of Mallrats, let me know as I've heard it's particularly brutal. The only thing I've seen of it was Jay saying "All it took was a phat smokin' blunt" being changed to "All it took was a phat KARATE PUNCH!"
  13. A few days ago, FX showed Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and butchered it horribly with censoring. If you just listened to it and not watched it, the dialogue sounded like it was being piped through a faulty drive-thru speaker. But that I can understand because every other word in that movie is "fuck". But what got me was during the scene with Jay and Silent Bob at the Mooby's internet terminal, they didn't even bother to edit it. Right after "You are the ones who are the ball lickers!", FX skipped the rest with a cheesy screenwipe that they probably took from a Slideshow program. It was kinda funny, actually. Also, they didn't even bother to show the "Clit Commander" speech and skipped it completely. It just made me wonder why the hell they even bothered to get it shown on TV if they had to censor it so badly. Also, the "pound-me-in-the-ass prison" line from Office Space became "pound-me-into-ash". So, what are your favorite "edited for television" moments?
  14. I'm waiting for the $495 price drop.
  15. My roommate and his girlfriend decided to watch Lady In The Water last night so I locked myself in my room and watched Futurama. It was a good call as after one episode, I came out and they had already shut it off because it sucked so bad. So we watched Grandma's Boy.
  16. Holy crap, I got stuck on Mafia on PC too. For me, I got stuck on the parking level garage. It was hard enough to make it through all the bad guys on every level without dying but once I did, that wasn't all as I had to escape from it as well. Finally, I just gave up. It's been a long time since I've played that. I actually wanna pick it up for PS2, along with some other games that I got stuck on mostly because I hate PC controls.
  17. The only good that could come out of this movie is that it would urge people to watch The Chipmunk Adventure, much like the newTransformers movie has kickstarted some nostalgia and got people to remember the original Transformers movie.
  18. TheRyno

    Live Earth

    I was flipping through the channels and saw Taking Back Sunday singing and playing severely off key. I wanted to listen in and give them a chance but it was painful to. Thank god for an all day Fairly OddParents marathon.
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