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Everything posted by TheRyno

  1. That's a great pic. I didn't even realize that Stigma had the evil Snidely Whiplash moustache until now.
  2. Like I said, I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to bad movies, at least compared to most genre fans, at least. Had I gone to the theaters to see this or paid more than $5 for the DVD, then yeah, I'd be pretty pissed off too. But I've seen worse. Still doesn't make it good, though. When I first heard about the vegetarian zombie, I actually liked it and thought it'd make for a few laughs. Hell, I could probably write a whole movie about it if I really tried. But in this, it was just a 5 second explanation as to why he wouldn't eat people and then ignored. By the way, I don't wanna see Zombie Strippers. Not because I think it'll be bad, but because Jenna Jameson actually looks like a zombie now and it makes me cry.
  3. TheRyno

    Halloween Music

    Dig up (see what I did there) some Voltaire.
  4. Just got done watching Day of the Dead 2008. I wouldn't say it was bad, just very "meh". The only connection it shares with the original Day of the Dead is the "Bub" zombie, who is now "Bud" but is less of a focal point like in the original and more like something the writers would put in as if to say "Hey, we actually did watch the original!" I think it's supposed to be more of a continuation of the Dawn of the Dead remake but since it has Ving Rhames in it playing a different character, I'm not so sure. Here, the zombies not only run (and badly as they seem to twitch and look like they have Tourette's instead) but they can also pull off wire-work jumps! Ugh. There's plenty of gore, but almost all of it is the cartoony made-for-Sci-Fi Channel movie CGI, which I've always hated. The characters aren't bad, but aren't good enough to make you care whether they live or die. I will say that going in, I didn't think I'd believe Mena Suvari as a soldier, but I believed her a lot more than I would Tara Reid as a scientist (Uwe Boll, I realize you don't think...but what were you thinking?). The only character that I would say is offensively bad is Nick Cannon's character, but considering he was probably written as a walkin', talkin' stereotype, I guess that means he did his job well. The only real thing I would complain about is a plothole that probably doesn't even matter in the end. You see, the zombie outbreak comes in flu form in this movie. But the thing is, when the people "die" and become zombies, everyone that's infected all become zombies at the same time, creating a massive horde of them from the get-go. Yet, when they do the whole "handful of survivors trying to figure out who among them infected" cliche, why the hell didn't those select infected people become zombies with everyone else? Yes, they did establish that the virus could be transferred via old fashioned biting, but these people weren't bitten, just sick. That's about the only thing that I threw my hands up about and said "WTF?" but I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to that sort of thing. In the end, Day of the Dead isn't horrible, it's just there. Personally, I ended up wishing that it actually was horrible so I would've gotten some entertainment out of it. If you really wanna see it, just wait until it shows up on Sci-Fi on a Saturday afternoon in a double-header with House of the Dead.
  5. I'm pretty much done with Saw, unless they decide to make another movie that's nothing but a compilation of all the deaths in the movies before them, because that's pretty much all they're good for anymore. I liked the concept of the first one and the second one had some sweet deaths. But when I watched Saw 2 and they had to employ the "LOUD NOISE" scare just for someone walking up behind someone else, I knew it was time to stop. LOUD NOISES =/= scares.
  6. Of the 4 horror movies I bought last weekend, I've only watched Wrestlemaniac. It's actually pretty good for a low-budget straight-to-video movie and doesn't mess with a tried and true formula. Basically, instead of Jason stalking someone through the woods, it's Rey Mysterio Sr. stalking people through a deserted Mexican ghost town. All the prerequisites are there: a sex hungry gang getting axed, damsels in distress, the nerdy know-it-all that knows how to stop the killer, etc. I'm not gonna overhype it and say it's great but you could do much worse as it's got something for horror fans and wrestling fans alike. A little more money and I'd like to see a sequel. So that leaves me with Diary of the Dead, Hostel 2 or Day of the Dead 2008. I'm tempted to put in Day just to see how bad it is.
  7. Japan sounds like a heavenly place where innocence and tentacle rape combine to create something magically delicious.
  8. The only way this will work is if they call him "Dick Grayson, Age Twelve" every five minutes.
  9. TheRyno

    Spineshank Reform

    If they can go back to "Height of Callousness" quality, I'll mark the fuck out. I still pop that one in just to remind myself how nu-metal should've been done. But their last album disappointed me. PS - Just checked out the new track. Not bad but not really Spineshank. It sounds like any random hardcore band trying to make a name for themselves.
  10. Hey, I fell asleep during Clone Wars too! But that's because it sucked. Also: GAY. SOUTHERN. HUTT.
  11. Yeah, I'm talking about the pen-and-paper dice-rolling RPG.
  12. I probably wouldn't get it if it weren't $5 or so. But it has Nick Cannon in it and Nick Cannon is heelarious. Also, if some of the spoilers are correct... Spoiler: Click here to viewVEGETARIAN ZOMBIE!
  13. Totally bumping this, with Halloween being just over a month away. Plus I just got back from the video rental place, who were doing a sweet sale. I was able to get out with Diary of the Dead, the Day of the Dead "remake", Hostel 2 and Wrestlemaniac for slightly more than $20 TOTAL. And a few days ago, I got The Monster Squad from Wal-Mart for $7. I'm pretty psyched for Halloween this year...and I don't know what I'm gonna be yet!
  14. Yeah, I wish I could play Dark Side but with our current campaign (with the Dawn of Defiance modules), if we get taken over, the GM's just going to consider that as a character death. But with my Twi'lek Scoundrel heading towards the Crime Lord Prestige Class, I'll definitely be toeing the line.
  15. I was just really tired, is all. Probably the last half hour I kept fading in and out, only at full attention for Vader's big "NOOOOOOO!", which I of course lol'd at. I'm not even that big of a Star Wars geek, but I am digging the role playing game.
  16. I'll watch practically any of Miike's work that I can get my hands on so of course I'll see it. But so far, one of the few clips I've seen of it involved Quentin Tarantino and I, along with many others, maintain that QT needs to get as far away from the front of a camera as possible.
  17. My roommate rented it for the 360 and beat it twice in that time, getting all the Lightsaber crystals and a bunch of the outfits. One of my other friends has it for the Wii and while it's slightly more fun to play than the 360 or PS3, albeit with arthritis-inducing controls, the graphics are horrible. I'm talking N64-quality here.
  18. I just saw Episode III for the first time last weekend. I feel asleep. Yup.
  19. Joss Stone's "Fell In Love With A Girl"...mostly because she couldn't wait until the original wasn't being played anymore. Seriously, there should be a statute of limitations regarding covering songs, like a 4-5 year waiting period or something. Otherwise, the song quickly becomes redundant.
  20. I've been meaning to pick up Frailty since seeing it in the Wal-Mart bargain bin a while back and hearing it was actually good, but now that I want it, it's not there anymore. >_< By the way, even though it's not horror though I mentioned wanting to see it earlier in this thread, I FINALLY picked up Visitor Q. Holy crap is that movie fucked up. It was probably as uncomfortable to sit through as the first time I saw Ichi The Killer, though not as much as Cannibal Holocaust, meaning I have now found a third movie that made me feel like less of a human being while watching it.
  21. I know what you mean. I have like six Rain/Payton Banks pics and I don't even have her hired!
  22. TheRyno

    Chris Cornell

    Yup, it sucks. I only heard maybe two songs but I couldn't stand to hear anymore. Not that I liked Audioslave much (at least when compared to Soundgarden) but at least he sang. It's not even so much the whole R&B thing but the fact that Cornell isn't even trying which makes it horrible to listen to.
  23. I was pretty excited for it before, but now with it getting all this buzz from the Venice Film Festival, I'm outright pumped. I'll probably be geeking out in the audience as hard as I did with The Dark Knight.
  24. There's something so very cruel about that. He had one of the best voices ever.
  25. I'm glad I'm not a huge DBZ fan, or else I'd be pissed. But as a big fan of shitty movies, this looks like fun. But I don't know if it'll top the original Dragon Ball movie, which was one of the many movies I passed on picking up at the convention I went to a few weeks ago.
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