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Everything posted by TheRyno

  1. TheRyno


    I hope that's not a knock against Freddy Got Fingered. That movie is awesome. I thought Oldboy was pretty good. But then I saw Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance and thought it was a much better crafted movie, even if it got off to a slow start. If you're looking to get into the rest of Park's "Vengeance Trilogy", Sympathy is awesome, Oldboy is good, Lady Vengeance is disappointing.
  2. TheRyno

    Protest the Hero

    I picked up "Fortress" this year and thought it was pretty good, though I haven't listened to it in a while. I saw "Kezia" at Best Buy and was really close to picking it up. I think I might next time I go.
  3. Same here. Sometimes I think about that too, if I've been alienating myself by listening to things away from the mainstream. Sure, it's difficult to talk to other people about music but fuck it, I like what I like.
  4. If Necro Butcher doesn't get an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, we riot.
  5. I should make a porno of two black dudes DPing a white girl and call it "Double Stuf Oreos".
  6. I hate having a non-working computer. Now I have to schedule my fappings around episodes of Charmed (the Rose McGowan seasons, not Shannen Doherty) and Dallas Cheerleaders Making The Team (the only show on CMT worth watching and yes, I am counting Celebrity Championship Wrestling).
  7. Are you talking the original Black Christmas or the remake from last year or whatever? My suggestion: Silent Night, Deadly Night. So great.
  8. Actually, that just made me think "When did this become Punisher: Boondock Saints?" I didn't care about the first Punisher film (unless you count the one with Dolph Lundgren). I didn't really care about this one when it was announced. I didn't care about it when I saw the first trailer. I only started to care when I heard Jigsaw was gonna be the villain. But judging from the trailer, it looks like they're trying to make him a half-assed Joker, which won't work. The red-band trailer piqued my interest a bit (and gave me half a boner when I saw the table leg go through the dude's eye) but I really just don't care that much, which is kinda odd considering The Punisher is one of my favorite heroes. I literally have no expectations for this film, so that may mean I may just enjoy it...that is if I actually decide to see it.
  9. No, the imaginary people in the dialogue spelled it wrong.
  10. As much as I like Will Smiff, there's way too much of him. Between this and the rumor that he and Steven Spielberg want to remake Oldboy (yes, with Smiff as Oldboy and no, this doesn't sound like a good idea), I'm about ready to punch him in the face and welcome him to Earff. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how the discussion went: "So, we're gonna remake Karate Kid? Who's gonna be the kid?" "Um...Will Smith!" "Isn't he a little young?" "We'll get his kid. He's like a mini-Will Smith." "Brilliant!"
  11. Just got my copy of Dir en grey's new CD "Uroboros", which doesn't officially come out until tomorrow. Yay for pre-orders!
  12. TheRyno


    OK, I come asking if anyone has seen this documentary. It's called Red Trousers and it's about Hong Kong movie stuntmen. Oddly enough, I saw stuff about it on Entertainment Tonight, of all places, but never saw anything about it since. No DVD release, no nothin'. It's done in a weird format, with the documentary intercut with an actual martial arts movie starring Robin Shou (aka Liu Kang aka the guy who wasn't Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja). I've been wanting to see it for years, just because I like HK kung fu flicks, but haven't been able to find it. As for a contribution, I present Guys and Dolls, a BBC doc about the sad, sad people who have sex with (and in one case, repairs) Real Dolls. I thought it would be horrible when I first saw it...and I was right. But somehow, I couldn't stop watching. All of the cases in the documentary have a "trainwreck" quality to them. In the end, you'll come out feeling better about yourself because no matter how bad life is, at least you're not one of these guys.
  13. I just thought of him a few days ago after looking at my CDs and wanting something to listen to that I haven't in a while, realizing that I actually still have "I Get Wet". His songs and lyrics get old pretty quick (eleventy songs about nothing but partyin' will do that) but he's got this undeniable energy. I even read an interview with him from The Onion a while back and he answered every simple question with a ten paragraph dissertation. Seriously, the interview was about 7-8 pages (in the book "The Tenacity of The Cockroach", pick it up) and he was only asked maybe 5 questions. I just looked him up on Wikipedia, mostly to see if my friend's claim of getting kicked in the head by his daughter in a mosh pit are correct (as far as I know, he has no kids), when I stumbled on this gem: I actually remember seeing this, well, most of it. Anyways, if you can find it on YouTube or something, check it out. Just the notion of a guy like Andrew WK bunking in an all-black girl's dorm makes me giggle. How this didn't turn into a full series of him doing this at colleges around the country is beyond me. Also, according to Wiki, he's doing motivational speaking, which doesn't really surprise me. I guess they just break down into him jamming on the piano and getting everyone to dance.
  14. But therein lies the difference: We Americans imitate things since we don't have minds of our own. But you Canadians just run away because it's in your blood. Your French blood that tastes like merlot and cheese.
  15. I'm sorry but am I the only one here laughing at this? I just got a mental image of the dad cutting his kid's legs off instead of taking his XBox. Maybe if he did cut his legs off, he wouldn't have ran away...
  16. Once again, Charlie gets the biggest laugh from me. "I hope he's wearing something made of windbreaker."
  17. Honestly, the only F/X show I care about is Always Sunny. I don't know why I didn't start watching it sooner. One of my roommates borrowed the first and second season on DVD and we were hooked, just in time for the first season. Unfortunately, we've completely missed Season 3. I'm sure we'll catch up on it, though. Plus, if someone can get me an animated gif of the two turds rolling together and being struck by lightning to become one so I can use it as my avatar, I'll love you forever.
  18. When I picked up my batch of horror movies at the rental store a few weeks ago, I almost picked up 2,001 Maniacs. I've been wanting to see it for a while but as a fan of the original, I'm afraid I'd be let down.
  19. Just got done watching Hostel Part 2. Not bad, but it was practically the same movie as the first one, only with girls getting killed instead of guys. The subplot with the new members of the Bloodhound Gang (I forgot what they were officially called but I'm sticking with that) was decent but I could see the "twist"... Spoiler: Click here to viewWhere the super pumped guy wusses out and the nervous guy gets into it ...a mile away. But just when I thought they weren't going through with it, they did, so kudos for that. The way the female lead survived was a bit of a cop-out... Spoiler: Click here to view"Hey, I'll buy my way out." "Ok!" End movie. Oh, and did she really have to get the bloodhound tattoo as a tramp stamp, just because she's a chick? So, if you liked the first Hostel, I'd recommend the sequel. Just don't expect any mind-blowing differences between the two. But I did get a good laugh at the credits, when I found out the Cannibal guy was Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust, following in the footsteps of the first Hostel, where Takashi Miike had a cameo.
  20. Finally watched Diary of the Dead after buying it a few weeks ago. I wasn't scared at all by it because there were barely any zombies in it. Unlike most of Romero's "Dead" movies that are zombie movies with an underlying message, this one was nothing but message with underlying zombies. Yet somehow it doesn't come off as preachy, which is probably the movie's greatest strength. But watching the trailers before the movie really made me wanna go out and pick up Teeth, which I still haven't seen.
  21. It might. My roommate bought it right when it came out and he loved it, which shocked me when he ended up trading it in a few months later. Apparently, after you beat it, there's not a whole lot of replay value left. I never got to play it when he had it, so I think I might pick it up when I get my Wii for Christmas.
  22. Are you mad? Whenever I hear Bear Grylls, I think of a grizzly cooking up a meaty steak on a propane grill. If that ain't manly, I don't know what is. By the way, I choose Danny Bonaduce. I don't think Celebrity Championship Wrestling can satiate his bloodlust. I wanna see him on The Ultimate Fighter.
  23. Voted. You're at 141 votes now. Ugh, this is bringing back horrible memories of when I tried out for this season of The Pick-Up Artist, as this site and all of MTV/VH-1's casting sites are laid out exactly the same. I just got an email a few days ago from VH-1, saying they're doing one for the one crazy blonde chick from last season of Rock of Love. Not interested.
  24. Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure I haven't seen this movie in a long time and forgot how awesome it was. It just reminded me how great the 80's were. A movie about two dudes going back in time in a telephone booth with George Carlin kidnapping historical figures so that they don't fail their history final exam and jeopardize the future by not being able to start a band whose music would go on to eliminate war and poverty would never get made today because it's just too great for anyone in Hollywood today to think of.
  25. I use Create A Character more than the actual game, sometimes. Case in point, Soul Calibur IV. I've hardly played the game but I've made at least 10 characters, all original creations. I rarely ever use templates off the Internet. The only one I ever used was a Matt Hardy CAW for SvR2006. If I make a pre-existing character or actual person, I'll do it from memory. Most of the time, I'll scroll through the options until I find one that triggers my creativity and I suddenly make a new character around it. Let's see if I can remember all my SCIV creations off the top of my head: Togashi Takumi - My character from the Legend of the Five Rings role-playing game. If you've seen the movie Azumi, think Bijomaru, only less gay, yet with pink hair. Mitsurugi's moveset. Trixie - A cute blonde schoolgirl with Rock's moveset. Evexia - A hot female pirate with Talim's moveset. Demento - A big guy with Maxi's haircut and Yoshimitsu's mask, Zasalamel's moveset. Black Wizard - A black guy in wizard clothes, using Lizardman's moveset with the Meat On The Bone weapon (his sword was a giant chicken leg, hence why I made him Black Wizard). Mega-Connery - A roided up version of Sean Connery using Cervantes' moveset. Following in the traditions of my SCIII creations, Mega-Hitler and Mega-Lincoln. Mad Butcher - A demented serial killer type, using Taki's moveset. FAGGOT! - A guy in a blue miniskirt using Setsuka's moveset. BAMF - A Bad Ass MoFo with an afro using Cassandra's moveset. I'm sure I'm missing a few there. We also made characters exploiting the traits, or "Whores", outfitting each one with nothing but the highest in the stats of Power, Impact, Gauge, Boost and Special. I just finished Gauge Whore and Impact Whore today.
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