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Everything posted by Walker

  1. Forlan and Muller are on 4 goals, Villa and Sneijder are on 5. Could be a close one as far as the Golden Boot is concerned. I'm hoping for that reason both teams are going to throw caution to the wind and it'll end up being a high-scoring game. However, I don't expect the same in the Final. Spain have had a problem breaking down good defence, and Holland have to recognise their opponent's loss to Switzerland and take something from that. We'll probably be seeing a one-way game until either Holland's defence gives or Holland get a goal on the counter-attack.
  2. I'd buy that for a dollar!

  3. How'd you figure? Not once have I seen him do anything like that. No more than, say, any priest or religious person does anyway. I don't understand it when people say he is in there to preach, because he hasn't. The only thing he has done close to that is read the Bible and recite passages.
  4. Shabby was absolutely terrible. The only good thing about her was the comic value of her hissy fits. There was nothing at all likeable about her and that shined through when she left. She walked ultimately because it wasn't going her way, she was annoyed that no one was following her lead aside from Caiomfodokaschim~, and then even became annoyed with her because she wouldn't talk to her despite having her own problems to think about. It is inexcusable selfishness. Shabby's biggest issue is she clearly belongs to a group of friends that "gets" her/takes her shit and she cannot handle anyone outside that group, unlike say Nathan and Corin who are genuine people who will gladly talk and be civil to anyone, and she just couldn't handle it when she wasn't liked and Nathan HAD THE CHEEK!!!! to answer he back when she was shit-stirring. I am glad she is gone. That said, it is why I love both Corin and Nathan despite them being complete polar opposites to myself. They are taking it in their stride without taking themselves too seriously. I also like Dave, Steve and Josie for miscellaneous reasons.
  5. Pulled Apart By Horses are worth a try looking at your charts.
  6. Worst thing about this? The Brock-haters will say he got destroyed (which he did) and he just got lucky, hence Fedor being the best Heavyweight in the world still, apparently. Best thing about this? Proves Carwin has dangerous hands, and proves Lesnar is a monster who can take a tonne of damage and still submit you. Do we have a decisive Number 1 Heavyweight yet?
  7. How the hell did Lesnar make it out of the first round? That was ... terrible, for Lesnar. Awesome for Carwin.
  8. Are you not in the UK? You don't order it, it's on ESPN :/ Oh yeah, I forgot about that. ... need to find someone with ESPN.
  9. I'll be trying to watch it live, but I need to find someone who has it first, can't afford to order it myself. As always I'll be routing for Lesnar and predict a third round TKO for him.
  10. I haven't ate anything but chocolate all day. Bloody nephew turning 1.

    1. TEOL


      That sounds like my every day.

  11. Despite the clearly offside goal, Mexico showed they could control the ball and penetrate the Argentinian defence, even if they couldn't get more than one goal from it. Unfortunately, that is bad news of Argentina. Maradonna's managing skills have been held in question before, and that sort of thing has gone quiet since the World Cup started because of Argentina's excellent attacking players, but one wonders what will happen when they go against a team like Germany who can control the ball, get through midfield and score. Luckily for me, I said this World Cup felt like a Germany World Cup, so now I go back to backing them, followed by Ghana, followed by Spain.
  12. Quite obvious what happened. We were outclassed by Germany from the word "GO" and that lead to us conceding a couple of goals that were both well-done from an offensive point of view and shameful from a defensive point of view. Then we scored from a set-piece which clearly shook up the young German side, allowing us to get another (even if it was disallowed). Early second half, the Germans recuperated and dominated us once again. No excuses, just out classed on every level. What happens from here? Apparently people are called for Copello to be replaced. No. Just no. All the revolving door at the England Manager position is doing is hurting the team. Leave Fabio in place and let him try again for the Euros. What I would do (though, I'm not a manager) is start a-fresh. Next friendly, play a new squad without those that got first team places at this World Cup. Everyone else? Make them play for it. Start selecting the squad based on form, and to the likes of Rooney, let him know that if he doesn't score goals he isn't going be in the first squad. Simple as that. EDIT: Also, minor note. The build-up of today's game consisted of the media saying "Rooney was on fire in training, scoring loads past James. This means he is going to score!" ... My immediate reaction was, "No, it means James is letting some in." To be fair to James, he wasn't dreadful in the first half. He saved a few shots that could have easily went in against ... erm ... Rob Green.
  13. Damn. I like JJ because I misjudged his personality completely, and he winds up being this lovable prick who hates lad-mag wannabes, but with Rachel gone I feel he is going to become either incredibly boring or an arrogant twat who thinks he is popular on the outside. Shabby should have went. She is Pete Bennett-level annoying.
  14. Dreadful. Utterly dreadful. If I wasn't English I would be taking the piss and wouldn't expect anyone to argue. They is no excuse for that shite performance.
  15. Probably the best result from an England perspective, but USA were robbed of a goal.
  16. lol, America EDIT: In all seriousness, good goal, Slovenia are looking good. Wouldn't surprise me if England only manage to finish Runner-Up in this group.
  17. What I have seen: 18. Meet the Spartans 25. Pinocchio 26. Date Movie 27. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation 42. Freddy Got Fingered 45. Daddy Day Camp 55. Rollerball 66. Yu-Gi-Oh! 74. Kangaroo Jack 82. Showgirls 83. Billy Madison 85. Urban Legends: Final Cut 90. I Know Who Killed Me 105. See No Evil 111. Boat Trip 125. Species II 128. Halloween: Resurrection 132. Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd 134. Saw V 139. Good Luck Chuck 150. Digimon: The Movie 156. Son of the Mask 179. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 197. Christmas with the Kranks So, that's 24. And you know what? I didn't mind half of them.
  18. The Good Nathan Steve Dave The Bad Shabby Ben Sunshine Goven Rachel The Decent John James Mario The Meh Everyone else. I'm mainly wowed how fast we've gotten to the bitchiness this year, as well as the whole "he's got a gameplan" thing. Yep, I'm looking at you Goven.
  19. Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?

  20. Ross Noble, Dylan Moran, Dara O'Briain, Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey, and then there are a shit load I like, but those six are my favourites.
  21. Walker

    L33t Thread 2010

    Seeing Hot Club de Paris at Middlesbrough Music Live made me sad. It looked like someone had sucked the life out of them. It still amazes me that they have never reached the level they are so capable of. Their 3rd full length album is on its way though, something to look forward to.
  22. Both Crouch and Heskey have the ability to intimidate the defenders in some way, be it by bullying them (Heskey) or by scaring the fuck out of them (Crouch). This is valuable as it opens gaps for the other striker and midfielders. I'd say Crouch should get the first team place over Heskey just because of his scoring record, but it is nice to have two guys who can play that role. The fourth striker is just in case Rooney gets injured/suspended (in which case we are fucked anyway), so who do you turn to? The guy with the experience. Always the guy with the experience. That is Defoe, he has had many more caps than Bent and has proven he can score goals if the play suits him. It is all well and good for people to say Bent has been on form, but club football and national football are different things, and the World Cup of all places is not appropriate for testing the waters with someone like Bent.
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