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Everything posted by =BK=

  1. I think I found a mistake in UFF. That's written like Thing asking Sue about the forcefield and why their not fried. The problem is that's Zombie Thing. You can tell because of the eyes and the fact he's dirty.
  2. 1. They should have got JCVD for the DLC. Fury isn't weird enough like Bruce Lee and Shaq. 2. Did I see a Liger kick in there?!
  3. If Marvel actually starts using Predators in their books now they have to do Spider-Man and Kraven vs a hunting party of Predators in New York.
  4. Yo. I can kinda give you something to wrestle with even if I don't care one way or the other. My Dad and Uncle have both always been proud of their Native American heritage. They feel as if it's erasing one of the little bits of Native American glorification in American popular culture. They've never experienced "Red Skin" used as a slur.
  5. Hope this link works. https://www.facebook.com/ufceurope/videos/1624616724352550/?vh=e
  6. Does the 4th issue of Ultimate Fantastic Four crash the Marvel Unlimited app for anyone else? Soon as I hit the double pages it goes down on one of them.
  7. Ahh. Your wife just spent a decade in stasis holding the fabric of reality together to prevent the end of all things and you still decide to be a dick to her when you get her back. All across the multiverse it is constant that Reed Richards is a terrible, terrible man.
  8. Yeeeeees. Gonna enjoy this fight.
  9. I love the Wolverine casting.
  10. Man I'm loving Spider-Girl. It reminds me a lot of Ultimate Spider-Man.
  11. Spider-Girl 5. Strange that it speaks like it's never had Peter before. Also if this were a modern book Venom reataching to middle aged and crippled Peter would be a whole arc with him as black suit Spider-Man again and slowly getting taken over. Here in 98 it's a single issue with a Spider-Venom monster right off the bat.
  12. You know May, with how your Mom is talking like a robot in the last panel I think you really might have more Spider-Person problems going on than the Green Goblin harassing you.
  13. I watched the other footage of the Avengers game. It reminds me a lot of DC Universe Online, just a smaller world, less customization and prettier graphics.
  14. I imagine you'll get bits and pieces of raw materials to craft upgrades with. Iron Man could work with parts if he's gone broke and his armory got looted and spread out. You could make Iron Man themed bad guy goons that way too.
  15. Is there an in-story reason no one besides Spiders ever fight The Inheritors?? The battles of Spider-Geddon happen in the 616. I feel like Peter should be using his Avengers past to see if Carol Danvers can come punch some Vampires.
  16. Hey, if dude wants 3 blue titties and a double Dragon dick on his avatar into that world, who are we to judge?
  17. https://v.redd.it/6sknh50ue5651
  18. Attacking Gideon was still part of Eric's pursuit for revenge because he was doing it for information and names. All he had previously was visions of faces. Expelling the Morphine from Darla was purely an act to try and help Sarah have a better life. I think cutting the Skull Cowboy character helped the beginning of the movie because I can't imagine him playing well in that scene but him not being around to explain some things hurts.
  19. Oh my God They need to make this it's own thing and give it to someone really good. It's Spider-Man meets Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  20. Ah I found it! It's under reading lists! Kinda makes having an event tab redundant. Still this is good. I use this for my reading time in the pool since I don't feel like novel reading currently. The easier it is just to click and read the better. Most likely single issues might go digital but you'll still be able to get the trades in print. That's how they distributed Injustice and it was a big hit that way.
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