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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. I like that there's fewer online Acheivements this time around.
  2. Can't remember the details, but there's a few free bonus weapons from Ammun-Nation and some other things....also, you get the ability to fly a blimp in the game.
  3. Watched the fourth Harry Potter movie earlier, and DEAR GOD MOANING MYRTLE WANTED TO DO THINGS WITH HARRY.

  4. Bully is one of those games I really ought've played by now but haven't.
  5. Well, that was kinda painful to watch.
  6. I'd like to think that I should've watched this game if my string of coincidental watching the game/Ravens winning from last year was any indication.
  7. Watching the 1999 Royal Rumble, and DEAR LORD THIS MATCH IS ANNOYING THE PISS OUT OF ME.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noah


      Big Bossman winning would have made it the best of Rumbles.

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      No, it is THE worse.

    4. Schlitzbrille


      I've finished it, and I never wanna watch it again.

  8. I would much enjoy it if you gentlemen would abandon your Ruki abuse long enough to possibly consider partaking with me in a round of golf.
  9. Being excessively railroaded in a game that initially appears to allow you to tackle things any way you please i.e appearing to have many ways of getting something done but only one or two solutions are the developer-approved "correct" ways.
  10. If so, then I wanna get the obligatory comment about yet another Final Fantasy 13 spinoff out of the way
  11. Fuck The Facts can go fuck themselves.
  12. I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff. Fair enough. Either way, I'd love to play FF XII again.
  13. Sums it up really. OK then, I officially change my vote to short-haired Tom Brady.
  14. Short-haired Tom Brady, if by "biggest wanker" we mean "sports guy you'd like to punch most in the face". If not, then Rob Dyrdek.
  15. "Tutorial levels' that seem like they take up half the damn game really annoy me.
  16. I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around. I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.
  17. I wanna punch you right now...not really. We'll just have to disagree on the matter. Anyway, I don't really hate the Beatles per se, I just can't get into their music in the slightest. Also, Emmure can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork.
  18. Well there are a few bits that are nigh-impossible/impossible to completely ghost. Challenge accepted. EDIT: I don't particularly mind having to kill/incapacitate a few people in the game. I just like getting by while being noticed as little as possible.
  19. I'll pick it up whenever I get around to buying a PS3. Nice to hear that the game's not trying to railroad you into the action-movie kill-'em-all mindset as much as I was fearing.
  20. There was a really shit remix of Kid Rock's Bawidiba (or however it's spelled because I can't be bothered to look up the proper spelling) that was used way too much a while ago.
  21. What can I say? I don't pride myself on being a logical individual.
  22. I'll probably have a PS3 by then, so I'll be tooling about.
  23. While looking for stuff on my laptop's hard drive to delete, I came across a short story I abandoned long ago. It was about a socialist coconut.

  24. I always thought the Tea-dus/Tie-dus debate was idiotic. I pronounced it Tie-dus ever since I first played FFX.
  25. Sweet freaking Jesus, I'm never gonna get around to finishing GTA V's main story, am I?
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