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Everything posted by GhostMachine

  1. Tony Romo being given a contract extension is the moment that I realized the Cowboys aren't winning a Super Bowl, let alone getting to one, as long as Jerry Jones is owner.
  2. So is Snake's Revenge considered non-canon, then? I played the original on the NES back in the day, but its the only Metal Gear game I've played. I own V: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Paradox, but have not bothered to install them because I don't have the time to play them.
  3. GO GO, POWER...I mean...TEXAS...RANGERS!
  4. As a football fan, I agree. As a Cowboys fan, they need a raise and lifetime contracts.
  5. Still have not seen Us, as I didn't like the trailer. But Peele's movie afterward, Nope, was more or less shit. Finally watched it, and I hope everyone behind it does another film - not necessarily a sequel - with most of the main cast. One thing about the movie:
  6. Football is still quite popular in Germany.
  7. Damn! They have to put him on ice (literally!) that long?!
  8. I wish they had followed up that Doctor Who/TNG crossover with a Doctor Who/TOS one, but using one of the classic Doctors. Either 2, 3 or 4.
  9. Brandon Weeden or Charlie Whitehurst out of retirement!!
  10. The bother is that groups and sites dedicated to other conferences are even posting stuff about Colorado. Otherwise, I wouldn't care. I don't read Saturday Down South, a site about the SEC, to read about a overhyped Pac-12 team I don't care about that doesn't at least have an SEC opponent on their schedule to somewhat justify it. There are also at least two SEC groups on Facebook that have posted articles about Colorado, AND a Vols specific one. That doesn't happen with other non-SEC teams. If I didn't have to hear or read about the Buffaloes just about every time I want to watch or read about College Football, it would not be an issue.
  11. Right now, other than the Cowboys (obviously), I'm pulling for the Lions to go to the Super Bowl. But I'm sadly expecting it to be the 49ers.
  12. GhostMachine

    Cover Songs

    Speaking of Sabaton, Amaranthe covered their song 82nd All The Way, and corrected the one mistake Sabaton made: They got Sgt. York's unit wrong on the album.
  13. This playoff structure is about as stupid as Bud Selig's old "Parity works" statement.
  14. Its been confirmed it was his wish for that to be posted. A family member apparently did it. Cause of death was a stroke, according to what I've read over in the discussion about it at Byrne Robotics. (Yes, I'm a John Byrne fan.)
  15. I still watched it late at night on the Hallmark Channel if I was up, before we dumped cable and went purely to streaming a few months ago. It has aged quite well. Golden Girls, which is shown along with it, has not. Just got done watching Quantum Leap and Magnum PI via Peacock. With streaming only, there are some shows I have to watch when they air or miss (Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy! - and I don't really care if I miss Wheel; Heidi cares more than I do), and some I have to watch the next day. Basically, I get CBS and NBC live thanks to Paramount + and Peacock, but not ABC or Fox. Its a bitch avoiding Masked Singer spoilers until I watch it. And we may be dumping Netflix.
  16. I plan on checking it out eventually. I've heard Lilith might show up, but unless Frasier takes a trip to a certain bar, it'll be hard to watch without any of the old cast. John Mahoney is dead, and David Hyde Pierce has said on more than one occasion that he has no interest whatsover in ever playing Niles again.
  17. 2 Tennants, Jodie, and whatever Ruth is. But I still think she's a fake out or 2.5. We never actually saw 2 regenerate into 3, after all. Could have regenerated 2 into her, used her as an agent only to go rogue, be captured, mind-wiped, and forced to become 3. Or, she could actually be Jenny, calling herself the Doctor, thinking the real Doctor is dead for some reason (acquiring her own TARDIS during the Time War). That could be why her and 13 didn't recognize each other. Any thing that makes Ruth pre-1 (Hartnell) will be bullshit. As for the new theme, I like it. But my favorite new era ones are still Tennant's and the rock version they used for one Capaldi episode.
  18. Marvel Snap and Champions Online, both via Steam. Blood Moon, aka CO's Halloween event, just started, and its my favorite seasonal event of the year. Burned out on Star Trek Online, don't want to play any of my other games and can't afford to buy anything right now due to current financial problems.
  19. I want a Texas-Arizona World Series, because I'm sick of the Astros and pretty much hate all Philadelphia teams due to their fanbase. If Texas goes, I'll probably watch it regardless of the NL team just to see if the Rangers can finally win the championship.
  20. Lol. The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and White Claw are what I was referring to.
  21. Two of those things I wish still didn't exist....
  22. To be fair, with Manfred Mann's version (its a Springsteen cover), I've listened to it a LOT over the years, and I swear he does say "douche" the last time. Also, "Purple Haze": Acting funny, but I don't know why. `Scuse me while I kiss the sky. Its offten misinterpreted as `Scuse me while I kiss this guy.
  23. GhostMachine

    Cover Songs

    I want to see the movie where they use this version as the theme:
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