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The LBTN Express

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Everything posted by The LBTN Express

  1. He still had Ehiogu, Bates & Cattermole on the bench at that point. He could have easily stuck Ehiogu on and swapped Yakubu with Viduka. Or he could have swapped Frank with Cattermole giving them a little more presence going forward but not leaving them entirely open at the back. I just feel it was a bad decision. It may have worked against Basle and Steau but it was clear that it wasn't going to work here against Sevilla. Especially at 1-0 down. Maybe if they were 2-0 down it would have been an ok decision, but at 1-0 it just left them too open at the back to be destroyed.
  2. Hopefully with the time they've got Rockstar can find a way to go above and beyond what everyone else is doing again.
  3. It wasn't the best choice IMO. It may have worked in the past, but it was obvious Sevilla were 10x better than the crap they played in the last two rounds. Having four strikers on the field when your 1-0 down, whilst your still creating chances was not a very good tactical decision. Not only did it force Downing further back, it left them buggered at the back and they got ripped apart because of it. They should have kept it as it was (replacing Viduka for Yakubu) and going from there. They weren't playing all too bad and were still creating chances at that point.
  4. I believe the Nintendo's is more in the form of a laser of the top of the controller which would determine where you were pointing it, and where it was being moved. The PS3 sounds more like it senses what sort of movements you are making with your hands, which is entirely different. EDIT: From what I gathered about the Nintendo controller (haven't paid much attention to the Wii) is that it was a modified laser gun in the form of a controller.
  5. I've only ever used 2 strategy guides. First was for the first Resident Evil and the second was for GTA:SA to get all the extras.
  6. I guess it'll be priced around £350 for the UK with the 60gb hard drive, although I don't know why you'd exactly need the extra 40GB for a console unless you were wanting to store a load of music on it or something. The 360 comes with a 20GB and I've hardly used any of that so far. The price is worth it considering you'll get a console and essentially a blu ray player as well all in one.
  7. I didn't want to go over the top with it, as with the last round I thought something simple, yet effective suits the rules better. I had this picture for a project I did a few years ago stored on my computer. I saw it whilst digging around all my stocks and stuff looking for ideas and thought it would be perfect for a calendar shot, so I just made it look like there was some actual sun above them, deepened the shadows giving the effect it was the height of summertime in Vietnam.
  8. He's playing for Yorkshire this season so hopefully he continue this form and have a great year so we can have a decent season.
  9. Things I currently watch: 24 Lost Battlestar Thief Invasion Never Mind The Buzzcocks South Park Stuff I'm looking forward to returning: Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis The 4400 Things cancelled that I would like to see another season of: Threshold Over There
  10. I can't believe they'd actually consider canning Scrubs and Invasion. On the subject of shows being cancelled I wish whichever network is it that had 'Over There' would have commissioned another series instead of cancelling it. The season finale was last night here in the UK and is was an awesome show. Anyone else watch it?
  11. Damn. Proof was always my favourite out of D12, and probably one of my favourite of all time. Kind of ironic really as in Like Toy Soldiers it was him being shot. EDIT: Hopefully it isn't true.
  12. I'm just working my way through it now, although short it's probably the best Tomb Raider since the first one. It looks amazing on the 360.
  13. The minute they announced they were having an 'Eastenders' episode was the minute I decided I won't be bothering to watch this series.
  14. I've got it for the 360 and having played it for 14 or 15 hours I haven't really done anything at all. I've closed one Oblivion gate and am part way through the Thieves and Mages guild quests. What I love doing though is going into one of the Mages Guild houses and attacking one of them. Having around five people chasing you around throwing spells at you and stuff as you try to escape is hella fun.
  15. Loving for the rules for this round. I've got a couple of ideas so I'll just have to see which comes across best.
  16. I like how you've used the outline of the logo on the back. The one thing that irks me most about it is the logo on the front. 'Live On PPV' wouldn't appear on a DVD cover. You'd be best replacing that with a cut of the logo that doesn't have that on it.
  17. I've never started a game off unemployed but my longest game was when I started as Bradford Park Avenue. They didn't have a full squad in game and it seemed like a decent challenge to rebuild a team from scratch that low down (plus they're local). After 8 seasons I managed to get them to League One before getting relegated. I then took a job at Millwall and just sat round mid table for three seasons before taking over at Everton who had just been relegated. Two seasons later I'd taken Everton back into the Premier League and after a few seasons of battling relegation we made the Champions League. Which was satisfying working my way up to the Champions League through four clubs in around 15 years. The most I had for a transfer budget was £1.5million and that was the season after we qualified for the Champions League. So if you've got the patience to go through a few seasons and put in a lot of hardwork it's worth it to start out low down with a low club or starting out unemployed and jumping at the first team that'll take you because when you do achieve something it means a hell of a lot more.
  18. Why is Michael Owen so deadly in this game? I'm playing as Newcastle and despite pretty much my whole first team being injured we're second in the league thanks to Owen who is top scorer with 21 in the league (and it's still November). The second highest scorer in the Premiership is Henry with 8. So far this season, with the league, the UEFA cup and the qualifying he's scored 39 goals in 20 games. With another 35-40 games or so to go in the season he's probably going to end up with over 100 goals if he carries on.
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