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Everything posted by Robsturgh

  1. I'll rejoin WoW if we do an EWB guild, I guess I'll have to hit up the american servers though. I'll join as long as we never ever do: BRD, Zul'farrak, LBRS. Im all good for the other ones. EDIT: Wait, can us Euro's even join American servers?
  2. http://www.myspace.com/stonegard Playing at download, I recommend anyone/everyone acquire a copy of thier debut album Arrows, its quite grand.
  3. Gots me a ticket as soon as they came out. The line up is pretty good, but I don't think its gonna beat last year. Still, should be a fuck load of fun.
  4. That was awesome stuff. I broke a rib from the laugh vibrations while I watched Hammond sink.
  5. Pretty sad life you've had there.
  6. This is the best fucking night of my life.
  7. Robsturgh

    Vote Lordi

    Oh my god, that was absolute brilliance
  8. Im gonna hit up Megadeth, simply because its more instrumental than the others, and I dig that sort of thing.
  9. Haddaway - What is love Hands down.
  10. Oh my god. I heard the audio, that was funny enough, but that is just genius.
  11. Well, regardless if the film is good or not, the soundtrack is absolutely fucking amazing.
  12. Final Fantasy 6 - Seized with Fury from www.ocremix.org, the song just is a fucking grand adaptation of it, not to mention rocks my testicle hairs into a finely combed mohawk.
  13. Jesus christ, does this game WANT a better PC to play it? the specs for it are bloody insane.
  14. I was about 4, and my mum and Dad had just split up (it wasnt a bad split so no, this isnt a sob story). Me and mother moved into a london flat in November sometime and it was absolutely fucking bare, that christmas my Dad bought me a master system with a copy of Alex the Kidd built in, and the original Sonic (!!!!). The best picture I own in the world is me sitting down on a bare wooden floor with plaster white walls and no other decoration but a small sofa with holes in, playing Alex the Kidd in the corner of the room. Good times.
  15. The DVD is the best DVD they have put out, bar none.
  16. At the moment, Civ IV, it just absolutely drains my time away. Of all time? This is gonna sound really bad, but probably Runescape when it first came out. I think I was like 12-13 at the time, and online play was all new and fresh for me. That game killed any social life that I did have for a good year.
  17. I think its something like 6 people that have died just by sitting and playing WoW. I'll look up ze articles now. EDIT: Summers explained it better.
  18. WoW is one of the only games with a certifiable death toll. Survival is not guarenteed.
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