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Everything posted by Robsturgh

  1. Fallout, DoW, Star Ocean and last but not least Vagrant fucking Story. God I love that game.
  2. One other tip, always, and I mean always, have the transporter wait for full load at the resource pick up point. With passengers, its the other way around, since it tends to be two way.
  3. I saw them in Cambridge last month, I gotta say they we're quite excellent. I marked for the extreme keyboard solo, and you should too.
  4. Try Here for a number of differant lessons, its hardly extensive, but each lesson is fairly huge.
  5. Resi 4 today. Good god of unholy I love this game.
  6. Starcraft - How this game was (see: is) considered the industry standard for RTS's I will never know. Homeworld 1/2, Red Alert 2 (hell Red Alert original), Dawn of War, Age of Mythology, etc etc in my mind all surpass it. My reason for thinking its vastly overrated? It lacks in many areas, the missions were either too basic or they tried to be way too extravagent in thier portrayel. The multiplayer mode was fun for the first say....3 months. When you get into things like "Uber Micro" then you lose the fun of a game, and it gets into a routine. Good for the short run, but so overrated its untrue. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the rest of the series, including GTA London. But this seems to be failure of the series. Sure, there were a bunch of new things added, you could buy places, you could do side missions for your companies. Etc etc. But as for storyline purposes, I think it severly lacked the direction of the rest of the series. And theres only so much killing you can do before it does get seriously fucking boring.
  7. Chrono Trigger Fallout 2 Final Fantasy 6 Red Alert 2 Suikoden II Secret of Mana Front Mission 3 Phantasy Star Online Vagrent Story Breath of Fire 3 Honorable Mentions: Skies of Arcadia Shenmue 2 FF7 FF10 Soul Calibur Neverwinter Nights
  8. Tsk tsk....her insurance is gonna be through the roof.
  9. The thing about being level 40 to get a mount is that the places where it is easiest to get cash are level 40+, and mounts do cost a fair chunk of cash, so saving up to buy a mount at earlier levels would stop you from getting skills and equipment that will benefit you more than a faster travel speed. The honour system pissed me off too when it first started, as I hated PvP, I would always avoid getting into fights with opposing factions and would get pissy if I was killed by another player. Then I started playing Battlegrounds, and I found it a fuck load of fun, now I really enjoy PvP. I'm not saying the same thing will happen to you, but Id say you wont dislike it as much as you think. As for the questions: 1. The only basic clothing that you can change is a shirt, mainly ones that tailors make, as thats the only other eice of clothing that would get seen through all the armor. 2. I haven't actually ever taken Engineering up before, so Im not sure. But my friend tells me that Goblin engineering is much better, as Gnomish engineering is mainly for comedy. Thats not to say Gnomish engineering is shit, it does have its uses, but for the most part Goblin engineering has a ton of very useful things (High attack gear etc) 3. I don't know about America, what with being English and all, but late night (I assume you mean midnight and beyond) can be pretty inactive, there are usually still quite a few people on, they just aren't doing many instance (dungeon) runs. 4. Really very basic stuff. Mage starts off with wooden stick and some cloth pants and a top. Warrior starts off with a sword some poor pants and a top. Etc etc. But for what you fight at the beginning few levels, you really shouldnt worry about your equipment. From lvl 15+, you should start looking for equipment of a green (good) quality or better. You get most of these from Instance runs or quests. Making equipment for yourself using your proffession is also a great idea. 5. www.thottbot.com - Just search Mechanical Squirrel. Ok, heres the deal with pets. There are two kinds of pets, active and passive. Engineers, Hunters and Warlocks can make/have active pets, these can be controlled by the person and attack monsters, backflip, play the clarinet etc etc. Passive pets are just there for show, and do nothing more than run beside you for eternity, they cant be hurt or damaged either. 6. Theres loads of differant ways to level, obviously some are more efficient than others. Power levelling is a very quick way to level, but people don't tend to search for people to PL them, I haven't ever seen one. Most/All people tend to eithe grind (kill lots of) monsters, do quests or a bit of both. I prefer to do quests, as killing mobs over and over again just kills the point of the game for me. 7. I'm unsure, I think its unlimitied as far as I know. Its at least 4, as I have 4 on one server. Would you need more than 2 though at any one time? 8. Cooldown = Recharge? Indeed.
  10. The Cave - 2/10 There isnt much to say about this film, other than it has a fucking predictable plot and is not scary in a single part of the film. Its rather amusing in some parts, especially a point near the end, where theres a huge emotional re-union and Kate (the heroine) calls out to not-quite-antagonist Tom (not his name, but I forgot) and simply nods at him. You have to see it to understand why I laughed. Definatly Missable.
  11. The Antichrist What do I win?
  12. Soilwork is my main one. I heard Follow the Hollow so many times round my friends house I couldn't possibly like them. Then I listened to Stabbing the Drama, and older songs like Bastard Chain, and now I flucking love them.
  13. Word of warning: Don't get your hopes up about Chrono Cross.
  14. Legend of Kartia - Female ending. Where she uses the Kartia of Nothingness to stop all of her friends from dying, sacrificing herself. The friends reactions when they see her vanishing is tear-worthy. Then to add a little more salt to the teardrop, her dad flies in and uses the Kartia of Life to revive her and kill himself. Ahh, I loved that game. FF9 - Near the end of disc 3 when Zidane goes on his brief badass streak only to be stopped by Garnet. RE: Code Veronica - After the Steve battle, where he overcomes his madness and saves Claire from the tentacle. Legend of Dragoon - End of Disc 1, where King Albert dies. FF7 - Where you find out Cloud has lied about his whole life, to his friends and to himself. The Aeris bit goes without saying. Breath of Fire 3 - After Balio and Sunder destroy you leaving little Ryu by himself. FFX - When Tidus finds out Yuna will die after the final summoning. FF8 - Finding out the true reason why Squall likes to be alone.
  15. I tritto the Fallout Series, both are incredibly addictive and just downright mindblowing to play. It will take you solid days to complete either game properly.
  16. That applies to pretty much everyone but Xander, who actually somehow managed to be less bad ass than when they started. I wish that he'd gone the route of Wesley a bit more, albeit without entirely dropping the smartass part. It just felt that the only time he'd get his just deserts towards someone who'd wronged him was when he went on some long monologue and they were too taken aback to put him in his place. Ironic, bad ass Xander would have been > *. ← Bad ass Xander vampire > * I'm in the midst of watching Buffy season 3 at the moment. It easily has the greatest character development on TV. Nothing comes close. Wesley is easily the best example of it, with Giles being damn close as well. ←
  17. Oh god, I completely forgot about Oz. He was the 3rd best character behind Xander and badass Wes.
  18. How do you check the ratio?
  19. Okay, Ive just started re-playing this game, and the bugs and lag has actually pretty much gone. Im on the Dark Sorrow server with my brandly new lvl 15 hunter. Going to re-make a mage though, as I am king with a mage.
  20. Oh....Oh my "That Vase would fetch a lot..." "No! That would make us petty thieves! I have to hold true to the name of the overlord! I must be impartial and..." "And what?" "....PLUNDER EVERYTHING!" I don't know how to thank you Stokey. ...Your fellatio is in the post.
  21. ...Not much ...£1115...
  22. It was about time I bought a new PS2 anyways, my PS2 wasnt playing barely any of my games, but of course if I said that it'd seem like Stoke did me a favour >_>.
  23. Ok, so I just went out and brought a brand new PS2. If this game sucks, your first born will be the sacrifice Stoked.
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