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Everything posted by EndOfAnEra

  1. It's wierd regarding NIN albums, as it's such a varied opinion from person to person. I actually liked With Teeth more than The Fragile, and know a few people who feel the same way, but I think I was the only one that felt that way on here when With Teeth came out. Then there are others who feel Downward Spiral was never topped.
  2. I seem to remember a video where the band is playing in what appears to be something like an underground factory. I don't remember much, aside from at the end a whole bunch of short guys in hooded cloaks that look like those little guys from Star Wars go running around. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
  3. Clive has been awesome in everything I've seen him in. He was GREAT in Inside Man and Closer.
  4. It saves to the game, not a cartridge. Corizzle is probably right.
  5. EndOfAnEra

    Off Centre

    This show was awesome. If I could get Inside Schwartz back along with this, then watch Two and a Half Men and How I Met Your Mother, it would be the greatest block of tv imaginable.
  6. Wasn't DFA set to release a new album right away? Any word what the deal is with that?
  7. EndOfAnEra

    Admit It.

    OH MY GOD DANNY DeVITO! I LOVE YOUR WORK! That plus the amazingly gorgeous Lacey Chabert make it worthwhile.
  8. EndOfAnEra

    Clerks 2

    That movie was AWESOME. I actually laughed more in this than the first. Really well done, and the new characters were great, specifically Kelly and the 'Big Stud YEAH!'
  9. I've never heard of that. Shows how much I use the store feature. How do I find it?
  10. I specifically go out of my way to steal Metallica music simply because it's theirs, so this means nothing to me. I want to see a feature on iTunes that makes it easier to access bands I'd never hear of otherwise. Smaller acts and all that. That's my only iTunes complaint.
  11. So what's the difference between a manga and the movies? I'm so confused.
  12. I saw the UK office first and absolutely loved it. I think it's hands down better than the US version, but I still watch the US version regularly. Dwight is awesome, nice to see he's getting a breakout year now.
  13. They released it on the net, but it was a burned CD, not produced, ya know?
  14. This group called Street Drum Corps was awesome. They're like a punk-rock version of Stomp, using magnets, oil drums, garbage cans, black light, and a whoooole lotta glow paint. These guys did a quick set before the Used came on, and then it just transitioned into an opening for them with their guitars. I didn't even like the Used that much, but the feeling when they were doing the intro was just sheer chaos. It actually felt like shit was going to hit the fan, and everyone was getting worked up and restless.
  15. Shit. I wish I had gotten drunk and lost my leg in a limo prom accident.
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