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Everything posted by sirdavinator

  1. Tyranny of Normality by Papa Roach could be one. I still can't comprehend it's meaning. It does have the word 'media' there though.
  2. I used to play Age Of Empires II everyday two years ago, until my friend wanted it back. Other than that...nothing much. I also occasionally play CS in cybercafes.
  3. IIRC, it was that you could say you owned ROMs/Emulators, but not say where you downloaded them from or give out links to other people on EWB for places to find ROMs. That's what I could remember.
  4. Who the hell cares anyway, I have a few ROMs on my computer, and I don't own any of those games I have. They're usually the only entertainment source I have (lack of games or gaming consoles period)
  5. Command and Conquer: Generals, December 2003 No, really, I'm serious.
  6. I don't know this guy, not having Sky Sports, but it's stupid how everyone starts jumping on someone becuase they thought he was making an offensive comment. It wasn't even his fault, becuase it wasn't him who thought up the joke, now he's the scapegoat.
  7. You could always check Gamefaqs, they have a list of fake/real wrestlers.
  8. Slipknot's Iowa is 15 minutes long, and the first few minutes are practically nothing. In short, I don't really like long songs. They bore me.
  9. Good Charlotte: I only really liked Predictable, but I think they fall under this. Linkin Park: Here, about everyone who's heard of Linkin Park likes them. In the US, though...
  10. It featured Styles, Petey Williams and I think it's Chris Sabin, I, too, haven't really been up to date with TNA.
  11. The movie fucking rules, I watched it But knowing the other side of the world, they'll probably butcher the dubbing.
  12. Dammit, the timing of the matches are always so goddamn frustrating. I can never watch Arsenal matches live because they always start late or on the next day. A normal match starts 11 my time, maybe at 8-plus if it's early, but I hardly ever see Arsenal matches start at those times. Add to the fact that they've lost for the second time this season just makes for very frustrated ladydav.
  13. Bergkamp's goal against Newcastle, Kanu's goal against Middersborough, I definetely thought he was going to pass to Bergkamp, but he somehow managed to score. I even recorded that match, but my VCR player's spoilt.
  14. Now where can I find these two games? EDIT: Okay, I found the site for Soldat. It sounds promising, and I'm downloading it now. Oh, I think I must stress this. I want first-person shooters.
  15. Are there any of these kinds of games floating round the internet? Please, nothing more than 20MB, and it must be freeware. I know such games exists, but I don't know where to look. Any help is appreciated.
  16. I don't find anything bad about Linkin Park. I don't listen to lyrics much, just the music. I can memorise the lyrics, but I can do that with any song, provided I keep listening to it for three hours. I like Linkin Park, and anyone who doesn't can keep your opinions to yourselves.
  17. I would...if I could find them. I doubt anyone but me has heard of them here. That's the problem with Singapore. All they have are the mainstream CDs.
  18. sirdavinator


    You people are damn weird to start throwing things about during Monopoly. Just think of the stuff you have to keep! Everytime I play Monopoly, everyone starts giving me $1 notes for rent, and we just keep on passing that whole stack of notes until suddenly someone gets angry...
  19. Anyone? Don't tell me nobody's ever heard of this band?
  20. I dunno...I haven't seen George post in quite a few days...he might be away.
  21. So once again, I'm asking EWB for suggestions. Usually it's overkill to even ask here, but as it's music, I'm sure you guys will help...keep your suggestions coming! As to how I got to know of this band, I heard 11th Hour today. It was good, and I know, so don't suggest to me that anymore.
  22. No, my birthday's in a month, and THEN I can be legally on these forums.
  23. My favourites are Firefly, So Cold, Skin and Breakdown. Yeah, get any of the four, All of them rule. Although the best thing is to get both their albums.
  24. /forum/index.php?showtopic=12853&hl=chant">Here, sir ←
  25. Kung Fu Hustle: 9/10 Film's in Chinese. Really hilarious.
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