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Fait Accompli

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Status Replies posted by Fait Accompli

  1. Without any spoilers from last night, does IMPACT WRESTLING!!!! look like it's going to be somewhat different to TNA - or just same old shit?

  2. So many asses...so little time.

  3. Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      There's gotta be more to life than chasin' down every temporary high.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. EWB is running about as fast as Mark Henry chasing Nexus.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Am I the only one who loves Heath Slater's stiff arm to Mark Henry during the runaway/chase?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. "THE ROCK JUST PUT BILLY GUNN'S FACE IN THAT LARGE WOMAN'S ASS!" - Ain't nothin' like the Attitude Era, folks.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      I think Cena's tenure in WWE was just as long as Austin's, too.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Friday, friday got get down on Frdiay

  7. I just got done watching Terry Funk vs. Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore Championship, and my God...I don't think I've laughed that hard during a match...ever.

  8. Any New Yorkers on here who can give advice?

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      It really does, and we shall not be accessories to whatever potential crime you're about to commit.

      ...Do take pics though >_>.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. thinks that a version of Glee that was good would basically just be Flight of the Conchords.

  10. Shucky ducky quack quack.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Anything is better than "LET THE PIGEONS LOOSE!"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I listened to Kim Kardashian's song - A) Not by choice and B) yes, Kim Kardashian has now ventured into music. I don't think I've ever heard a song so overproduced yet lifeless in my life.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Yeah, that's the exact song I was talking about. She just sounded so...bored singing it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. I listened to Kim Kardashian's song - A) Not by choice and B) yes, Kim Kardashian has now ventured into music. I don't think I've ever heard a song so overproduced yet lifeless in my life.

  13. Watching the Jericho DVD, his match against Triple H when he won but didn't win the title, and it looks like the commentary is censored at times because JR and the King go strangely silent for large periods of time and the crowd noise sounds piped in. Is is just me, or did they really censor the commentary? If so, does anyone know why?

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Well, I know that in the newer DVDs, they either edit out the "F" in WWF or the entire "WWF" whenever it's said. That being said...no clue as to why they did so in this instance.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm thinking about getting Jerichos book, is it as good or better than the first?

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      From what I heard, he has stories about his alter ego known as "Drunkicho" who came out whenever he got hammered.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why are there reality shows about the wives and girlfriends of professional athletes? They're like the most self-centered and uninteresting group of people.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      Uh...sure? I don't really know how to respond to that; so here's a picture of The Undertaker in a suit: 2ekj9cz.jpg

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Why are there reality shows about the wives and girlfriends of professional athletes? They're like the most self-centered and uninteresting group of people.

  17. Pawnee: Engage with Zorp.

  18. Just witnessed a huge meltdown/bitchfest at the E-fed I run. Some people need to learn what a game is.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      I've seen, heard of, and to an extent been apart of some shady shit in e-feds. For some reason, this little game brings out the most petty and dishonorable sides outta people.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  19. You wanna hit me in the pinky toe and steal my catchphrase?

  20. Jeff Jarrett: MMA Expert

  21. No WWE PPV and no TNA PPV? What a lame ass Sunday night.

    1. Fait Accompli

      Fait Accompli

      As a New Yorker, I'm only watching the World Series for one reason: Brian Wilson...FACT.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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