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Everything posted by Boulder

  1. You can tell I'm bored at work when I make the day's Top 20 Posters list.

  2. Has anyone else ever played this awesome game? I loved it as a kid, but from about 1999 on it wasn't compatible with any of my computers. Last week, I bought it off GoodOldGames.com (whom I believe hold the legal rights to sell it... if I'm wrong, my apologies), and it's just as amazing as I remember. It's an RPG based on Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar Saga, but the gameplay is a bit different from most RPGs I've played. It's just a great story and a lot of fun, I heartily recommend it to everyone. Oh, and I don't remember much about the game, so let's keep the thread spoiler-free!
  3. You know it's humid in the city when even the Jews for Jesus tap out.

    1. Heel Turn

      Heel Turn

      You'd think they'd be used to the heat, what with the whole 40 years of wandering in the desert.

    2. naiwf


      But that's a DRY heat <_<

  4. They aren't the same. Werdum used a trinagle choke with an armbar added for good measure, the Hell's Gate is a modified gogoplata, different moves, set up in different ways Knew someone would say that. It was funny to me, dammit!
  5. Saw the fight. That Hell's Gate is a hell of a hold.
  6. Looks good. Thanks, kliq!

  7. 1. Bio-Dome 1996 5. Vulgar 2002 36. Strange Wilderness 2008 42. Freddy Got Fingered 2001 53. Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist 2002 61. Carpool 1996 83. Billy Madison 1995 86. Half Baked 1998 105. See No Evil 2006 119. Gigli 2003 132. Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd 2003 148. Vegas Vacation 1997 154. Joe Dirt 2001 191. Cabin Boy 1994 Saw those. The only one I really hated was Freddy Got Fingered. I can't understand why Vegas Vacation was on the list- it's not a classic or anything, but it's completely inoffensive. I need to see Carpool again, I remember it ruling. EDIT: And second the outrage over Billy Madison's inclusion. Growing up Jewish in the suburbs in the 1990s, I know that movie better than fundamentalists know their religious texts. Some kind of heartless fucks marked that one down. In closing, I award them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls.
  8. is digging the World Cup enthusiasm/environment- just wishes it was about something cooler than soccer.

  9. Thanks! How's it going, man?

  10. Thanks for the birthday wishes! WCW is sleeping for now, but it'll arise someday!

  11. Good call on the trades. IIM #7 was a one-shot dealing with Spider-Man and Iron Man's relationship post-Civil War and Secret Invasion. It was a good issue, I'm surprised they didn't stick it on The Five Nightmares.
  12. Isn't the Green Lantern Rebirth that's coming out the Absolute edition? If so, it's a big, hardcover volume with a lot of extras, but also quite pricey. You might be better off just looking for the trade. As far as Cap goes, there are three trades (Red Menace 1 & 2, Civil War) that bridge the gap between Winter Soldier and Death of Cap. You might be able to get by without reading them, but they all introduce elements that come into play in future stories, and they're all really good. With Iron Man, you can either start with the beginning of Matt Fraction's run on the title (there's an omnibus of the first 19 issues, or you can get the first trade, The Five Nightmares), or you can go back to Warren Ellis's Extremis. If you're not looking to spend a lot of money the former option might be better, but Extremis is really the start of the "modern" Iron Man and I thought the Knaufs' work which followed it was superb.
  13. Very sorry to hear this. I knew he was ill, and it just occurred to me recently that I hadn't heard anything about him of late. He was an amazing vocalist- like you said, Bobfoc, nobody blended power and range like him- sort of the Freddie Mercury of heavy metal. Of course, that's a pretty basic comparison that doesn't come close to telling the whole story- nothing can, save for listening to his music. The world most certainly lost a legend.
  14. Fantastic drawing, I miss seeing Chris G. draw the Mini-Marvels. Did you pick it up at a convention?
  15. Ah, okay, didn't remember that. Yeah, then Rebirth is definitely a great place to start. Yeah, I read them both, and they were both good. Neither was as good as Rage of the Red Lanterns, which I believe came between those two storylines, but if you like Geoff Johns on Green Lantern you'll probably like both (or all three) stories. Plus, they all lead into Blackest Night, about which I had mixed feelings, but is certainly the biggest GL event since Johns took over.
  16. 1) New Avengers is hit or miss, but for all intents and purposes, it was really Marvel's flagship book during the time it ran, so that's something to consider. The Secret Invasion tie-ins got tiresome, but that's way down the line. But hey, if you liked Breakout, pick up the next one and go on a case by case basis. I think "The Sentry" comes next, which is pretty decent. 2) Like Hewey said, start with Rebirth for Green Lantern and go from there. Like Brubaker on Captain America, most of what Johns has done for GL over the past 5 years has been one big, flowing story. Personally, I thought the peak was the Sinestro Corps War (which is around issues 21-25 of GL), but I'd stay start with Rebirth and go from there. It's a little tough to get into if you don't know any of the backstory (why Hal Jordan is the Spectre, for instance), but some research should clear it up and make it a satisfying read.
  17. Definitely York. He was also in that Twilight Zone episode where he flips the coin and it lands on its side, so he can read people's minds.
  18. Just so long as it involves Donovan Morgan, Christopher Daniels, and Ace Darling, I'll be happy.
  19. Saw this last night and really loved it. Firstly, most of the criticisms I've heard regarding the movie are pretty invalid (one person complained that the girls are wandering in the woods for 15 minutes- that's not true at all. Another person said that it wasn't anatomically graphic enough- your mileage may vary, but I wasn't disappointed). Also, the movie had its funny moments, but it wasn't a comedy- the humor was generally supposed to be uncomfortable and it didn't demean the subject matter, being as how at it's core, it's a story of torture and imprisonment. The absolute best thing about the movie, though, was Dieter Laser. Honestly, his was one of the best performances I've ever seen in a horror movie, just so sick and vile and weird and disturbing. Totally different roles, but the only portrayal of similar quality that's even coming to mind is Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter.
  20. For Captain America, your best bet would be starting with the beginning of Ed Brubaker's run. There are two omnibus editions out collecting the bulk of it, and I'm sure it's also out in trade (start with the Winter Soldier book). As far as Avengers, a good place to start is the beginning of New Avengers- I think that storyline was called "The Breakout", so that's probably the name of the trade.
  21. I purchased the latest Vertigo Crime graphic novel, "Area 10" by Christos Gage and Chris Samnee. Ordinarily, I wouldn't spend $20 on a book after reading only a short preview, but the strength of the creative team and the quality of said preview pulled me in. I'm glad I picked it up because it was a compelling read with plenty of twists and turns that (to use a cliche) never took the easy way out as far as the plot progession went. Samnee's art always looks great, but it was really strong here- most of the book was done in a subdued, realistic style, but the scenes that bended reality, so to speak, were done really innovatively. It's definitely worth reading- if the price is off-putting, see if you can grab it from a library.
  22. I love Bru's writing, but I am not sold on the last two concepts yet. Especially the character design work I have seen.
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