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About Hajjhowe

  • Birthday 08/10/1984

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  1. - Noir is tricky, but I'd say you just need to really think out the mystery. Much heavy RP and Charisma based gameplay seems a must. Getting players to make sure they bump Investigation/perception/insight, NPC's who are good at lying. Mechanically it's pretty straight forward to just change arrows for bullets for any sort of combat as well. - Having each party member as leader of a different gang which they can sort of 'draft' their NPC minions is fun, but if you are going to do the more sane thing and have them together I'd say the key is theming opposing gangs well. You could maybe have control of 'territories' based on wiping out/chasing away opposing gangs, maybe get passive gold or items. Of course an overarching villain against all gangs (A police force/government) that unites them can also be a fun finish to that game. - Bounty boards and or just have the party as a part of a guild. Have them get contracts and basically run each game as one shots hunting down different targets to either capture/kill. Give the party a cache of different equipment at their based maybe for whatever the job entails. - Smuggling seems really NPCish to me, but as a player it'd have to requires planning out the cons, deception/stealth checks, some sort of customs officers with good perceptions if not magic to challenge the party as they try to smuggles in weapons/animals/drugs. - Build out a dungeon with whatever the party is after, give them a very basic idea of it, have them run their own session without you there to plan. After that, run the game. I'd absolutely be down to at least try whatever this is. Mixing wrestling and RPG's seems right down my alley.
  2. I honestly don't think I ever really cared. There were games where I wanted to do everything just to see it but I never got any real excitement or endorphins or whatever from getting little notifications or trophies. That said I can 100% see why people would like that sort of thing and have had more then a few friends who enjoy it for a variety of reasons.
  3. Did she model the hat over her party members dead bodies?
  4. Throwing in a Shield or maybe giving him some Meta Magic or something could make him pretty tricky. Quickening spells would buff his defense while letting him cause some damage as well. Also I'm always a big fan of minions.
  5. Yeah I think a PC death can be used to create storylines for sure. If they want to come back there are a ton of fun stories you can run, let that person try out another character and maybe they'll like them so much that they will choose to not even rez the original by the end. I've never been in a campaign long enough to actually die as a PC but I've killed a couple as a DM. I find it's almost always newer players to eat it or if it's a one shot where players will be far more reckless. I think PC death helps add stakes though and there's just so much you can do off that, especially if the PC had a connection to a diety or a Warlock pact or anything like that.
  6. The making Demon Lords fight to decide a last boss type is probably my favorite part of OOTA. I've wanted to actually start a campaign like that with the players each getting one, playing them as they see fit and then going from there. Doesn't need to just be done with Demon Lords of course but yeah. How did your beholder fight end up going @Ruki Returns
  7. I've played a handful of DND games via text on discord actually. They were interesting. In some ways a lot easier to manage with copy and pasting stuff although there seems to be more to whatever this is. Either way I'm interested.
  8. Yeah I am also working at that time. Good luck though!
  9. I've been running a sort of modified Super Hero RPG game based loosly on the mechanics of Monster of the Week that's been fun. The basics are as follows. Then I add little tweaks based on what sort of special powers ect. that characters or NPC's have. It's been pretty breezy to run and gets through combat at a nice pace (Which is good). I still might refine some thing, maybe give different levels to pass/fail depending on what the action is but that's the bare bones of it and I generally give people an action and movement unless they have some sort of special ability that makes sense for them to have more actions. Also if anyone is running games and needs players I have like no social life and am always down to play.
  10. I played a session last night with @Toe & @thepunkrockicon and I think I may have literally rolled like 7 1's. It was quite impressive. I'm not exactly the luckiest roller to begin with by my god was I on streak once like every combat started. I don't think I hit a single attack while raging lol. Still a good time was had by all! I'm glad my Gnoll Barbarian turned out as well as I imagined it in my head beforehand. Still happy to take on anyone else interested as well
  11. Yeah I recall playing as level 1's when our DM ran Princes of the Apocalypse and we almost certainly should have been TPK'd multiple times. WOTC or whoever really have weird scaling when you look at the CR they give things than what they actually put in their adventures Like I've read over quite a few and just think this would kill most parties with even just one or two bad rolls. I usually over correct too much the other way but yeah. In completely selfish news the DND session went quite well and I'd still be happy for anyone else to join in for whenever we run another game!
  12. https://discord.gg/pyQKb4 My bad. I'm not what you'd call 'traditionally smart'. But yes, link above!
  13. I'll make a 'Last Call' since I've tentatively scheduled the game for next week on Wednesday. Even if you can't make that game feel free to jump into the discord and maybe if it goes well we will play games in the future. https://discord.gg/pyQKb4
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