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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by JasonM

  1. I loved International Bring a Shit Ton of Bees to Work Day today.

  2. Tonight on http://www.myrottingbrain.com, it's a podcast about the summer movies of 1995 with David Allison and Noa Gavin! Batman! Die Hard! Power Rangers! Casper?

  3. yes! yes! yes! yes!

  4. Captain Sum Ting Wong

  5. I am such a smart wrestling fan whenever John Cena comes out I chant "The Prototype"

  6. If you walk with Jesus, he's gonna save your soul. You gotta keep the devil way down in the hole.

  7. If you walk through the garden, you better watch your back.

  8. Rage Against the Rube Goldberg Machine.

  9. TAKA is coming... motherfucker.


  11. Alan is, Morris ate.

  12. Husky Harris was "an army tank with a ferrari engine"..considering a M1 Abrams wouldn't move if it had a ferrari engine, thats surprisingly accurate..

  13. I wanted to get the Assassin's Creed 4 Black Chest Edition, which is an european exclusive of the Uplay shop, but they don't ship to Portugal. Any good fellow UK'er cares to buy it and send it for me? I'll pay for the game and the shipping, of course. (damn hell, why can't they ship here? >_>)

  14. Somehow my laptop sound won't go over my tv out of the blue. It's connected with a HDMI cable it worked this morning. SOMEONE HELP!

  15. "Thank you and good luck with your future endeavors." I think my college just released me, you guys. :(

  16. I really want to start a diary but I hate friggin' writing matches. Woe is me.

  17. Sony debuted a new gimmick (Fan pleaser), it got a positive response.

  18. Just saw some blog entry about how much Adam Ryland sucks. I mean, I've never talked to the guy, but I've been playing his games for over a decade and I never got the impression this blogger got...

  19. Big Daddy V's moobs were the stuff of legend.

  20. Just watched NXT and that Sami Zayn guy is good, but seems a bit generic.

  21. Can it be Fall or Winter again please?

  22. Dropped my Nexus phone and the back smashed

  23. To save everyone time - the answer is a resounding no.

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