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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by JasonM


  2. Anyone got any XWT invites?

  3. That's the way the cookie crimbles.

  4. Who wants to hear Ollie ramble on about old ROH?

  5. Hey EWB, we should play Bad Dudes together!

  6. U G L Y this new board aint got no alibil it UGLY!

  7. On 02.01.13, Robbo, Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon will return to put an end to the EWB Uhura and it shall be the end of the world as you know it...

  8. Dr. Sam Becket never returned home.

  9. Ron Simmons as a Blaxploitation character...what would his name be?

  10. Was Survivor Series any good? I havent seen a WWE PPV this year since No Way Out and am wanting to watch one

  11. I'm back and less trolly!

  12. Just turned 24. Still feel the same as last year. Oh, well. Happy Birthday for me, then.

  13. MR....KENNEDY........KEN-ED-Y!

  14. I demand a name for a stable consisting of: Teddy Long, Zack Ryder, Santino Marella, and Hornswoggle.

  15. La oscuridad, me acecha incredula.

  16. A new Barry Scott Cillit Bang ad? Christmas came early!

  17. Bloody indie darlings, coming over here, taking our jobs.

  18. Can someone please explain to me how fucking some other broad makes you less effective commanding armed forces?

  19. Is there a way to make text bigger than size 7 on here?

  20. think next month, the TNA News Thread should be Universals TNA News Thread. He seems to be the only one who posts TNA news

  21. Is there any way to stimulate EWB?

  22. :\ Someone teach me some tips about Fifa 13! I suck :P

  23. Longer matches + shorter backstage segments = a quality WRESTLING show. Take note Mr. McMahon...

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