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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by JasonM

  1. Brie Bella, named after cheese.

  2. Are you telling me this sucker is NUCLEAR?!

  3. Wow, the guy from Little Nicky played Dr. Connors?

  4. Is it even still cool to say cool?

  5. Anderson Silva... You absolutely overcooked my medium rare steak!

  6. Fuck YOLO, YODA is what it is people. You Only Do Acid all the way.

  7. Happy friday! Let's get wasted!

  8. if you wanna get down on these hairy balls, why dont you jump right in, its a crotch party RIGHT UP IN HERE, why dont you suck on this big junk!

  9. Back from holiday, what did I miss?

  10. My local CW affiliate is showing my all-time favorite Simpsons episode. USA! USA! USA! USA!

  11. Who wants to suck on my salty chocolate balls?

  12. In your head... In Your HEEEAAAADDD

  13. Cum on Ken Doane

  14. Yaaaaay Italy, now I don't need to hear about football for another two years! Yaaaaaay!

  15. Yaaaaay Italy, now I don't need to hear about football for another two years! Yaaaaaay!

  16. Legend of Korra finale... holy shit.

  17. Oh god damn, when will I learn to stop eating before it hurts?

  18. Gastric flu. At least it isn't menigitis.

  19. Apparently tonights Channel 4 news had a shocking piece on internet chat room Habbo Hotel. Reporters were horrofied when they found out it still existed.

  20. Jim Neidhart loves Orange Soda!

  21. Nothing says realistic MMA sim quite like being able to place a bet on a fighter you personally manage. We salute you, MMATycoon.

  22. Let the Jubilee Celebrations Begin!

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