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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. The new album has one. The original was in Ixnay on the Hombre.
  2. I can't listen to it right now. Is this their new version of gone away?
  3. Pre season starting XIs have him starting in defense around here. They seem to be in for Kounde but since Tottenham are also rumored, I'd say Varane isn't leaving unless Kounde signs and even then I wouldn't be so sure he'd leave.
  4. I saw it. Didn't pick it up. I'm going to take your word for it and get it.
  5. It comes from the obvious shift in style. If it had come after any of the following three it wouldn't have had the same impact. Oasis, definitely maybe, what's the story morning glory and be here now (regardless of how you may like one and not the other) are one thing. Standing on the shoulders of Giants is a "different band".
  6. Bolivia is out after another loss, this time to Uruguay. Bolivia is leagues below everyone else in South America at the moment so they're out regardless of what happens in their last match against Argentina which they'll probably lose anyway. Brazil's group will be decided on Sunday. There's still stuff to play for there. The knockout stages will only start next Friday.
  7. I guess it makes sense. A mystery manager should get a mystery signing.
  8. That's true but some teams are just trying to get to the knockout stages and the last 2 to qualify in Brazil's group will only be decided in the last day! Brazil 2-1 Colombia allows Brazil to Remain undefeated. Both are through to the next round though. Ecuador were 2-0 at the half vs Peru and could have scored more but Peru came back! Final score 2-2. Ecuador who play Brazil in the last match need a point and may need to win to qualify! Peru vs Venezuela will decide who goes through. Peru will be in the knockout stages with a point, but even a loss would be enough as long as Ecuador doesn't beat Brazil. Venezuela could go through with a point if Ecuador loses to Brazil but they need to win in case Ecuador gets points there. Still, a pretty much qualified Peru is much easier opposition than a much stronger Brazil. I'd say at the moment, Ecuador are the most likely to go home early.
  9. 18 goals in the last day. Can't say I expected that.
  10. So, now it's Portugal and Germany. EDIT: Nevermind!
  11. Are we really disregarding the own goal winner with 0 shots on target route in this tournament?
  12. I'd put money on someone being sent off before this comes to an end. My fault. I forgot e) Germany and Hungary, if Portugal and Germany both lose. EDIT: There's also e) b) Hungary and Finland if Portugal loses and Germany loses 3-0 or similar. My head is a mess.
  13. They will be qualified as one of the best third placed teams, which in this 24 team format means, being at least a below average third, which is what they are.
  14. So, since the groups stage is almost over, here's the 2/3 of teams that have qualified. Italy Wales Switzerland Belgium Denmark Netherlands Austria Ukraine England Croatia Czech Republic Sweden Spain France The last 2 will be: a) Portugal and Hungary if it all stays like it is. b) Germany and Portugal if Germany doesn't lose. c) Hungary and Finland if Hungary wins and Portugal ends up losing 5-1 to France (or similar) d) Germany and Finland if Germany doesn't lose and Portugal ends up losing 5-1 to France (or similar)
  15. I never understood why this very common misconception came to be. There's no mention of it in the rules, but everyone says the "getting to the ball first" as if it was ever a rule. You may not agree with it, but it isn't. If it's a foul, it's a foul. It depends on the whole action. I'm not even talking about this one, right now.
  16. It was a joke but they did screw 2 or 3 decent picks (not in hindsight.. you could see they weren't great at the time). I doubt it'll go wrong this time.
  17. While it's true Germany can still get one (or several) back, you're wrong that Hungary needs more goals. This is enough to qualify.
  18. He also has the most consecutive starts allowing 1 run or less in history. He's at 12 now. Bob Gibson had 11 with the 1968 Cardinals.
  19. I like white stripes. Most of their albums at least. I find this song boring but maybe that has something to do with the fact that is played pretty much everywhere to the point it lost all its meaning, like when you repeat a word over and over until it stops making sense. Beyonce isn't one of those pop singers I mentioned I started listening at some point. I actually don't mind this song. It's catchy enough. It has also been overplayed (I know this will happen to most hit singles on any major label but some get me tired after a while. This was the case, However I'm ok with it now, probably because it doesn't play that often anymore. Sometimes you don't like a band at first and then it grows on you. It's weird, but Arcade fire is the opposite. It was a band I used to like but nowadays I'll never listen to any of their albums and I also got way too bored in one of their shows, which is obviously not what you want with this genre. There are still some singles I'm ok listening to now and then, such as this one. Franz Ferdinand is my personal choice out of this bunch. I still like all their albums, even if not all the songs, and I still like this song. Worst part was having to be reminded this came out 17 years ago when it feels like it wasn't so long ago. Uncalled for. Shame on you.
  20. Hey. It's me again with the copa America update no one asked for. Argentina kept their strategy of scoring early and waiting the rest of the match, leaving possession to their opponents. This time, the victim was Paraguay. Also of note, Messi tied Mascherano for most caps in Argentina. He should be the leader by the time the group stages end, even if they decide to rest him at some point. He's still looking for that elusive title with the NT. Uruguay dominated vs Chile. They tried to score vs Argentina too, but they're lacking accuracy in front of the goal, so far. This time they managed a point vs Chile, but only thanks to an own goal. Arturo Vidal of all people. 1-1 was the final score and that one Chilean from Stoke couldn't score this time around. He's still on their starting eleven though.
  21. I've seen enough Ben Wallace to know it's possible.
  22. I tried to refrain but I just can't. I'm sorry. It's revolting. Here we have a fascist government. This fascist government just a week ago banned any sort of entertainment (movies, books, tv shows) that even mentions any kind of non hetero sexuality. They banned any sort of advertising that portrays homosexuality as part of normality! All of these new laws were chunked together with new and improved strict pedophilia criminal laws because, of course, the two things are somehow connected! However we have to take their poor feelings into consideration. We can't ignore their poor ultras who worked so hard to create their homophobic chants. Why side with the oppressed when you can side with the oppressor, am I right UEFA? High five! Seriously, fuck UEFA! I know this happens everywhere but it's still upsetting.
  23. I thought about writing in detail why I think this is stupid but... Fuck UEFA. Also whenever I see something like this it reminds me of this one:
  24. If such a thing happens, then total goal difference comes into play, which means it will include the results versus the teams wh aren't tied.
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