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Everything posted by Malenko

  1. I had this thought with a few matches this tournament, which isn't good. There were a couple good ones too, but as a whole I expected better.
  2. After getting a lucky win vs Ecuador, this time Colombia didn't manage to score a single goal against Venezuela B. 0-0 was the final score, despite the fact Venezuela barely ever left their area. Brazil got another easy W, 4-0. Peru was the victim this time.
  3. Exactly. You'd get drunk with any commentator.
  4. I think maybe you were going to add a link or something... ? Anyway, according to what's being said, Madrid gave him a 1 year contract. He said he wanted a 2 year contract, and didn't mind a pay cut. Madrid wouldn't give him a 2 year contract, so since Ramos didn't actually accept his 1-year contract before the deadline he's out. This is pretty much official at this point.
  5. I believe he wants to end his career at Sevilla, not having the opportunity to do so in Madrid, which is what he would have wanted. However, he said Sevilla is not an option at the moment, which means there's still someone willing to give him a lot of money. Newspapers mention it will be either the riches of europe (Manchester clubs, I don't see who else in England, maybe Chelsea? - doubt it - then PSG and less likely Milan or Bayern) or elsewhere, US/China/Qatar? . The latter isn't likely to happen - although it has been mentioned - because those would feel like the end of his career (yes, Ibra came back from the US but it's not so common) which would make it weird to then come back to play for Sevilla - still a strong team in La Liga - It's not like coming back to Valladolid. Personally, I feel PSG is a strong possibility and I also feel he isn't worth more than that at the moment.
  6. Malenko

    EWB Listening Club

    First, Talking Heads: I prefer Talking Heads 77, their first. Remain in Light is still a good listen and definitely more acclaimed by music critics and fans alike. Personally I'm not very big into the heavy psychedelic funk influence you can feel immediately after their first album. It's part of their sound - I get it - but I don't love it. Now, Remain in Light: I like their non-singles better than their singles, however, I do enjoy Houses in Motion which is obviously very funky. I know it goes against everything I just said, but you like what you like. What can you do? I also like the Great Curve, a happy song that doesn't necessarily match its lyrics, but it doesn't need to. I also like Listening wind. I like how the voice sounds in this one, how it manages to soothe. It doesn't seem to fit with the sounds around it, but it does so well. The Overload is a cool way to end the album and wouldn't fit anywhere else in it. I mean, having it somewhere else was obviously never considered but regardless, I like it as a last song on an album. The rest of it is decent new wave/ kind of post-punk stuff, which I usually like a lot. It should be what I liked the most about it, considering it's closer to their earlier work, which I just said I prefered, but yet, that's not how I feel about it. I'd say this album isn't for everyone and I definitely need to be in the mood for it. It's the most experimental album by Talking Heads but I dig what they did in general. It was definitely something I found extremely boring in my early 20s the first time I heard it in full, but it's grown on me.
  7. Malenko

    EWB Listening Club

    Personally I'd call it Post-Rock and leave it at that. It's one of those albums that can be used when trying to explain the genre to people who may not know what it is.
  8. I was hoping it did. I had a terrible day yesterday. I'm probably no longer in the top 3 then.
  9. Also the usual hungarian homophobic chants will probably get their FA an insignificant fine.
  10. In the moment of the pass, an hungarian defender (I think it was Botka) kept him onside. Then he moves forward, but the ball had moved already. Anyway, I loved the third goal. It was one of the very few things I enjoyed the whole match. Hopefully France and Germany will give us something better to watch next.
  11. I'm pretty sure Fernando Santos is the most boring manager in the euros. Playing against a team with 5 shots and 30% possession in 85 minutes and still keeps a back four + 2 defensive mids the whole game.
  12. Spanish commentator trying to explain how Cristiano Ronaldo missed that easy chance because Bruno Fernandes was moving behind him.
  13. “I have been learning keywords. They also provided me with the basic football words, and my understanding with my teammates has been very good,” he explained. “I have also spoken a lot with Sebastián Vegas, because I was with him the first night, and he also speaks very good English, but, in general, I have got along well with everyone.” I'll go out on a limb and say no.
  14. Chilean mother. First time he played for them. When he joined the team it was only his second time in Chile, first since he was 1 year old. He played the last 15 minutes or so, ran a bit and got about half a dozen touches, in case anyone was wondering.
  15. Amazing how many chances they missed. Could have easily won it 3-1. As for the other match, the one that actually ended 3-1, it wasn't more because they didn't try hard enough. It was an embarassment. Bolivia actually 1-0 ahead at the half but had a player sent-off right before half time. Bolivia had a lucky break to be leading with a penalty kick 9 minutes into the match, the first time they tried something, while Paraguay missed many chances before (yes, before) and after the goal, but in the second half 10 vs 11 was way too much for Bolivia. It ended 3-1 but it could have been really ugly for them. By far the worst south american team atm.
  16. There are entire youtube videos dedicated to Morata missing easy chances.
  17. But can you accept any sticker you don't have? It looks like I have to specify who I want?
  18. Speaking of which, how do you swap stickers?
  19. It's like when you're hearing about Daniel Bryan and then Rey Mysterio is royal rumble's number 30, only this time is Jinder Mahal.
  20. Brazil 3-0 Venezuela. Could have scored another to be fair. Venezuela apparently lost more than the 5 outfield players they had announced to covid as they only had 14 outfield players for this. Apparently teams are allowed to replace any player affected by covid. Venezuela's new batch of players will arrive in time for the next game. Bolivia apparently will also have to replace 3 players with covid. Colombia beat Ecuador 1-0. Ecuador were in possession for most of this, but didn't create much. Colombia scored n one of the very few times they did something. The second half was even worse. Colombia barely left their area but Ecuador again, couldn't do much with the ball, however, they did get a couple of chances near the end and wasted both. Lucky 3 points for Colombia, which may as well be enough to go through. They could probably do even less in the next few matches and still qualify.
  21. OMG! Best Match in the tournament by far!
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