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Invader Z

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Everything posted by Invader Z

  1. Keeping your refrigerator stocked will get you many women.

  2. 1. Tom and Jerry. Loved this show, I used to, and probably still could watch this everyday, all day. 2. Dexter's Lab. 3. Wacky Races. 4. The Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner parts in the loony toons. 5. Any Bugs Bunny cartoon ever. 6. The Regular Show. I know, it's a newer show, but it honestly makes me laugh all the time. 7. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy 8. Johnny Bravo 9. Courage the Cowardly Dog. 10. Scooby Doo. Barely in order, they all tie with each other pretty closely.
  3. I am trying, but cannot for the life of me understand the Mafia game.. I've read rules and guides.. It cant be that complex.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gazz


      And by Invader Z, they mean Nick Adams or Berober.

    3. Powerhart


      How can you not get it? It's all about Ying and Yang, give-and-take.

    4. =BK=
  4. It's snowing for the first time in my life on Christmas here in Georgia, Happy Holidays everyone! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Invader Z

      Invader Z

      No, it hasn't, but I've never seen snow that stuck to the ground before, It's amazing to me.

    3. Rocky
    4. Hornswoggle4PM


      You're in the right part of Australia then Rocky.

  5. Is thinking about downloading Linux, Has read all about it. Any Linux users or haters wanna recommended anything ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      *Points to Dan, draws thumb across throat*

    3. LL!


      *Points to Mick, retracts finger immediately after being snapped at*

    4. New Damage

      New Damage

      Linux is largely awkward, but it's fast, and can be used as back-up OS if you're locked out of your Windows account as you can still access your Windows files. As I found out the hard way.

  6. I hate always being to busy .. I can't get on computer as much anymore!

    1. hugobomb


      on behalf of EWB, can I say we toast your busy lifestyle and hope it continues

    2. EddieG


      Yeah, why you say that like it's a bad thing?

    3. Rocky


      I'm always busy... But I always make time for EWB :wub:

  7. Is slowly becoming addicted to this poison called X-box Live..

    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      X-Box Live...you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    2. LL!


      Well duh! Invader Z is on it now.

  8. I never seem to complete my goals, I procrastinate too much and i know i do it, but at the time of doing it i dont care. Gotta fix this.

    1. StevenRichardsRules


      ...but I don't feel like doing it today. I'll start tomorrow.

  9. Starting my Oblivion story! Feelin' pretty good about this one:). Hope to be in the cube soon!

    1. OctoberRaven


      Didn't you publicly declare you were leaving forever a couple months back?

    2. Plubby


      I wish we could retcon that to be you, ORO.

  10. is contemplating on whether or not to get Black Ops

    1. Lj.


      It's a pretty sick game. Haven't gotten to deep into the Campaign mode, but it's fun thus far & multiplayer/online speaks for itself. Word of advice though, become very proficient in Head Shots.

  11. Not sure if this is new news ..

  12. Just read some of my older post. I find my self very irritating. No wonder some of you couldn't stand me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rocky


      "couldn't" or "can't"?

    3. Pesci


      I feel so, so dirty for laughing at that.

    4. LL!


      Even if someone likes you, it's a shitty joke. =/

  13. I watched The Patriot with Mel Gibson, Now i know why he's always in trouble!

  14. I am finally 2 years into my TEW game , I've completed my goal! I'm proud of myself, Thanks to anyone who gave me help on staying focused and keeping organized :D

  15. Is it possible to have like a sugar, or caffeine hangover? or something to that affect? I feel terrible today..

    1. Rocky
    2. TGWL


      Maybe an STD? That's what usually happens when you look for sugar in the wrong places.

    3. C-MIL
  16. Can mods lock my status? I bet they dont have the balls..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Invader Z

      Invader Z

      See, I dont like kids like that. I can't stand the people that think, FUCK YOU GUYSS IMMA DOO ERRYTHING CUZ IMM A COOL GANGSTA! I cant stand it. I know i used to post like that, but I realized how absolutely stupid it makes you look to spell everything wrong and type terribly. I like the way you guys post, and (when being serious) reply to things, and I try to do the same, I'm pretty sure i fail miserably.

    3. Invader Z

      Invader Z

      Wow, that was a lot longer than i expected.

    4. Invader Z

      Invader Z

      No problem MPH :) Anytime you need to know anything just ask ;)

  17. Well, It seems no one likes the fact that i absolutely love Kid Rock, i listen to him all the time. It bugs the hell out of my family..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EddieG


      You do obviously, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this.

    3. C-MIL


      Not sure it's fair to lump Kid Rock in with Slipknot and Limp Bizkit.

      He's been much, much more terrible for a much, much, much longer period of time.

    4. TGWL


      Yeah, but not nearly as annoying as Fred Durst, or the entire slipknot group.

  18. I wake up at 1 and still have to have breakfast and drink some coffee . I feel like the guy from the McDonald's commercial

  19. Just got done watching 8 Mile ¬¬ ehh.. It lacked "flow"(?) It went to quickly from one thing to another. I guess I kinda liked it.

  20. Woah, you guys are good builders! I played on peaceful mode and fell in love, I then learned what the difficulties were about, and i'm more than in love! This is too addicting. Two games I've played for a very long period of time with no break (on computer anyway) This and TEW, thing is, TEW can get boring. I'll upload pictures soon, I have an underground house/shelter (currently in construction), and a huge tower right beside my spawn.
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