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The Donators
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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Ditto on that. And Black Lagoon, too. And GITS. And FLCL.
  2. "I really hope Mike comes back soon with the cure." "No Neil, it's Madnes this week."

  3. Messi's future house: http://blog.foxsoccer.com/post/63498716464/lionel-messi-having-soccer-ball-shaped-house-built-in
  4. Well he died in spa- wait, you died in space too.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I died in a spa once.

    2. JasonM


      I died eating a towel off of a spa bathroom.

    3. Owen


      at least you weren't in spandex.

  5. 1. Blind Guardian 2. Iced Earth 3. Six Feet Under 4. Nile 5. Slayer 6. Demons and Wizards 7. GWAR 8. Rammstein 9. Hail of Bullets 10. Bloodbath 11. Mercyful Fate 12. King Diamond 13. Amon Amarth 14. Samael 15. Sex Machineguns 16. Motorhead 17. Iron Maiden 18. Megadeth 19. Queen 20. The Offspring 1 and 2 are a virtual dead heat for me, everything after GWAR is a stream of consciousness and may change.
  6. How is your relationship with the team?
  7. ....Ugh, fuck. I put Ramos on the trade list instead by mistake... for 3 Days. Sorry about that HTTK. This new UI is a clusterfuck to me. Just send me the trade offer tommorrow and I'll hopefully be able to do the rest. EDIT- Club name is FC Roanapur by the way.
  8. I think you can just list without putting for auction now. I'll look for it when I get on FIFA.
  9. Wait WHAT. Watching it next time I run.
  10. HTTK: I'll take Didadvi Martin. Sending you a friend request, I'll get on FIFA in a min for the trade. I just got a Rosicky from Arsenal in one of my preorder packs and he's better than any of those guys. I still make the trade though. EDIT- Pabon's untradeable, it seems. Ramos OK? ...How -do- you trade anyway? Do you have to be on my friend list?
  11. HTTK: What's your PSN? I don't think I have you on my list.
  12. Anyway HTTK, here's the strikers I have for trade: Adrian Ramos (Colombian, Hertha BSC) 76 MaraouaneChamakh (Morrocan, Crystal Palace) 75 Dorlan Pabon (Colombian, Valencia CF) 75 I'd prefer a German, a Brazillian, or a Spaniard if at all possible, or anyone from Bundesliga for chemistry purposes. Whatever you have is fine though.
  13. Who do you have ? I'll see what CM/RM I have this evening. It seems that the AI reacts much quicker to balls in the air, loose balls. It doesn't matter that I know the ball is coming (say a goal kick or free kick from my half) or where the ball may be going (a longer pass to the wing) .... its like they know before hand and are already moving. Odd, because I seem to be connecting with more crosses and corners this year.
  14. Whee. Well, hopefully the contract cards I got will give my current gold crew some mileage before I have to make another "junior team" of bronze players. Next step will be finding a good set of kits for my team. I have a good white one with red shorts for my home kit, but I kind of want red as the primary color. Away kit IDK what I'll do, either the "reverse color scheme" route or just a plain black. Likely the latter.
  15. Any PS3 players need a gold-rated striker? I got like five on my bench and willing to part with three or four. Looking for a CM/RM and any backs in return. Also, in one of my pre order bonus packs, I got Emirates Stadium. Also also, I thought they got rid of contracts this year.
  16. First game in, and two awesome goals from corners. Need to find better kits though. Both my starter ones are the same shade of blue :/
  17. Yeah, people who are still Team Walt are doing it wrong. The only teams I'm on are Team Badger & Skinny Pete, Team Kids, and Team Shut Up Marie.
  18. Birds of Prey, but I'm probably going to change it because I basically just drew a blank on the name when I first made it and just went with something that goes with my PSN name. Current ideas are AC/FC, FC Roanapur, And The Fighting Cosplayers.
  19. ' Actually, I've done shows like that too, still faster in TEW.
  20. Well, for one, in the most recent TEW games you can filter the match making screen to have workers not already booked in matches. Also, I book backwards.
  21. Yeah, having to change production value rates, advertising rates, signing deals with sponsorships... so much micromanagement. And you have to change your show dates every year if you want them to fall on the same weekday, and you can only do that in the first of the month, how lame is that? Plus, hiring so much staff... writers, medics, production crew.... Oh wait, hold on- That's EWR. I don't think I've ever touched the first two, or ever bothered hiring staff. Sponsorship's take 2 seconds. Well, if you start with WWE or another you don't have to do production values or advertising rates, and only resign staff long term. But in TEW, you don't have to for ANY company. Also, venues take two seconds. And as far as "too long" goes, it takes me about a tenth of the time to book a show in TEW than it does in EWR on average. It's comparing walking up the stairs of the Empire State Building to taking an elevator. The elevator may require more button presses, but it's still simpler and easier.
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