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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. So were the 97 celebrity owners the Dolphins had in 2009. Didn't really do much for the team though in the end, except for Jimmy Buffet writing a new fight song that absolutely everyone hated.
  2. He'll want his money back when he realizes the international friendly attendance figures aren't a barometer for interest in an MLS franchise.
  3. What would happen if PL clubs we renamed by what their badges look like: http://blog.foxsoccer.com/post/67388153612/premier-league-clubs-re-named-based-on-literal?cmpid=tsmtw:fscom:foxsoccer
  4. It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool.

    1. CobraKaiEnTai


      So you're calling Carlito an idiot?

    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      He spits in the face of people who don't want to be idiots

  5. I like Rammstein. I had considered going to one of their live shows but didn't have the money for it at the time. Most of Rammstein's "hits" are IMO some of their least interesting songs. (Well, I like Engel) Reise, Reise and Mutter are pretty solid albums though, and contain two of my favorites from them (Los in Reise, Spieluhr in Mutter)
  6. And Improved Trip, and Combat Reflexes.
  7. "Hi, I'm Roddy Piper." "Hi, I'm the President of the United States" "Sure, why not."

  8. AVB confirmed for having shit for brains for thinking it was a good idea to let Lloris continue when he couldn't even remember the incident straight after getting knocked out. Well you can't blame Lloris for wanting to continue, but yeah there really should have been a substitution there. Even if he was fine the first time, do you really want to risk him taking another bad fall? If it turns out he didn't get any kind of concussion it'd be a miracle.
  9. I think they were booing more because the ref was dressing down Lukaku for a clear accident.
  10. Man, I'm amazed he can even stand on his power after that, much less keep playing. That was brutal.
  11. I'm glad they helped you and all. I mean seriously glad, but are their fans really called maggots? Yes. Also, I think it's supposed to actually be complimentary.
  12. He's putting in 25m .... absolutely no way he puts 80+m into it just for a stadium. No way. That would be the "looking for other investors" portion If he does that, then I doubt the club will last very long at all. Even if he gets people willing to invest in a team that shouldn't expect high attendances at all (Miami Fusion averaged what, less than 1,000?), they'll probably end up with a location nobody will want to drive to, is far away from any public transportation route, and the costs will be as high as they would at Joe Robbie Stadium. Beckham really should have seen the writing on the wall when he held a rally and about 20 people came, and that the team Miami does have currently has more people on the pitch than in attendance. Sure, they're a minor league team, but so is Orlando SC, and they have no problem getting fans to come to their games.
  13. Five Finger Death Punch. There's only one person I know in real life who actually likes this band, and that's my mom. No, really. They're awful, but they're also awful because there's absolutely nothing unique about them at all. They're just like Disturbed but all their songs are all wannabe tough guy bravado. Kiss I like, and iron Maiden is just wonderful.
  14. Yeah that's what I ended up doing. Also got the Enter The Dominatrix DLC and... well, all I will say is that the ending is the greatest thing ever in the history of ever.
  15. Anyone have tips on doing Genki's MOM? Those are the gold medals I'm still trying to get to 100%ing this. EDIT- Nvm got it. God that last one was ridiculously hard. Now to figure out that "Jump from 3 Count to The Power Plant" trophy.
  16. "My doctorate in cement and applied cement has arrived!!!"

    1. CobraKaiEnTai


      This paves the way for greater things, though nothing is concrete.

  17. Beckham made his intentions to expand MLS into Miami official. We'll see how enthusiastic he is when he asks the city for a stadium built by tax money, and the voters tell him "lol, fuck no".
  18. I don't see why he wouldn't be. Alright, edited in. I think I'm done for now, unless I decide to put Lobo over Batman. Ten was not enough for me in the end >.>
  19. Well I was distinguishing between two different universes, but eh whatever. Will fix in a second. EDIT- Put Arthur at #10. Actually... Kirkland, ruling on Dr. McNinja and his family? If he's allowed I'm putting him in my top 10.
  20. 1. Punisher 616 2. SQUIRREL GIRL 616 3. Deadpool 616 4. Dr McNinja 5. Spider-Man 616 (Peter Parker) 6. The Tick 7. Mitzi McNinja (Dr McNinja Universe) ("Pickled Beets AND....") 8. Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja Universe) ("KNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE EYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK!") 9. Oracle (I'm counting Oracle because she's the original Batgirl and she is still a key member of the Bat-Team. If you don't count her, put Forge at #9 and Batman (Bruce Wayne at #10) 10. Forge 616 Honorable Mentions: Batman (Bruce Wayne), Lobo, Gambit 616, Mister Fantastic, Domino 616, Thor 616, Howard The Duck, Green Hornet (All of them), Green Lantern (Jordan and Rainer), Professor X, Iron Man 616, Batgirl (Barbra Gordon and Cassandra Cain), Judge Dredd, Arthur (Tick Universe), Big Shot (Tick Universe), All of the Tick Universe heroes really... but especially the CIVIC MINDED FIVE~! also Cole McGrath (InFamous) because why not. Also also Sean "Dark Smoke Puncher" McNinja, Mayor Chuck Goodrich, Clone Ben Franklin, Judy The Gorilla, Yoshi The Raptor, and Gordito all from the McNinja Universe. (Might edit this more, seeing as I edited it like five times already) Also, for fun, villains list:
  21. Oh man. Watching the 60s Batman... and this is like the worst episode ever. It's like what Reefer Madness would be like if it was about feminism instead of marijuana.

    1. Skummy


      There's no such thing as a bad episode of 60s Batman.

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Stop being awful, ORO.

    3. Schlitzbrille


      I'm with Herr Skummy on this one.

  22. God, Slipknot. The worst. The absolute worst. Even Disturbed and Five Finger Death Punch are better than them. Queen are wonderful though, and some of MJ's songs are pretty catchy.
  23. Got to love when an optimitrist decides not to show up on the day of your appointment and doesn't bother to notify you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mancuerda
    3. Josh


      Is an optimitrist a doctor who has a really positive outlook on your vision?

    4. KONGO


      He'd have spelled it right if the optometrist had actually been in.

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