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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. I think 24 is the target number. As far as cities, IDK. Maybe a mostly untapped market sports-wise. Like, for example, Albuquerque.
  2. Apparently there's already a supporters group for the nonexistent Miami MLS team called Southern Legion. From what I gather, they don't even attend the games of the team Miami does have. Which is more evidence as to why Orlando SC will succeed as an MLS franchise but Miami Fusion 2.0 will not.
  3. Holy shit I was playing the story mode and get a random encounter with: Packie MacReary!
  4. You know, I just realized something: If you take FLCL as entirely from Naota's perspective, and that everything that goes on is all his imagination coping with puberty, it becomes an entirely different show.
  5. "Maybe you're not a diabolical sleeper agent out to infiltrate my family and destroy everything I've worked for." "Truly, that's all any man can hope to hear from his girlfriend's father."

  6. Mockery is one of the things I hold dear! AND HE'S MAKING A MOCKERY OF IT!

  7. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. The only tricky part is the "Yes = Low" rule.
  8. Trust me, Blanks, you have no idea. Pretty sure there's an edit maker who made pretty much every variant of Sting's attire over his entire career. I mean, going through all of his televised matches and making whatever Sting is wearing for that match.
  9. Well I turned into a Martian.

  10. Honestly Restrepo can be a burden sometimes. He's got fantastic speed but he tries to shoot from positions he has no clear chance of scoring from a lot, and more often than not he ends up losing possession as a result. He'd be a great winger if he actually passed to someone now and again. I'd be more upset if we lost Darnell King. Thank fuck that's not happening.
  11. RSL hires Daryl Shore as a new assistant coach. Shore was previously the head coach of Ft Lauderdale until he was fired for leading the Strikers to an embarrassing 7 points in 12 games in the spring phase of the NASL 2013 season.
  12. So is there any way to do custom license plates besides the smartphone app?
  13. Jack Howitzer is Jack Howitzer in... Jack Howitzer!

  14. Dexter really ended that way. Lol.

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      He sleeps all night and he works all day.

    2. Walker


      He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, he goes to the lavatory. On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea.

    3. Benji


      I like to imagine that he has a little butter axe so that during the intro for season 9 it looks like he's being a lumberjack, but he's actually just spreading butter on his toast.

  15. Hopefully the wrestling show I'm going to tomorrow won't run long and I'll be able to see it before it goes on demand. But yeah, that's going to be badass.
  16. Oh if I can only see their faces when they get Fusion-level numbers in Joe Robbie.
  17. Oh, look everyone, Stan Marsh the DARSH!

  18. Austen 18:13 Says: "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobo
    3. Sousa


      Yes myked Jane Austen, thats_the_joke.png

    4. MDK


      Sorry, I don't watch wrestling any more

  20. "She called it 'Paranormal Bromance'"

  21. Not soon enough. Also, I've started Kill La Kill this week finally. It's so awesome and batshit crazy.
  22. Oh, and if Space Dandy's theme is actually "I Turned Into A Martian" like the Adult Swim promos imply, it will be the best thing ever.
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