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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. I have my Fire Pro Twitch stream as some may already be aware, which I've recently re-branded so if I ever decide to stream non-Fire Pro stuff, I can keep the two seperate. The other one is currently called OctoberRavenPlays and I haven't decided on how I'm going to start it. No Man's Sky probably isn't good stream material, especially without commentary.
  3. I mean, I already have the best furnace, but it can do other things besides making NANOMACHINES SON, including making metals better quality. Though there's not really much "protecting the base" necessary and the main purpose of my primary base is to store stuff, smelt stuff, and not bake in the 330 K heat. Also to hide from the killbots now and then. Edit- That's right I use Kelvin for No Man's Sky. It's more scientific and therefore more sci-fientific. And yes I know that's not a real word, shush.
  4. Yeah well, can he turn degraded bits of scrap into other bits of scrap to turn those into another type of scrap to turn those into mold which become NANOMACHINES SON?
  5. Meanwhile I'm playing No Man's Sky, holed up in a little crap shack with no furniture and only a couple lamps.
  6. Well I'm sure the MLS press release will say something about there never has ever been a footy team in the Carolinas. But yeah, corporate money The franchise fees are all that keep the lights on anymore in MLS.
  7. Also, speaking of Charlotte... Basically trying to make a corporatized simulacrum of an SG, with a name that's intentionally similar to the existing SG (Jack's Militia).
  8. On the plus side, four chances to beat Tampa Bay. Also on the plus side, The People's Himmarshee FC won, only 0-1 but we'd have probably gotten two or three if not for the deluge that occurred during the second half. And the referee did a decent job by South Florida ref standards!
  9. Still playing No Man's Sky. Found a world with no hazards and deposits of copper and gold. I'm going to mine the *fuck* out of it.
  10. Probably, yeah. But in more important news, the most hotly anticipated domestic match of the year, The People's Himmarshee FC vs Inter Florida AC "The Clipart Gators" will be happening tommorrow afternoon.
  11. Got into No Man's Sky. Had to restart the game after I first got to a space station because I scrapped my first base, then they tell me they want me to teleport back.... and wouldn't let me use my ship instead
  12. Man I really want to find a World of Darkness or superhero TTRPG to play in. Or D&D, really, but I'm in more of an urban fantasy kick right now.
  13. Update: The official has "apologized". By which I mean he said "I'm sorry you SJWs were offended by my racism, j/k I'm not sorry about any of this at all".
  14. So a ranking USSF official went on a vile racist tirade during the org's AGM, and the prez is basically feigning ignorance and giving empty platitudes. https://www.starsandstripesfc.com/2021/2/27/22305191/us-soccer-annual-general-meeting-racist-comments-dei-has-long-way-to-go Now more than ever, it's time to support grassroots footy in the US.
  15. Oh man they went hard on the Ventrue flaw in this game. This is gonna be rough...
  16. Finished a playthrough of Vampire: The Masquerade: Coteries of New York. Pretty fun, visual novel that acts as kind of a short, single-player V:TM adventure. Planning on playing again to see if there's any differences in the three playable Clans (I doubt it, but who knows) and to do some of the subplots I didn't get to finish (you're limited in how many scenes you can have. Though I doubt any of the subplots are going to top the Malkavian one.
  17. Kind of fitting that a patch to Cyberpunk was delayed by hackers committing corporate espionage.
  18. So it's kind of in a grey area so I won't be sharing a link here, but if anyone (probably just me and GhostMachine) remembers City of Heroes fondly, there's unofficial servers around for it now.
  19. Gotta love that early 00's extreme sports video game FMV vibe. All joking aside, best of luck to them. Pro alternatives in MLS-occupied cities are always a good thing for me.
  20. You could wait for sales, but you may be awaiting for a while because I don't think they participate in all the steam-wide sales. Alternatively, you can always just dip into crafting on your own.
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