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Everything posted by Cymbols

  1. Do we know that he’s turned down astronomical money? Only source I’ve seen on that is Dana White, who is a bullshit merchant.
  2. MMA is a sport which is especially bad for access equaling favourable coverage, so it has been real interesting to see which sites and reporters have, and haven’t covered this one. Credit where due, as much as I don’t like Ariel Helwani’s style of reporting, he is doing a good job of calling for White to be held accountable (while also acknowledging that it will never happen). Kevin Iole on the other hand, wrote what I think is the worst fluff piece I’ve seen in a long time. Usual suspects barely touching it beyond the TMZ rewrite, poor form. Dude should be axed, but instead he’ll continue like nothing happened, which includes the upcoming launch of the Power Slap League - which as well as being a terrible idea, is absurdly bad optics at this time.
  3. Just read a timeline of these events…absolutely wild stuff. Takes helicopter parenting to a whole new level.
  4. Great result and performance that. Once again leaves me wondering what the fuck Steven Gerrard was doing with this squad.
  5. Could be worse, just checked mine and 100% of my total playtime was Football Manager. Definitely need to get out more.
  6. Ah, the reverse Aston Villa. Keep on that path and we’re a couple of managers away from Tim Sherwood getting a crack at it.
  7. I’m quite sad about this one. The sport owes him a lot more than it has ever given him.
  8. Yeah I’d maybe give it to the Moroccan lad, but you can see why Emi got golden glove. Winning two shootouts, plus the last minute saves against Aus and again tonight. Both huge moments. Croatian boy probably falls out of the running when he gives the penalty away.
  9. Fuck off Qatar. That robe shit is pathetic.
  10. Emi motherfucking Martinez get in! What a guy ❤️
  11. Holy shit. Apparently he was at this evening’s game.
  12. Emi Martinez ❤️ Mentality monster.
  13. Oof, rough shootout that. Some real stinkers in there. Fair play to the Croatia keeper though.
  14. Take Gio Compario’s name outta your mouth. Guy’s a national treasure.
  15. So that went about as well as expected tonight.
  16. No disrespect to any of the Canadians on here, but Ariel Helwani has been annoying as fuck every time he brings up football for ages now so I’m rooting for Croatia.
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