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Everything posted by hugobomb

  1. Emile Heskey . In all honesty he was unlucky when he came to Brum, we bought him to play the same role for Forsell that he played for Owen but when Forsell got injured for the season he was forced to play as a out and out striker, which he is awful at. PLus his normal falling over at a stiff breeze.
  2. He was good in the Championshiop, but doesn't seem to be ready for the Prem, plus whenever I see him partner Adebayor (sp?), I start humming the Rocky theme, which is amusing. We made the right choice getting Larsson instead of him
  3. Mine used to do that, but once I started running it in windowed mode I havn't had another problem
  4. he may not be scared, but there's an interview with Paul Ince where he says Giggs hates flying, I may have been thinking of Bergkamp with the driving thing though
  5. Yep. Wasn't that something to do with Ferguscum too? I think the only reason Rooney and Rio haven't been asked to come is because they didn't play this weekend, whereas Stevie G and John Terry did. But isn't Giggs afraid of flying which stopped him going to away friendlies? I seem to remember reading somewhere that when Utd play away in Europe he drives there rather than fly. The home ones are silly of him to miss, but he may have an excuse for the away ones
  6. I've always liked American Dad over Family Guy, but The Simpsons is more consistant that both of them. American Dad may be finnier at times, but you know you're always in for a laugh with The Simpsons, so it goes: 1.The Simpsons 2. American Dad 3. Futurama 4. Family Guy
  7. who else is waiting for the stewards to give Hamilton a 25 second penalty to hand Massa the titile?
  8. Key Points to this match: - England's batsmen are rubbish tonight - England's bowlers were set a nigh impossible task - Stanford are about to become $1 Million a player richer - This has to be the biggest hyped let down in 20/20 history Unless England can take 10 wickets and only give up 12 runs in nine overs, this one is over
  9. I swear the subtitle to the Sports forum should be 'lol spurs'
  10. Vettel with 4 more points! Plus Alonso gets his first win in a year.
  11. Has someone convinced Spurs that they are Derby this season?
  12. Do Newcastle just pick their managers using the 'he had a good spell with someone in the Mid 90's' method, no matter how long ago that was. Keegan: Newcastle, Kinnear: Wimbledon. It'll be Hoddle or Venables (If they offer him a real contract), either that or Peter Reid.
  13. hugobomb

    Doctor Who

    Plus Tennant and Zeta-Jones seems a very weird pairing, but then I felt that about Tennant-Tate and that turned out to be fantastic. On the film in general, it could be amazing or it could be awful, I don't see there being an inbetween, particually with something as loved as Doctor Who. They NEED to get this film right.
  14. BUT NEWCASTLE ARE A TOP FOUR TEAM!!!!!! At least according to their fans anyway. Someone said it a while ago, a lot of Newcastle fans have such a big team mentality and refuse to accept the fact that they are a mid-table side these days. If they get over this, we may see a manager last more than a year in the job without being treated to abuse because he hasn't gotten them into the top four within six minutes of taking over.
  15. YES! YES! YES! Vettel, future world champion!
  16. Is it just me or do Barnet seem to be taking the deductions to Luton, Bournemouth and Rotherham as a challenge 'Damn it, we WILL get relegated this season'
  17. My faith in supporting Minardi and then Toro Rosso has finally been rewarded! Now will the race be as good? Australia 2002 (Mark Webber's 5th place) is the benchmark for great days for Minardi, can Vettel bring home a win?
  18. Almost everything in this thread has been excellent, and the above is just a great example. One of my favourite moments is in Batman Forever. I know its super campy, but when Two Face and Riddler are attacking Wayne Manor and Two Face knocks out Bruce Wayne - Two Face wants to murder Wayne to kill Batman, but Riddler stops him and delivers a line that I have always loved: "Doooooon't Kill Him! Then he won't LEARN nothing!" before leaving a clue for Wayne. On that same vein 'Your entrance was good, his was better. The Difference? Showmanship'. Jim Carrey was great in that film
  19. Oh god yes! Red Dwarf returns! Will buy this the moment it comes out!
  20. But Vettel scored points! That's the important factor here. I just hope to god someone ends up buying Toro Rosso now that Red Bull have put them up for sale
  21. I'm pretty sure that I could spend a long time just playing Monkey Island, Broken Sword, DOTT, inlcuding all sequels to Broken Sword (4 or 5 i think now) and Monkey Island.
  22. Loaded all leagues from the UK (And Ireland) and started as Vauxhall. Board wanted to battle bravely against relegation (media prediction of 21st). Brought in a couple of loans from my parent club Tranmere and an Irish goalkeeper (Robbie Bryne) since the one Vauxhall keeper and the loanee I had from Rochdale are both kack. Managed to stay up in 19th, I was 17th with three games left having gone 9 points clear of the drop, but lost two and drew one of my last three games. The entire team was carried by my best striker Paul Taylor who scored 35 goals in 45 games, with next highest scorer getting 8. I've just turned down a £50,000 bid from Linfield for him, I'm looking for £100,000 for him, however the problem is I only get 15% of any transfers fees so if I get £100K for him I only get £15,000 to spend. Just finished the season and looking to do some cleaning out of some of the rubbish.
  23. The local Gamestation has a Game Gear in the window with six games for £0, two of the being Sonic 1 and 2. Is it worth it? My gut feeling say yes, yes oh god yes (Sonic on the Game Gear was great as I recall)
  24. Birmingham and Barnet again. Luton are fucked, and Bournmouth don't seem much better with a 15 point deduction on the cards, have two sides suffered successive relegation before at the same time? (even if this would be Luton's third drop in a row)
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