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Everything posted by Colly

  1. A man from the ONS once told me it's their most read and used statistical publication, which is incredibly annoying when they focus on that instead of the mortality etc stats we actually need... Anyway, stick Alfie in there and watch it jump up the ranks. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths/articles/babynamessince1904howhasyoursperformed/2016-09-02
  2. Peanuts is hyperbole of course, but even as someone who wasn't his biggest fan it felt well below value. At that point Barnes had only been at the club for a few days, Gordon had only played a handful of games, and Almiron doesn't play that side (and there definitely weren't more! I wish...). There are certainly more fringe players than him that have become integral to the team, and he played a cup final in that "worst season". More importantly, he was 26, at a time where Chelsea were hoying 30 year olds there it seemed very silly for anyone to be going "Newcastle fixing FFP by selling to Saudi". If you can't get Phillips just sign his haircut. I like that logic.
  3. We've got the same problem but none of that transparency. They haven't revealed the number of memberships (and rumour says they never capped it), they don't say how many have gone in for ballots, and there's no weighting towards previous attendance or years membership. It's causing lots of grumpiness, but the Supporters Trust are only just starting to grow the balls to criticise the regime as they were only ever set up as a protest group against Ashley so have spent two years worshipping Saudi. Ironically they've actually improved away ticketing (adding ID checks so those with high loyalty points can't just tout tickets) but they're grumpy about that too for some reason...
  4. I suppose the Edge replaces Skytrak in terms of scary heights. I do miss Atlaspheres though.
  5. I'm voting Apollo because he looks like a massive Ed Miliband.
  6. Agree with a lot of your points, but I remember lots of contenders trying to be characters at the time and looking a bit silly. Can't say I've noticed the reduced sizes either, if there's room for an Eliminator there's clearly room for a 5 Gladiator Gauntlet so it's clearly a decision made somewhere. Giant actually isn't even the tallest Gladiator (and as you say there's a few similar) so it does feel a lazy name. And I'm convinced Clattenburgs timekeeping is off, he seemed to start the Gladiators late on the wall and his Eliminator time splits are terrible.
  7. The masses already cried over Saint Maximin going for absolute peanuts. Still baffled by FFP and how we seem to be the only club who even pay it lip service, but then I'm still half convinced it's a tactic to keep fees low.
  8. Egypt and Ghana tried to outshite each other in the race for 3rd. Ghana probably out.
  9. Reasons I love football #642: Joao Pedro got the ball smashed into his face from close range in Wolves' box. Slowly staggers to his feet with the ball dead. Wolves keeper very kindly offers him his drink and runs to get it. Brighton fans clap. Brighton fans then still give him the "You're shit... ahhhhh" as he takes the goal kick. Lovely stuff.
  10. And every single one is an Asian betting company with no website, all owned by the same guy.
  11. To be honest I don't think there's a big disconnect there. Hurts if you're a Brentford fan, but he's always been ambitious and there's at least two clubs desperate for a player like him.
  12. On top of that the crime he committed wasn't a sporting one anyway, he wasn't involved in any of the fixtures he'd bet on. He's confessed to a gambling addiction, the club have supported him throughout, so giving him their full backing is absolutely the right thing to do. The captaincy is an interesting one though I'd be surprised if Norgaard wasn't heavily involved with the decision, but given Cantona, Ferdinand and Alan Smith all wore club captains armbands after their various offences I can't really begrudge Toney. On the free kick they're all taken from 5-10 yards from where offences take place anyway (even when there's an obvious fucking divot where a foul has taken place), moving it 6 inches to the right is nothing. You see the ball moved further for penalties these days.
  13. Not been watching, but I don't think even Sky could cope with the hypocrisy of slating him then immediately going to a SkyBet advert.
  14. Big fan of the fact that on 90s Gladiators Powerball was basically just rugby tackles, but the current generation have grown up with WWE and UFC so it's Ron Simmons spinebusters and Rock Bottoms all round.
  15. Watching a bit of the Henderson press conference, he's doing quite well to avoid saying he regrets the move but also heavily implying he regrets the move.
  16. Arsenal 2 vs. 1 Crystal Palace (Sat 12.30pm, TNT) Brentford 3 vs. 1 Nottm Forest (Sat 5.30pm, Sky) Sheff Utd 1 vs. 1 West Ham (Sun 2pm, TNT) Bournemouth 0 vs. 2 Liverpool (Sun 4.30pm, Sky) Brighton 2 vs. 0 Wolves (Mon 7.45pm, TNT)
  17. Just bear in mind there's always the chance of a switch to the Tuesday for TV, because this is a stupid sport.
  18. Nah, Metalman is right, it's more than I work too.
  19. His man management is interesting.
  20. I completely missed this. Arteta's face at the end is classic.
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