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Everything posted by Colly

  1. His 'getting caught on his doorstep by Sky News' interview was pretty good too. I've always felt that in a quiz question of 'Which one of the Top Gear team isn't a twat?' the answer would always be James May.
  2. Probably a few posts after slating Townsend for being rubbish.
  3. Twitter people are so stupid. @VancityReynolds @deadpoolmovie Please tell me it's going to be based of the comics and not that shitty Wolverine movie character. Please.
  4. Did anyone else find Townsend's commentary after Sterling fouled a defender leaving him on a stretcher hilarious? I know he's one eyed, but to ignore absolutely everything he was seeing to focus on Sterling 'being more careful late on in games so he doesn't hurt himself' was bordering on parody.
  5. The best national team is the World Cup holders. We sometimes go unbeaten in qualifying prior to embarrassingly folding in the group stage at tournaments when it actually matters.
  6. I could live with another 'no I didn't kick him up the arse, oh hang on now I've seen the replay I did kick him up the arse', my favourite non-FKW moment.
  7. Also,how impractical would that rule be? Smash ten long balls in, let the centre half clear them all, then stick one more in and nod home unchallenged. Big Sam would love it.
  8. I think a lot of players from the very very early days suffered neck problems etc, but looking at the balls they used it's no wonder. I'd like to see some studies based on the 70s and later, I find it hard to believe the number of headers would be an issue. One unlucky one could probably do horrendous damage, but consecutive headers done right?
  9. I love Jeff Astle, mainly for Fantasy Football, but what are they raising awareness of? The fact that footballs used to be really heavy?
  10. I forgot what thread I was in, thought it was airbrushed Martin Skrtel.
  11. Twenty minute rant and an assault that put the guy in A&E. Wish I'd signed that petition now.
  12. Wasn't it Poundland Stig? He looked shit. I'd take Chris Evans, works for me.
  13. Dara and Ed's Great Big Adventure was great. Like a Top Gear special without the casual racism. Just make lots of these things BBC.
  14. I need to bingewatch a lot of X-Files quickly, and painfully given how bad I remember the latter seasons being.
  15. http://www.theguardian.com/football/quiz/2015/mar/24/football-quiz-name-the-career Everyone loves a good quiz. I got 13 which I'm ludicrously happy with. Should've stuck it in that Lounge thread...
  16. Newcastle don't bring any through and we sell anyone over 25.
  17. Colly

    One Album Wonders

    I just discovered Andrew WK released half a dozen albums including one instrumental piano solo and another made up entirely of Gundam covers. :/
  18. I think that was essentially the point though. Rick (like Sasha) has gone a bit Nam and is taking things much too far, but is justified in challenging the wife beater (even if doing it for the wrong reason of trying to get his end away), so Michonne stopping him midrant to save the town is the right thing to do.
  19. I need to get on this. What are the must sees? And which ones should I not watch with a three year old or is that not an issue?
  20. But again that's because Mason has earned his place. If the likes of Bentaleb or whoever weren't in the squad at all he would've been in earlier, playing against other inferior 'more English' teams, before making the England squad and being blitzed by teams made up of players who've been playing with and against actual top level players week in week out rather than an artificial construct of 'top' English players. Poch should be commended, but if Mason hadn't performed he'd be out of the team like anyone else. As a Newcastle fan I'd much rather see Riviere get a proper chance than see Carver persist with shoving a clearly not ready Armstrong into games.
  21. Really? Rick is a bit wobbly, but wife beater is a wife beater with no redeeming qualities bar 'doctoring'.
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