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Everything posted by Colly

  1. Sadly everybody on planet earth don't make a difference if Davide (e added for pronunciation) can't bribe enough backwater nations.
  2. David Ginola is going to run for FIFA presidency. All is fucking right with the world.
  3. Did I read right that it's actually £14m plus Altidore going the other way? That seems more sensible, probably only works out to about a £6m fee for Defoe had it been cash only.
  4. Need another Benfica goal for £60 on my lucky 15. Had Bradford, Saints, Lazio and Benfica -2. Not happening... Edit: 2 more is fine. Thanks lads.
  5. I'm just bemused by how they managed to qualify.
  6. Lineker gets a like for recognising Palestine.
  7. I want Algeria to go out rapidly so we can stop pretending Abeid is injured. I'm going for Doctor Congo too.
  8. So disappointing that photo obscures the PJ on his t shirt.
  9. I'm not saying don't include it, in fact I haven't even seen it yet, I'm just trying to explain the question. I am a huge fan of the fact that American tv seems to be embracing either shorter seasons (Hannibal) or even better these closed off miniseries with a conclusive end (Fargo, True Detective which I've yet to watch so it might not be conclusive...) rather than never ending cash cows where the end game is hurriedly invented before they're cancelled.
  10. I don't think its about raw quantity, isn't it more that Flash isn't actually through a full season yet so thus far its just origin and some monster of the week stuff? Black Mirror was wonderful but it had a start, middle and end, which Flash has yet to have.
  11. If that's how he defends corners he'll fit right in.
  12. Finally saw ASM2. Apologies, awful sentence structure but it doesn't deserve an edit...
  13. That's fine but we're just trying to clarify what you mean, by 'the best in two leagues' do you mean the best player to grace the Premiership and La Liga, or do you mean he's got more right to say he's best in the world by winning Ballon D'ors whilst playing in two different leagues? Debating a point is fine as long as we understand what the point is. I'd personally argue that given Messi was 19/20 when Ronaldo won his first its a pretty unfair comparison.
  14. Who is the better player is a different debate to 'does Ronaldo winning in it two separate leagues (which he did last year so not sure why this years confirms it) prove he is the best' though, and it doesn't. If Messi wins it next year he's best in the world, and doesn't need a 'CDIOAWWNIS' asterisk next to his name.
  15. Shafted from all angles by this move, thanks a lot to Man Utd and Preston. Fair enough if Johnstone wants to join his hometown club, but we had a loan agreement until the end of January and you're telling me he couldn't have stayed one more day and played for us in a potentially massive FA Cup replay? Ridiculous, Preston have chucked a daft amount of money at him for a League One team and we are now forced to go down to Bristol City with one goalkeeper, a 21 year old with 60 minutes of first team experience. We can kiss goodbye the TV game against West Ham or Everton then, what a joke. Would you like Jak Alnwick?
  16. It took me until Ant's clarification to have a clue what was going on here and I still don't agree. Ronaldo proved he's the best in the world today by winning this years Ballon D'or, the state of the Premier League 7 years ago has nothing to do with it. Otherwise I'm saying Kevin Keegan is still best in the world.
  17. If Suarez hadn't bitten yet another human he might've had a shout, as it is he missed too much football and Robben deserves his spot.
  18. I take back everything bad I ever said about Cyclops and his cursed optic blasts, as long as it means I don't have to read any more of Daredevils 'she would never go out with a blind man' and 'the only emotion my radar-sense can't identity is love'. He's very bad. I am looking forward to a bit more differentiation as time goes on, as it stands DD, Iron Man, Thor and Spidey all have identical secret identity/love life problems that could all be solved with a brief conversation...
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