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Status Updates posted by Lineker

  1. Formula 1 is set to have two grands prix in the United States from 2013, with plans for a race around the streets of New Jersey expected to be confirmed as early as next week.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CraigOrion


      I miss Austria and Imola.

    3. Gazz


      Snooki the human chicane.

    4. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      Baltimore did a street race this year for IndyCar. Would doubt F1 would want to come here, but it would probably be a bigger deal than IndyCar was.

  2. Frankie Boyle on Channel 4 = win

  3. fuck Ellis.

    1. Noah


      I have standards.

    2. JasonM


      Lets all have a big Ellis gangbang, for tolerance and respect and stuff!

    3. Noah
  4. fucking rain.

    1. Sousa


      How does it work!?

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Are you venting your frustration on the weather system we call rain or are you like that guy who would update his status with proclimations of 'banging' Divas, in this case being indy grappler Rain?

    3. Lineker
  5. games to buy: F1 2010, Football Manager 2011, SvR11.

    1. DJ Ice
    2. Lineker
    3. Rocky


      FM11 is a definite, as is SVR11. Got no plans for anything else yet.

  6. Get a better name, HICKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Getting excited about the WrestleRock Rumble!

  8. Good idea: taking the mick. Bad idea: taking TheMick

  9. good luck Mr. and Mrs. Hammy!

    1. King Ellis
    2. Lineker


      Imminently, if his Facebook status' are anything to judge by <_<

  10. good news - the hosepipe bans have been lifted!

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      But the Who ban remains. Cameron's Britain!

    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      I can't listen to Young Man Blues in Britain no more? :(

    3. Fudge


      pipehose what now?

  11. ground control to Major Tom.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lineker


      ...when did I ask to see her Facebook? Read.

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      Coming from the guy who looked up a customer's Facebook and fell in love with hr despite her not knowing your own name?

    4. LUKIE


      I never said I wasn't creepy... :0)

  12. guess who's back? Ernie's back! To the Cube, gogogo!!

  13. Guilty, as charged.

  14. Ha, on the list of every member. You're dead last. Even below Jouzy.

  15. Happy 102nd Birthday, Yada™!!

  16. Happy birthday Blaze!

  17. Happy birthday compadre!

  18. Happy birthday Jesus!!

  19. Happy birthday mate!

  20. Happy Birthday Sousa!!

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