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Status Updates posted by Chris2K

  1. @The Kraig this was 17 years ago. We are old. 


  2. Why did I think it was safe to go back on TV Tropes? I've spent so long reading stuff on there that I've literally forgotten why I went there in the first place.

  3. Possibly my first ever ranking in the Popular Contributors list. If only it was WrestleMania week every week.

    1. Noah


      Wrestlemania got you the likes but Pokemon won you the hearts.

    2. Chris2K


      And now I'm top. This is a proud moment in my life.

    3. Noah
  4. Hello, everybody! Did somebody say, "a perfect game?!"

  5. Just watched the final episode of Friends (after watching all ten seasons in order). Crying like a baby.

  6. Hooray for the tightrope walking dog! And his three legged best friend Skippy!

  7. How's that for piledriving Miss Daisy?

    1. GA!


      Stunt Granny </3

  8. I'm collecting Merlin Premier League stickers for the first time in 15 years and it is SO difficult to find any at the moment. If anyone sees any online then feel free to let me know!

  9. Ho ho ho, Merry Everyone!

    1. GA!


      HO HO HO, MERRY.... Line?

  10. Whoa-oh-oh-oh-ooooh, Whoa-oh-whoa-oh-oh-ooooh - LET'S GO!

    1. JasonM



  11. Hey fatty! I got a movie for ya! "A Fridge Too Far!"

  12. Fire! Fire! Help me! 123 Cavendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Maurice Moss.

  13. RIP Geoffrey Holder. An amazing dancer, choreographer, legendary voodoo villain and non-caffeinated beverage advocate :(.

  14. Would Willie's fence-mending eggs bear fruit? Or would his olive branch be torn apart by woodpeckers of mistrust? That night, fate wore a cummerbund... of suspense.

  15. Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.

  16. "Yes, and you call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled."

  17. Without watching TV I just recognised that Die Another Day was on from the gun barrel sequence. It's the only one where the bullet makes a noise. I depress myself.

    1. IDOL


      Is it said I never realized it was a gun barrel until American Dad made that spoof episode?

    2. Noah


      Well I never said that.

    3. Sousa


      Perhaps the same could be said of ALL religions!

  18. Christina Marie was screwed. And not in the way I think of every time I see her. Very few people know what this refers to.

    1. Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

      Roster Depth Sicko No. 2

      I completely agree, but feel sad that I know what you're on about.

  19. "How ironic would it be for Stone Cold Steve Austin to put Bret Hart in the Sharpshooter and win by submission?" - Vince McMahon, Survivor Series 1996

  20. Yeah that looks Justin Credible.

    1. Benji


      That looks Bastion Booger.

  21. A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maxx
    3. Noah


      I never even heard that word, before I came to EWB.

    4. Benji



  22. Needing Rivalry ideas for my WWE2K14 Universe Mode -


  24. Hoisin Crispy Owl. McFortune Cookies. Potato Grids. Fluffy Ruffs. Bonbonbonbons.

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