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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. I am somehow interested in seeing how EA manage to mirco-transaction-ise the Transfer Portal.
  2. The crazy thing is that every bad movie that Sony make isn't really damaging them, it's damaging Marvel. Not only are these characters basically unusable again for a long time, but your average movie-goer is going to see the Marvel title-card and assume these movies are part of the MCU, or at least made by Marvel Studios. The Spider-Verse films probably avoid that issue because being animated makes a clear enough distinction. And I get the feeling that Dakota Johnson, daughter of Hollywood royalty that she is, can pretty much phone in any performance or press tour and it won't affect the chances of her getting hired again.
  3. Madame Web is being critically panned more than any Marvel-related project since Howard the Duck, with the YouTube channels I follow actively suggesting not to go to the cinema to watch it so as not to encourage Sony to make any more MCU-adjacent films. The major notes, which again are not from me but from reviewers: - Dakota Johnson is terrible, not in a "bad script that she is trying her best with", but a "bad script that she is not trying to help with a consistent monotone delivery". - The trailers that showed various spider-people suited up is a straight up bait-and-switch, the time they spend as their hero monikers in the movie itself is less than a minute. This, despite Sony being roasted for doing the exact same thing with Vulture's appearance in Morbius. - The ADR work is so bad that often the audio doesn't match the words on screen. - Everything looks cheap, the CGI is bad, and the editing seems to have been done to extend the movie length. - There's no mid or post credits scene, which is not a bad thing in itself, but just goes to further emphasise how nobody at Sony cares about their own universe. Please Sony just give it up.
  4. I've just started a watch through of the original, but I'm not sure I'll be done by the time it comes out, Wasn't expecting it this soon to be honest!
  5. Winning the fights off the court as well! Although Isaiah Stewart punching out Drew Eubanks in the parking lot may not have been the smartest decision.
  6. I love that Hardman was looking around in the end zone, seemingly in disbelief that he had just caught a Super Bowl winning touchdown.
  7. The ball was barely over the line before they cut to Taylor. I am happy for Andy Reid at least.
  8. And just like that, they're winning again. They're always winning again.
  9. Deebo down is a massive blow.
  10. He said he would roller skate, and he is roller skating. I'm enjoying the performance. Maybe a tad underwhelming, but damn can Usher dance.
  11. What the fuck is Kelce doing that to Andy Reid for?
  12. 49ers defence has turned up to play this week.
  13. Deadpool 3 has been renamed to Deadpool & Wolverine. And I may be looking forward to this more than any film I can remember, except Endgame.
  14. There is nobody in the world whose voice does not match their appearance more than Post Malone. Oh look, it's the blonde lady.
  15. I fail to see how the Washington franchise has not proven itself to be the gold standard of leadership credentials.
  16. I did wonder if she was shaking the net, but put it down to her just aggressively climbing it. Then Guy Mowbray mentioned it, which they wouldn't have aired if there wasn't some truth to it. She also spent most of The Ring crawling on the ground to get to the centre part after getting tackled, whilst Tuathlaith was out-running her Gladiator to get there on her feet. That's more of an issue with the rules of the game, but even so. Almost forgot, this should hopefully be the example needed for them to get rid of the trapeze and get something that doesn't look so ridiculous. A literal platform to jump on and jump off would be better (if they're not going to bring back the rolling log).
  17. TIL there's an NPC in Hitman 2/WOA who uses his location in Miami to imitate one of Miami's most famous crime scene investigators.
  18. Can't say I was a fan of Betti going through after her pathetic display in Duel Huge respect for to Paul for competing, and not doing badly at all, at 57.
  19. The Pistons couldn't find a trade partner for Killian Hayes. So they just released him.
  20. As far as I'm concerned it's the worst in history. NOT ROBIN. What's annoying is that Thanasis Antetokounmpo is still employed by the Bucks, but they get rid of another player's brother (and even paid the Kings to take him).
  21. Aside from the Hornets blowing up their roster, today feels like a stream of players being traded for the other players at their exact same level.
  22. Hmm, the wording just says "Silverstone". This could mean that they're racing at a newly built street circuit around the A43.
  23. So far from a colour standpoint we have: McLaren - Mainly black/ bits of Orange Haas - Mainly black/ bits of Red Williams - Black/Blue Sauber - Black/Green Alpine - Mainly black/bits of light blue and pink I know I've been mocked for being annoyed by this before, but everything being carbon fibre coloured is so dull.
  24. Whilst I have no desire for her to win this in any form, part of me would love it if they were forced to rehire her, and in the opening scene of the next Star Wars TV show they mention that Cara Dune was killed off-screen.
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