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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Yeah, I thought that David's voice would've been better. Probably saving money, or Kevin Harrington didn't want to come back.
  2. It all comes to a head on tomorrow's show:
  3. Best ODI ever. Shame I didn't get to see it.
  4. It was a good race, my hatred of Schumacher (ever since Adelaide '94 with Jerez '97 adding to it) meant I'm glad he lost out. I also think Ross Braun is a smug twat. Just a shame Melbourne couldn't hold the opening race as usual, staying up all night to watch the opening race became a tradition for me.
  5. Why did Gail Kim suddenly become Alex's daughter?
  6. Alexander's staying in Seattle.
  7. Well not seasons as such, but I think they have a big moment to end the year, which was what the spoiler event was.
  8. I know the Aussie "season" ended with... .
  9. I'm British. I bought Mario Superstar Baseball.
  10. I completed Pikmin the other day. I got it three years ago. I wouldn't advise getting it. Mario Superstar Baseball is pretty damn good.
  11. Having seen the pics in the zip folder, it's weird to think she's only 16.
  12. Allegedly, Vince Young scored a 6 on the Wonderlic test. SIX. In light of this and the doubts about his throwing arm etc., many are expecting him to be drafted after both Leinart AND Cutler now. He also turned up to the White House not wearing a suit.
  13. Isn't he doing that in ALL of them? As Benji said, there's "dead" and there's dead. Harold was "dead", Dee, Liljana and Serena are all "dead", Drew, Madge and David are dead.
  14. Yeah, the bikini made the episode. As did the delivery from Janae that was going about ten yards outside off stump, but SHOCKINGLY swung back in and hit middle stump. Although the Drew flashbacks of past episodes really annoy me. If they wanted him to come back, WHY KILL HIM OFF?
  15. Looks like Culpepper wants to stay at the Vikings. Nothing like decisive actions from a Quarterback is there?
  16. The British chick who won a silver today lives about 5 miles from me. So naturally I'm treating it as a "local girl does good" thing and feel far happier than I should do. But then the entire country is doing the same.
  17. Here, I decided to make up some questions for people to answer. Mainly because I don't have the knowledge to answer them myself. 1. Where will Shaun Alexander play next season? 2. Will the Texans draft Reggie Bush? 3. Where will Vince Young and Matt Leinart end up? 4. Where will Edgerrin James play next season? 5. And are the Colts right to keep Reggie Wayne and lose James? 6. Will Terrell Owens find a new franchise? 7. Where will Daunte Culpepper play next season?
  18. TV Burp is probably my favourite comedy show around right now. I can understand why people might not like it, but if we all liked the same things, we'd be terrorists.
  19. This is an excerpt from Gene Wojciechowski's ESPN.com column: Maybe, just maybe it's time we noted that the Steelers won the Superbowl and that won't change, and people start concentrating on preparations for next season?
  20. As a Steelers fan, the botched FG was hilarious. I guess the whole Palmer injury will go under the forever-expanding "what-if" category.
  21. http://img27.exs.cx/img27/7971/StephanieMa...erie_90111J.jpg There's your Sky in lingerie fantasy. Sky and Janae are a lot hotter than Miss Serena Notits.
  22. Chris2K

    Madden 2006

    I'm a Brit who hasn't experienced much NFL, but I'm getting into it more and more recently. As someone who doesn't fully understand all the rules yet, would Madden 06 not seem that confusing, or would I have to play it for a while until I managed to get what I was supposed to do?
  23. Blah, blah, blah, PE5 will be better, etc. I don't care, PE5 isn't on the GameCube, so I'm getting FIFA as usual. Unless I shockingly decide to get Madden 06 instead. I'm not much of an American Football fan, but I'm learning.
  24. Eugh, Diana's status as a martyr repulses me. I think the Berlin Wall should've been higher, but at least it wasn't C4. They would have made Nadia winning Big Brother #1 probably.
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