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Everything posted by Chris2K

  1. Sure! How good's your defending? Absolutely awful, but occasionally I get lucky if I press the right button at the right time.
  2. Grr, Sainsburys all out of Black 2 so I had to get White 2. As I had Black before I have a feeling going to Black 2 would have been a better ide.a

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I only wanted the white one, they sent me bloody black!

    2. JasonM


      And here I was thinking y'all was talking about the Lionhead classic...

    3. jrhodes


      Send the bugger back Ellis!

  3. This may sound stupid considering the thread's sub-title, but are you guys doing this on the PS3? If so... can I play? ^_^
  4. Christian Horner has also said that Vettel will be driving for Red Bull in 2014 this morning. I have a feeling this is going to get messy.
  5. Watching College Football has made me realise just how many people's first names have apostrophes in them. This is a worrying sign for humanity.

    1. Josh


      HA! Non-anglos, amirite?

  6. I've started a manager career as Bristol Rovers as I always play as a local team in the lowest division. It's still got the usual unrealistic transfer system, joining me on loan are Haris Seferovic and Marko Livaja who are a bit too good for the League 2 defenders. It'll be interesting to see what the Job Offers are like as I've got a bit frustrated in past games at being stuck in the same job constantly. Wish I'd saved a replay of a goal I scored earlier, after an opposition goal kick a defender headed it forward, Seferovic did a lob header to one striker (Elliot Richards), who lob headed a cross to Livaja, it bounced once and he did a lob shot header over the goalkeeper and in. Take that Cheltenham. If you play a lot of Ultimate Team make sure you check out the Football Club catalogue, some of the things you buy include extra coin bonuses, extra room for consumables and the trade pile and extra slots for squads.
  7. The game is officially "released" for those with the EA Season Ticket which allowed an early access version of the game to be downloaded at 6pm last night. Judging from when your post was though it probably is a hack of some kind, nobody can play 136 games in 2 hours 40 mins, unless he's some kind of beta tester. Speaking of one of those people with an EA Season Ticket (I bought it yesterday as I'm off work all next week and can now play it non-stop) I can tell you that not much in the game has changed. Career mode is pretty much the same, Ultimate Team has a new layout which is pretty cool, and the Football Club aspect has been developed a bit more and is actually worth checking out.
  8. It seems to be back up now, although I fear that if they hacked it once they can hack it again. I've got my loyalty packs, lots of players I know but knowing them doesn't make them good. My strike force of Andy Johnson and Milan Baros will not be there come my first game. Best player I got was Juan Manuel Vargas (80). If anyone ever wants to play me my PS3 username is Chris_KOTW, I'm usually good for adding an easy win to your record. http://www.ea.com/soccer/fifa-ultimate-team/show-off#bZgx51qRnHmWn:ps3
  9. I managed to get in for a bit, got my starter pack which was as dire as always, but was soon booted out. It's been down for maintanance ever since, about 5 hours in total. Same thing every year and yet they never seem to account for the rush of traffic when it launches.
  10. I'm at work so I can't go on the Web App yet, the e-mail I got was the world taunting me. Any changes to the web app at all? I'm guessing the rush of traffic means it won't be working when I get home...
  11. Chael owns a Pizzeria and this is the current special... He's a hard man to hate.
  12. Machida has turned down the proposed fight against Jones at UFC 152, so stepping into the breach is your friend and mine.... Vitor Belfort.
  13. I want a sound byte of Paul Heyman saying "BROCK LESNARRR" as my text alert.

    1. Beefus of Bethesda

      Beefus of Bethesda

      pretty sure android has an app for that.

  14. Anyone in the EWB-verse play BATRacer (the F1 browser game) on a daily basis?

  15. Chris2K's Olympic Sport of the day: Volleyball.

  16. Francine, I'll take my sandwich in the study.

  17. I think I just swallowed a fly. That's a bit of a buzz kill.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Swallow a spider.

    2. Rocky


      But make sure you have a bird on hand to get the spider.

    3. botchedpiledriver
  18. Watching World of Sport's British Wrestling is the greatest thing in the world. CYANIDE SID COOPER~! would kick your ass.

  19. I've just finished Revelations and the main storyline is getting to new levels of wackiness. I've played through all 4 games and even I'm not entirely sure of everything that's going on, so I have absolutely no idea how they intend to bring new players into the game at this stage. A 90 second catch-up video at the start of the game isn't exactly going to be enough to cover everything without confusing the hell out of a first time player. It seems a bit of a drawback when you compare it to the GTA method of grouping their games into specific timelines and making a fresh start every so often.
  20. Did you know that sewing up a cut on a cat's paw and the antibiotics for afterwards costs £188.30? I found this out the hard way.

    1. brenchill


      Not surprised. When it comes to fixing up your pets, vets have you by the balls.

    2. StevenRichardsRules


      Which is a lot less fun than it sounds.

    3. larrymann


      if they had you by your pets balls you could just cut them off.

  21. Ahh Pepsi Max. Eases the pain.

    1. Toe


      Could I get a Pepsi Free?

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      If you want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      And now I can do what I came in here to do; Pepsi Max doesn't eases pain, it only causes more pain.

  22. Someone at my cricket match today made 293 off 145 balls. Good effort that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rich


      sounds like i was bowling!

    4. Mongrel


      Pfft, couldn't hack it in the nervous 290s.

  23. I have Uruguay in my work sweepstake. I'm happy. And that last penalty was just a giant kick in the nuts. But Suarez should be banned from the semi and the final/3rd place match. And it opens up a can of worms about a "penalty goal" rule...
  24. He's released, so Luke's all yours Plubby.
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