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Status Replies posted by C-MIL

  1. Just gave my two weeks notice. Without any plan. I'm so dumb.

  2. "The Switchblade Fiend" Jay Wyatt

  3. Trying to watch 10 hours of wrestling in 2 days is masochistic as hell!

    1. C-MIL


      I take it you're skipping New Year's Dash then?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. About a day and half to submit ballots for EWB's Favorite TV Show 2019! You watched TV that isn't wrestling this year, don't lie!

  5. About a day and half to submit ballots for EWB's Favorite TV Show 2019! You watched TV that isn't wrestling this year, don't lie!

    1. C-MIL


      Definitely finish it. It's still a good show with some important things to say. It'd be my #1, but it'd be #1 of 1 rather than the #1 that it earned in previous years.

      Actually, I just looked at some other ballots and Last Week Tonight would get my #1. I don't remember if A.P. Bio was 2019 or 2018, but I liked that too. I need to catch up on Mr. Robot bad. Probably need to rewatch from the beginning as I got crazy lost once it started getting really weird.

      Would a vote for Nitro count? There's no actual proof that it existed before 2019...



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. About a day and half to submit ballots for EWB's Favorite TV Show 2019! You watched TV that isn't wrestling this year, don't lie!

    1. C-MIL


      I can do them, sure. If you'd prefer to do them, that works for me too.


       You watched TV that isn't wrestling this year, don't lie!


      I watched GLOW, but I didn't like it as much as previous seasons.


      Not enough wrestling. :blush:


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. You never wrote a diary in The Dome, but you want to? Then join the special season of Revolving Door right now! (Also one of the mods please move the sign-up thread to resource room) 


  8. Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still.

    1. C-MIL



  9. He's a guy with values, he's a family man

    1. C-MIL


      Loves his wife and son and does the best he can

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. How does it feel when you're in REM?


    1. C-MIL


      It's been a while.

  11. So if I have the last posts in both the dome and the cube does that mean I control the creative control section and therefore have creative control over my EWB contract?

    1. C-MIL


      It means you have to pick a side or risk being shunned by both villages.

  12. Man, what happened to the "past usernames" button, I need to know who people are when y'all change your names to like "Gary Shitbeans" or something.

  13. Now, at the start of the evening, Yvette was here, by herself, waiting to offer you all a glass of champagne. I was in the hall....I know because I was there.

  14. Pandemic! Got that pandemic!

    1. C-MIL


      I hear that W.M.D. is the bomb.

  15. Man, The Kayfabe Thread could be such an unrepentant, joyful shot in the arm. Don't monkey it up!

    1. C-MIL


      Give the Lucha Underground thread a chance. A lot of it is us trying to piece together the weird mythology they're building and sharing theories. Also dorking out over killer pro wrestling.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Randomly started reading FUSE again.  Can't believe it's been so long.  I wouldn't mind seeing it get turned into a book or something -- Backyard to Small.  Anyway, just thought I'd let you know how much I still enjoy it!

  17. Shut up about your catering business!

    1. C-MIL


      Was it difficult to gain their trust?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Much love to the first person who can PM me the G-1 Climax dates. Too worried to enter any topics in case I get any spoilers.

    1. C-MIL


      July 20, 23-26, 28-29. August 1-2, 4-5, 7-9, 11-12, 14-16.

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