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Everything posted by Gazz

  1. No. Fighter 1 has Fighter 2 in a rear naked choke. Fighter 3 can then easily mount and GnP both of them in quick sucession. Failing that, it's dangerous, someone is going to get caught with an unguarded shot and suffer a serious injury.
  2. I quite like the idea of having a shirt with Pavel Srnicek's face on it...
  3. The nation of Albania mourns for Norman Wisdom.

  4. Gazz

    Top 100 Canadian Singles

    No Robin Sparkles?
  5. Is it me or has there been a shit load more horror tackles than usual? Karl Henry's made three on his own so far this season.
  6. You'll be fine, it's the turn of the Newcastle team that play like Barcelona on steroids to show up.
  7. is drunk but coherent. Wheyy! :D

  8. That's balls though. 'Rosberg is five seconds ahead of you' You mean that Rosberg who's about 50 meters in front of me?
  9. Anybody else notice Neil's sister is in Resident Evil : Afterlife?
  10. GET THE FUCK IN~! 6th at Malaysia in a Virgin on Professional! Qualified 20th. Took advantage of it pissing it down early on to get up into the points, pitted early as the track started to dry. Was as high as 3rd before the big boys put on dry tyres and then reeled me in.
  11. Yeah, they do. I've seen a few, most notable was Alonso dicking it into a wall at turn 4 in Australia, I've also seen both HRT's DQed for what I can only assume was not moving over on a blue flag.
  12. If you're playing on Sexbox, it's Y. I wish this game had the proper :LG presentation, with a scrolling race order along the bottom. Something telling me how far in front the next car is would be nice too.
  13. Third race (Malaysia) was an absolute git. Qualified 17th in monsoon conditions, which continued into the race. Made a great start and somehow got up to 8th after the first two corners. Schumacher and Vettel collide and I'm up to 6th. Lap 7 Alonso sticks his car into a wall and I'm 5th with Kubica all over the back of me. Held him there until lap 13 as the track starts to dry. He passes and eventually Liutzi catches me on lap 17. He goes for the pass down the inside but overcooks it a corner later and spins right in front of me, where I can't avoid hitting him. I get a drive through penalty for dangerous driving and a puncture, which I can't change until after the drive through, so I go in and back out crawling round with the puncture. By the time I'm back out, I'm 21st, dead last on track by an absolute mile.
  14. I love the little things, like the track getting faster as the race wears on because there rubber down on the track and that is also seems easier to pressure a rookie into a mistake rather than the veterans. I'm doing a career on 50% distance, so far I qualified 17th in Bahrain and finished 11th after staying out longer on the first stint and in Australia I qualified 23rd (18th but I got a five place grid penalty for overcooking it in Q1 and smacking into the back of Alonso) and finished 13th after sitting on Schumi's exhaust for the last 10 or so laps.
  15. The Dark Knight. Batman is a walking PATRIOT act. I also love 300 because they hack a bunch of Iranians to death. U Spart A! U Spart A! U Spart A!
  16. I downloaded the ghost lap of the fastest time so far for Montreal. 1.10.??? Just how? Not only is that 5 seconds faster than this years real life pole time, he was taking corners at speeds I can only dream of. :/
  17. By the 5 or 6th generation Xbox, you should be able too.
  18. I would get Dead Rising, but it lacks LL.
  19. I don't see Bernie's argument, if we'd have had medals this season, we would have five drivers battling for the world title in pretty much the same positions as they are now and the championship would probably go down to the final race, which it probably will do anyway. I also agree with Hammy, only 5 drivers representing 3 teams have won races this season. What's the point in racing for the other 8 teams or drivers like Kubica who are consistently in the points despite not having a top level car? With medals they're would be no difference between him this season and Chandhok. The sport would end up like the WRC with two manufacturers and a worldwide television audience of about 6 people and a goat. In short, retire Bernie, you're a joke.
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