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Status Replies posted by DFF

  1. I think I am going to go see a movie today. If you had to choose between Fantastic Beasts, Passengers or Assassins Creed what would you pick? Or is there something else good out? Only thing I have seen in a couple months is Rogue One so the options are pretty wide open

    1. DFF


      Fantastic Beasts easily. I've not heard anything overly positive about the other two, whereas Beasts is really good. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Not sure why the Team Rock topic got posted twice...

  3. That's me off to Yorkshire for the next three years, wooo.

    1. DFF


      We have the best pubs and countryside - what more could you want? :-p

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. That's me off to Yorkshire for the next three years, wooo.

    1. DFF


      Where in Yorkshire, Troy?

      Welcome to God's Own County :-D

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. Get your votes in for Eurovision: Champion of Champions 2012! You have until tomorrow night! Presumably at midnight, GMT.

  6. Get your votes in for Eurovision: Champion of Champions 2012! You have until tomorrow night! Presumably at midnight, GMT.

  7. As a Bears fan this is the greatest thing I have seen since the last greatest thing I have ever seen and I don't even care if anyone else ever posted it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zi0xiIiUBw

  8. So, I just a CD I got in 1998 called "The Best Bands Of The Next Century". It features Terrorivsion, A, Vast, Wilt and The Paradise Motel. I hope whoever put it together got fired.

  9. This week I'll be mostly changing my name to random Wheel Of Time characters. Or until I get bored of it

    1. DFF


      Have you guys read all of the books thus far? I'm currently 2/3 of the way through book 6.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. This week I'll be mostly changing my name to random Wheel Of Time characters. Or until I get bored of it

  11. Unexpectedly busy day today. When I return this evening, Anime Mafia V sign-ups will begin! 28 spots open, let's see who makes it in.

    1. DFF


      I'll play. I'll probably be Mafia, seen as though its Anime Mafia >_>

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Good news! After rewriting it SIX TIMES I'm finally happy with the main event!

  13. Senna. Wow.

    1. DFF


      Yeah, it is. Definitely check it out on love film/buy the DVD. Apparently there is an uncut/director's cut version that is an hour longer - I'd love to see that. Quality stuff.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Dear Nancy Grace, stop trying to get the phrase "tot mom" over. It's not cute; you're trying too hard.

  15. Is Sucker Punch really as terrible as people are making it sound? I trust you guys to save me from a bad experience

  16. What did Zane Lowe say about beyonce at Glastonbury? Twitter doesn't seem to like him for it.

    1. DFF


      To be fair, I quite dislike Zane Lowe - but that sounds hilarious

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. is seeing Anvil tonight \\m//

  18. Today, is EWB's version of the death of bin Laden. viperlike has been banned!

  19. ....it's hard to think of more viperlike names, okay?!

  20. ....it's hard to think of more viperlike names, okay?!

  21. To sum up. Nerf: RAR RAR, THE RING, TROLL SOUSA, Blaze: LOL NERF, Nerf: ARGH Blaze: STFU *Nerf has signed off EWB* *LD makes a sandwich*

    1. DFF


      I must be in the minority that actually likes MPH >_>

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. NERDS UNITE!: Which Final Fantasy game should I play out of the following: 7,9,10,11 or 13?

  23. So I'm listening to Death Magnetic for the first time in ages. Jesus Christ was it always this god damn long?

    1. DFF


      I find Death Magnetic falls into the 'quite good but not earth shattering' category.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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