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The Comic Book Thread 2024


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New year, new thread and all that.

I've just done a re-read through of Secret Invasion and I maintain to this day that was one of the most disappointing events they ever did. So much potential in it in terms of both the event itself and the aftermath, but it never truly capitalised in any of the books.

Also I maintain that the New Avengers Illuminati setup should have lead to The Beyonder revealed as the Skrull God.

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  • Lineker changed the title to The Comic Book Thread 2024

I don't know what it is, but I just cannot get into Thor books. I'm trying to get through Siege in the Marvel Unlimited reading order and every time it's focused on Thor or Asgard (which, given the focus, is basically all of them) it's a fucking slog.

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Last year I finally got through the whole of Hickman's X-Men universe run. For some reason, I set out to read every single title and stubbornly did nearly everything. I couldn't finish Excalibur or some of the stuff like X-Corp, but I was stuck with the rest. 

I feel like it never lived up to how incredible Dawn of X / Powers of X was, but there was loads of stuff to enjoy in there. The flagship title was great, Hellions was the other standout and got a good kick out of the crossover events. 

I intend to keep going with a few more X titles, but I took a break to rattle through Chip Zdarsky's brilliant Daredevil run and I'm now working my way through Devil's Reign. I absolutely love what Zdarsky did with Daredevil, it's the kind of character-driven stuff I want from comics. 

Outside of Marvel Unlimited, I still love my non-superhero graphic novels and I'm getting loads out of Monica by Daniel Clowes. 

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7 hours ago, Benji said:

Potentially controversial opinion - Emma Frost and Cyclops is a better pairing than Cyke and any variant of Jean Grey ever is, was, or ever will be. They made each other significantly better and were a way healthier dynamic.

Jean and Scott always seemed like a forced pairing during their bigger moments. I don't think Cyclops really got all that interesting until well after Marvel moved on from that. Vicious dad version, leading with more ruthlessness despite the endgame being peace... that's the Scott Summers that I enjoy. Boyscout Cyclops was boring and one-dimensional.

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1 hour ago, Gabriel said:

Jean and Scott always seemed like a forced pairing during their bigger moments. I don't think Cyclops really got all that interesting until well after Marvel moved on from that. Vicious dad version, leading with more ruthlessness despite the endgame being peace... that's the Scott Summers that I enjoy. Boyscout Cyclops was boring and one-dimensional.

The problem is that at one point they swerved from boy scout to asshole.

I actually dislike the whole Jean-Scott-Logan love triangle. Jean and Logan makes no sense.

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Logan x Sabretooth is my ship.

No but seriously, I think I dislike Jean largely because she's often written incredibly one-dimensionally. She's either someone's love interest or Phoenix, and she was largely written in an era when female characters were largely just there for big strong men to rescue and it shows. I would love for her to be entirely separated from the X-Men entirely and develop her as a real character and personality for a few years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not very good at describing stuff or selling people on why it's good but I'm really enjoying Avengers: Twilight. Check out a description and see if it might appeal to any of you :) 

Also I still have some more of his stuff to read but I'm way into Tom King books. Any similar writers I should check out?

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