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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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haven't had a car disappear but i've had a modded car revert to normal. i tooka broadway and gave it a paint job and stuff. put it into the garage and brought it out only to notice my paint job gone the other mods stayed though

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I managed to make my wife sympathetic to my love of SA by getting her involved as Denise.

She spent five minutes laughing at the fact that one button is dedicated to kissing.

It really is surprisingly free with what you can do, shame you can't change Denise's clothes...

I like the way pressing select swaps between two player view and solo view so you can just wander around with Denise.

In the end we went down to the beach, headed out into the countryside (She was an awful shot!) and then she had to take a phonecall so I bombed the car off into a river and left Denise in the car as it slowly sank to the bottom.

All in all surprisingly fun but impossible to drive if the shooter is shooting behind you...

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Guest Downloading_Man

Slick Rick, Big Daddy Kane, Eric B & Rakim, GangStarr and Public Enemy > N.W.A, Tupac, Cypress Hill, Ice Cube and Eazy E

Pft. Don't kid yourself. NWA alone owns the rest of those guys!

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I drove a car into water and it sank fine. It flipped over I believe and spent a while floating like a car would then slowly tipped forwards and sank lower and lower. Twas coolios.

Slightly off topic, in the big storm drain Ibombed a motorbike the whole length into the water and got half way across to the other side before the bike sank :D

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I drove a car into water and it sank fine. It flipped over I believe and spent a while floating like a car would then slowly tipped forwards and sank lower and lower. Twas coolios.

Yeah but mine sink then float while under water, lol.

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When I first unlocked San Fierro, I swam over to Las Venturas thinking it was San Fierro. I stole a car and the police started going after me. I drove a around for about 10 minutes with helicopters and shit all around until I finally realized where I was. I just assumed the cops were after me because I stole a car infront of a police truck, without even noticing a had a 4 star warning.

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Once you've unlocked San Fierro. You can go to either San Fierro or Los Santos airport and pay a fee to be flown from one to the other. It gives you a nice cinematic of your flight, but the bad-ass thing about this is that you can jump from the plane at any time you like. You plummet toward the ground and deploy your parachute (or not, if you're twisted like that) when you wish.

The plane also flies over Las Venturas (even if you haven't unlocked it). My brother parachuted out of the plane over there and managed to land inside the airport, then took off with a helicopter.

So go parachuting, if you haven't already, it's seriously cool.

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I think I ended up on a roof in Los Santos when I first got the game and found a parachute. Needless to say I promptly dived off the building. That test about parachuting in Flying school brought back memories of Pilotwings on the SNES :)

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